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tom 11-26-2007 02:57 PM

A couple of questions ......
Just a couple of quickies ........

Does the board have a function built in to take you back to the top of a page like Invision has?

How do you insert the youtube files that guys have put in the Great Acting Performances and other threads?

mack 11-26-2007 04:55 PM

Don't know about the first question but on the Youtube question this works. Here's a typical link from Youtube, this one is on a video clip from "Taxi Driver."

On music and film clips from Youtube, all you need to do is copy the 11 numbers/letters after the = sign. In this example it's the tquSRFKuv4Q that you want to copy and stick into the post here.

After you've copied the eleven from Youtube and pasted them here in your post then in front of the first letter/#, which is the "t" in this example, put [ yt] Just don't leave the one space in it that I had to use for it to show up here on the post. Then after the last letter/# in the string of eleven...the Q in this example...put (without the space) [/ yt] and that's it. :cheers:

tom 11-26-2007 05:21 PM

Thanks Mack. I'm not sure I followed it but I'll have a go. :english:

mack 11-26-2007 05:25 PM

Yes, unfortunately there's some Donny and Krowdon in me... :kid: You'll figure it out despite that explanation though. :cheers:

smullenpe 11-26-2007 08:15 PM

In short [yt ] tquSRFKuv4Q [ /yt] without any space.

Then you'll get this

jonny 11-26-2007 09:47 PM

spot on smull!

tom, think there's a link at the bottom of the page should be called "top" or something similar that should take you to the top of the page!

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