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Old 06-18-2007, 10:28 AM   #11

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Never had a problem with Toom until last time. One of his picked me up ok at my condo for an early flight to the Uk at the beginning of April. Told Toom at the same time to pick me up 3 days later in the evening. No car or man waiting. Phoned Toom. Spoke to him 5 minutes later and he said the driver told him he had a problem and would be late but was "about 20 minutes away".

I told him I did not believe him or his driver and I could be waiting forever for him to show up. He did recognise the amount of business I put his way from me personally but I told him that had all gone now as I could no longer recommend him.

The problem is that he went the way of all the rest. They start off ok, then actually become very good. Then they get too much work and they farm it out to people who are not up to scratch. They do their best to hold the operation together but eventually the glue and sellotape give way and it falls down like a pack of cards.

So how can you avoid this ? Down to us blokes I'm afraid. If you pay enough for the round trip to the airport then someone sensible would set up a business but if you want new cars, safe cars, serviced cars, drivers who are not on drugs and have actually been to sleep in the preceeding 24 hours then you will have to give up your Bt1000 or so trips and look for Bt2000+ trips to the airport.
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