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Old 04-19-2010, 06:33 PM   #44

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timanonymous is on a distinguished road

This story of a foreign guy who goes to Nana and falls in love with a bar girl has played out an uncountable number of times. I knew about this happening to men even before I left for Thailand but the reason why I can fall for something I knew was coming was because it was so convincing.

She cried three times over the two weeks that I was there because I was talking about "when I leave...". She never asked for money but yes I did give it to her. When we made love she initiated it. When I call her she tells me that she loves me. All her friends told me that I was the first person she had ever gone home with let alone spend 2 weeks with. They told *her* (not me) not to fall in love.

It's too convincing. I tell this to people who have been to Bangkok before and they tell me that something similar happened to them too. Maybe this girl is different but how could I ever know that the way she acted was not just an elaborate plot to get into my finances.

I can't stand the idea that dating has to be as hard as it is for me back in the US. I hate how in the west I go out and maybe find some girl to bring along but she isn't the most beautiful woman I could want. I have to "settle" with someone. Or maybe she is beautiful but has a feeling of entitlement proportional to her beauty. In Bangkok I just sat down at a bar by myself, and the most beautiful woman in the bar walked up to me and said, "Hello, etc etc well, welcome to Bangkok". Then we went out all over town and although she was beautiful she didn't feel like every guy owed her something. But maybe none of it was real. I remember when I we were in one of the really posh clubs I asked her, "Am I dreaming?" and she said, "No, you are not dreaming" and then pinched my leg to demonstrate.

Me walking up to someone I like and for them to be shocked that someone like me would even ask the time of day, is the reality.

It's like for 2 weeks I was living someone else's life but then I woke up and realized that no, I am not THAT successful, or THAT attractive and I just want to go back to sleep.

I don't think alot of people are prepared for all the entire world has to offer (both the bad and the good). I think the world is dangerous. Not just because of obvious things like third country nationals with AK-47s but because of ALL the desires and temptations outside of the comfortable place I used to live in North Carolina. I think there are still many things I have not seen that you can desire so much that you would do ANYTHING for. I think everything that is out there is mostly documented but not really well known to most people. Bangkok I think is an example of this.

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