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gonzo 06-08-2014 12:38 PM

Embedding images - lower resolution
I've noticed on the last couple of photo threads I've posted the images when embedded into the board are at a much lower resolution than when viewed direct on Flickr. Anyone else noticed this?

I even signed up for a trial account with Smugmug as I know Bazza uses them but I got the same result - viewing the pic direct on Smugmug it's pretty much identical to how it looks viewing it direct off my hard drive but when I use the BB code and embed the picture onto the board the quality is dramatically reduced.

Anyone got any idea how I can get it sorted so pics look as they should when posted here?

bazzap 06-08-2014 10:13 PM

Testing some pics

From my Smugmug (paid) account

1600 x 1074

bazzap 06-08-2014 10:34 PM

This one from my free Flickr account

1140 x 1600

bazzap 06-08-2014 10:52 PM

Both the pics above are the original size that I uploaded to Smugmug & Flickr

Longest edge is 1600 as that is the maximum size that I can save them from Picasa, my photo editing software. Picasa is the Photoshop for dumb old fuckers like me :fogey:

When linking them to here I chose "Original" just as a test. Normally I use 1200.

I noticed that your pics were 800 x 600 in your Penarth thread

Can I suggest that you select a larger size and see what happens?


gonzo 06-09-2014 06:41 PM

Cheers Bazza, will give it a go but I upload all mine at full size so would need to resize before uploading I think as full size out of Aperture is massive.

bazzap 06-12-2014 11:34 PM

Just testing something

roamer 06-15-2014 09:38 AM

Hi bazza

I`ve used picassa for some years, after you originally mentioned it.

It seems to have changed recently ?

Google becoming more intrusive.

Anyway, brief question, is it still possible to use picassa for resizing and basic editing, i.e alter contrast, brightness etc.

I last used it in Feb this year, now seem unable to do so ?

I`m using an old version, picassa 3.

Help !


bazzap 06-16-2014 08:10 AM

Paul the latest version is Picasa 3.9

Yes you can do the basic editing. It is all that I do

To save your edited photo go to -

File, Export Picture to folder. Select where you want the file to be stored, then select size 1040 for Facebook, 1200 for here and Normal quality is fine.

Of course you can experiment what size suits you

Hope this helps


roamer 06-16-2014 08:50 AM

Hi bazzap


I re installed picasa and all seems OK now.

I tried both Nikon`s photo viewer/editor and Irfan view, both too complicated for me, picasa fairly straight forward.


gonzo 07-06-2014 07:29 PM

Speaking of software.....

If anyone wants a free copy of DXO Pro Optics follow the link above, enter your email address and you'll be taken to a page you can download it from and will be emailed an activation code. It's not the latest version, it's 7 rather than 9, but still has profiles and correction presets for all but the most recent cameras and lenses :thumbsup:

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