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roamer 09-09-2008 06:06 PM

Investing/Saving for Retirement
Do you give it much thought?

Excluding state or private pension, there seems to be 3 main ways,

1. cash on deposit at the highest rate
that you can find and feel safe with.
Then you`ve got inflation eating away at
your capital sum.

2. Company Shares, hoping that dividend income
and growth will keep pace with inflation.

3. Rental property, with all it`s inherent hassles whether in your home country
or elsewhere,again hoping that rental yields
keep pace with inflation,

Any other ideas?
Would you choose a mix of the above , if so,
what % would you put in each and why?

old crust 09-09-2008 06:14 PM

I'm looking to my pension to care of most things, which is made up of the mix you have shown. Wherever I am living will be owned, so no rental issues. The only thing I cannot work out is how many twentysomething Asians maids I will require to help me through the senior years.

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