A year or so ago I bought a Panasonic TZ7, a smashing little camera capable of doing far more things than I wanted, but with 12 x magnification and intelligent auto focus it was possible for even me to take some good pics.
I'm not quite sure what has happened but now all the pics I take seem massive when it comes to sending them by mails, 2400 kb in size.
The man in the camera shop reduced the pixel size from something like 10 million to 2 million but it makes no difference.
Have I fucked up something on the camera or can I just not find how to resize them on my pc ? I never used to have to resize them so I'm guessing that I've mucked up the settings on the camera somehow. Off to Pattaya in 5 weeks time and really want to have it sorted before then. Any help/advice gratefully received
" I have this problem with my ageing I no longer can ignore,
A tame and toothless tabby can't produce a lion's roar "