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jonny 02-09-2007 11:38 PM

mp3 player loading songs
Ok if you are an advanced member you can load songs into the mp3 player and here is how you do it.

1, First thing you need is the mp3 hosted somewhere......exactly the same as hosting pictures except the chances are someone has already hosted it!

Go to which is an mp3 hosting site (first one i found in google you can also look for others but this one seems pretty good......) type in the search box the song you are looking for. If they have it great! Click on the song. It will give you some information on the track and towards the bottom it will give you 3 fields with some code in them. Copy the code in the "direct download" field. This is what you need for our mp3 player. Once you have this code it is very straight forward.

2, Click the mp3 player link on the board and bring up the player. At the bottom of the page click on the link that says "Add your MP3's".

3, This will take you to the loading page. Note it may look complicated initially but it really isn't. It looke complicated because the same 4 fields are there 3 times. This is so you can upload 3 tracks at once. If you are loading 1 track ignore everything but the first four fields.

Field 1 - "MP3 Title"; simply fill out what you want to be displayed in the mp3 player

Field 2 - "MP3 URL" ; Paste the code that was in the "direct download" field as per above from the website. Include everything that is in the field.

Field 3 - "Stream mp3" ; Leave as yes

Field 4 - "Sound Buffer" ; Leave as is. Unless there is a problem with it playing it or a slow server response then there is no need to change this setting.

4, Select which playlist you want to import into.....if you want to add a load of your own in ne of the playlists then go for it.....everything else seems to be in playlist 1.

5, Click upload and thats it your mp3 will be loaded in the playlist you selected and ready to play!

a couple of quick points.........

1, Please note the files from minor crises need to be mp3's. Winnie tried to load one earlier and it wasn't an mp3 so just check that has the file extension at the end of the file name as something.mp3,

2, If you cannot find the song you want but have it then register with them and upload your fave songs and then do steps 2 onwards using the url for the uploaded song.

finally if you have any problems or if anything is unclear then either post here or send me a pm!


Chuck_Wao 02-10-2007 02:45 AM

Jonny old bean I have met several moderators here, is there any chance I could be "elevated" to advanced "member"?

Chuck Wao In Chilly Jocko-Land (Central heating pump has just broke down ...again)

PS I know what torrents and divx etc are etc etc...

mack 02-10-2007 08:30 PM

The mp3 player for this board has almost 100 songs now. I think jonny posted that it holds 500. It's getting slanted towards Geezer Classics :pimp: dancing since somebody, :innocent: with jonny's help yesterday, figured out how to put songs in. So you youngsters get cracking and put your favorites in or forever hold your peace! :tomato:

torrenova 02-10-2007 09:49 PM

Can't get it to play anything - anyone else get this problem ?

Figjam 02-10-2007 09:53 PM

Works ok for me mate

mack 02-10-2007 09:55 PM

torre it wouldn't play sometimes yesterday for me too. when I clicked the box to shut it (the mp3 box) that stopped the song from playing I think...after you click on a song, try making your next mouse click somewhere on the messageboard page, then the mp3 box should shut but the song will play. Plus sometimes the song I clicked didn't start up right away. Also a few songs just don't play for some reason. jonny is off for the weekend collecting tadpoles in a creek or something, so he'll be no help for awhile. good luck...once a song plays, it seems to go right into the next song, so it's very nice to have it in the background playing. I'm hearing some good new music from some of the younger guys, we've got a wide range of tunes so far

mack 02-11-2007 12:10 AM

How do you get into playlist #2 in the mp3 player on the board? Playlist #1 is full with 100 songs and there's 11 or so more songs on Playlist 2 but I can't see anywhere to click to get play list#2....can anyone help please?

butterflyblonde 02-11-2007 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by mack (Post 11881)
The mp3 player for this board has almost 100 songs now. I think jonny posted that it holds 500.

Just tried uploading a few this morning, looks like 100 may be the maximum as I can't get anymore on.

Bob 02-11-2007 08:35 PM

Hmmmm.... sounds like we might have to hold on until Jonny sets it up Play List 2 for us? edit in: I just uploaded a song to Play List 2 and like others here can not get the MP3 player to list it...

jonny 02-12-2007 04:13 PM

sorry guys it holds 500 but there are 5 playlists so it looks like you have 100 in each playlist........

see number 4 in the instructions above to put in another playlist..............

have to say it makes for great listening! You guys actually have some taste! winnie being the exception.......

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