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Old 12-17-2006, 09:08 PM   #1

Join Date:
Dec 2006

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noquit is on a distinguished road

Baht Buses: When I had left in November, they had already started to have charts on how much to charge the customer. For 5 people it was up to a certain charge, then for more than 5 people it was a certain amount to a maximum charge depending on how far one had to go
However for a single person, it was 10 baht.

So when the drivers get creative and try to hold you up for more, have your cell phone handy and know the number for the Tourist Police.

UNLESS!! You ask the driver how far is it to a certain destination.
Or, are you going to?
Or, do you pass by.....?
Or if the driver asks you where you are going and you tell him.

THEN!! You have hired him as a baht taxi and you had better have done an agreed upon price from the git go.
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