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Old 01-13-2008, 09:21 AM   #3

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torrenova is on a distinguished road

Don't worry about the weather. Even if it rains it is usually heavy for a short while 2 or 3 times a day maximum and then its all over and bright sunshine. What's the worst that could happen ? you'd be rained in a bar !

Lots of girls all year. If there are less punters then there are more girls to choose from and even if their numbers go down (which it doesn't really) then you've still got many many to choose from. Its not like there are 100 blokes and 101 girls, more like 1000 blokes and 10,000 girls.

Where to go ? follow your feet and eyes. Don't get fucked over in some semi clip joints or places where the girls have drink begging down to a fine art. Be careful until you've found your feet.

Always take some cards from your hotel. You'd be amazed how many people ask me at the end of the night to get them home when they don't remember which hotel they are in or where it is !

Finally, make sure to drop me a line and we can hook up for a beer or 20 !
__________________ xxx xxx

If you need to find me, you will know where to look. I will be there long after I am gone.
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