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Old 02-15-2011, 02:00 PM   #51

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Well , we finally went OTT.
This new dog is a right handful .I've never seen or will ever have another like him. Fookin monster. Makes a Pitbull look like a pet hamster.

Did any of you know a South African Boerboel was the nightmare dog of the world? It's so bastard strong. Unbelievable.
It's certainly won the most extreme pet of Mirkys collection.

It bit me playing about today and I've had dead arm ever since. They reckon a Timber wolf bites at 400lbs per square inch. Boerboels can manage 600-700lbs per square inch. It's like having a pet bear or tiger.

Porno aint scared of it though.

I reckon the devil has booted out Dobermans and Rottweillers now and employed Boerboels for the next Omen movies.

Even the Akita is scared of this fukka.
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