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roamer 07-13-2012 08:51 AM

Vive la Britain 1 & 2
I bet the French are looking sadly at their coffee and croissants as British riders occupy the 1st & 2nd place in the overall standings of the Tour de France.:26_8_11:

Just to add insult to injury an Italian is 3rd.

Brits Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome both in the SKY team occupy the top 2 slots.


Last year`s Aussie :ausflag:winner Cadel Evans trailing in 4th place
and was soundly out ridden by the GB duo yesterday as well as in the previous Time Trial.

The French did at least have something to celebrate yesterday though as their rider Pierre ROLLAND:detective: rode superbly, winning the stage, deservedly.

Nice scenery even if the racing is of little interest.

One more time:


Official Tour web site

Fork Handles 07-13-2012 09:18 AM

yesterday's scenery was amazing.My typical night at the moment is to grab a few hours kip, wake at midnight, and watch for two hours.

So you're claiming Froome eh? Born in Kenya, first rode in Sarf Oofrica.

The way he's riding at the moment reminds me of the time Armstrong did the road runner impersonation to Jan Ullrich.
Ah well, I'm sure if they ride in the Olympics they'll find the testing regime a little more revealing. :flex:

Fork Handles 07-13-2012 09:25 AM

Speaking of drugs, saw an amazing doco about Ben Johnson the other day. Interviewed every runner from that 100m final in Seoul.

Fecking Christie still claiming he was set up.

The others all put their hands up.

Except Carl Lewis of course.
Because he was clean and pure.

I have to believe that, or nothing is sacred anymore.

The killer was the revelation that so many samples were 'lost' at the LA games.
And then a doctor who 20 years later went back and re-tested the samples he had saved from LA. Said he got so many hits he decided not to publish the results. Would have ended up with no medals, just a lot of tears.

roamer 07-13-2012 10:52 AM

I was wondering how long it would take to reel an Aussie in.

20 minutes.

It`s only a race, Lance Armstrong before was hated by the establishment because he kept winning.

They had to keep throwing drugs accusations at him, true/not true I don`t know but he was training on Xmas days when others were taking a break.

A minority sport and I won`t be bothered too much who wins, to me it`s just entertainment.

roamer 07-13-2012 03:03 PM

Yet another British win.

David Millar the veteran Scottish rider took today`s ultra long stage, very close sprint finish.



Fork Handles 07-14-2012 12:41 AM

Don't forget Wiggin's dad was an Aussie.

We'd claim him if he found a decent hairdresser.:mental:

roamer 07-14-2012 10:10 AM


yep, could do with a decent haircut.

Kidding aside, did you see Froome drop back after pacing Wiggins, seemingly spent then come back and launch his very short lived attack, with Wiggins not reacting ?

He had to make a statement that he was a team player and supporting Wiggins but that didn`t seem to be the case.

Fork Handles 07-14-2012 09:45 PM

yes saw that, I don't think he enjoys being second banana.

From a team viewpoint, if Wiggins has a problem then Sky can launch Froome.

gonzo 07-20-2012 11:53 PM

The Olympics will be lucky (certainly the GB football team) to get the same kind if excitement going at the minute. Roamer, you've picked the wrong time to be out of the country as the TdF is getting proper mainstream exposure over here right now.

Not a sport I Normally follow but even I was crowding over the shoulder of a mate in work to watch Cav's sprint today - despite the fact that we're actually up against proper opposition in the cricket right now for the first time in a while.

TdF fever in the UK at the moment. Enjoy it mate as you've been following it for years and for once it's more important than anything else as far as the press is concerned.

roamer 07-21-2012 06:25 AM


Yes, I`ve enjoyed following it and that was a great sprint finish by Cavendish yesterday.

It`s quite a feat to be able to put a few cycle lengths distance against other top riders in the closing metres.

Good to hear it`s getting attention back in the UK.


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