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gonzo 06-06-2012 11:36 AM

When your club sells its soul
So, despite all the assurances that it wouldn't happen following fan's outcries when the proposed changes were leaked a few weeks back, it's been confirmed that Cardiff will play in red next season (blue away shirts) and the club crest will change to be a red dragon with a bluebird shoved in at the bottom.

The £100 million investment promised is sorely needed for a club haemorrhaging £1 million a month but considering that already includes the £40 million invested so far I wonder how much will be left over after the costs of the rebrand and making over a stadium we've only had a couple of seasons to paint everything red?

Fans are split and the (former?) Bluebirds forums are like war zones.

Thought I'd put this up as a poll to see what people would feel if it was their own club in this position. Is it the pragmatic choice to ensure a future for the club or should football be about more than just money?

ROLAND 06-06-2012 03:21 PM

Bad place to be in like all other clubs taken over by people purely in it to make money.

Trouble is as Leicester found out only 3 clubs can go up and I wonder how long the Thais will stick around there and same as the lot at Cardiff ?

monkeyspanker 06-06-2012 05:31 PM

Thing is without the money you could fold, then history is worthless.
Its sad that is has come to that but Football is big business.
Look at London Welsh, not allowed to go into the premiership rugby because the grounds not concidered good enough.
Bristol have a ground share with the football and as sky basically tell you when you can play they would have been in the shit if the football team had of been any good.
They now have some backing so can look forward to getting into the top flight next year.
Heres the LW link.

monkeyspanker 06-06-2012 05:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
keep the flag flying...

gonzo 06-06-2012 05:38 PM

The thing I don't get is the way it's being sold as an either or option. We're being sold the changes as being necessary for the investment as they'll need to 'rebrand' for the Asian market to make the money back in shirt sales. Like anyone is going to buy bloody Cardiff shirts, we don't exactly sell that many in Cardiff! Wander around the town centre and you'll see more Man U or Chelsea shirts than you will Cardiff shirts. Is anyone in Kuala Lumpur going to buy a Cardiff shirt just because it's got a dragon on it? It makes no sense at all.

gonzo 06-06-2012 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by monkeyspanker (Post 217273)
keep the flag flying...

That actually looks better than the actual one, got to be the most piss poor logo for any team. Fire and passion my arse!

monkeyspanker 06-06-2012 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by gonzo (Post 217274)
It makes no sense at all.

dont let sense get in the way of making money.
My beloved Chelsea turned a shite year into the best ever with the FA and Champ League wins, but its cost a billion to achieve it.
If the ruskie owner decides hes bored and wants his cash back Chelsea will close, its that simple.
Talk of taking over Battersea power for a ground, thay wont be cheap but its needed to bring in the crowds and money. History is at the bridge but the way forward is a new ground.

BigBadSi 06-06-2012 08:11 PM

Sorry mate couldn't help chuckling a little ,,,well more than a little but in all seriousness like ms says no money no club ...its as simple as that.Leeds are under takeover talks now who knows what will happen there if the canadian owner wins if they ask us to wear blue like the maple leafs who they also own and call us Leeds maple leafs so be it better than having ken Bates stuck to ya for the rest of our history.......
Font forget it was only 7 years ago we were almost liquidated...
Btw :lmoa2:

Fork Handles 06-06-2012 08:57 PM

There was a mild suggestion about 20 years ago to change the nickname of my Aussie Rules team. The majority said there was no need, so it stayed the same. Personally I would have voted for change.

We're still the Bombers. :saddam:

woodman2 06-07-2012 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Fork Handles (Post 217293)
There was a mild suggestion about 20 years ago to change the nickname of my Aussie Rules team. The majority said there was no need, so it stayed the same. Personally I would have voted for change.
We're still the Bombers. :saddam:

When The Rugby League became Super League 14 years ago there was talk of clubs being merged, relocated and rebranded.

The uproar caused the merger and relocation talk to be shelved but the teams got saddled with silly names.

My club Leeds had a big competition in the press, on TV and on the radio to get the local kids to come up with names. The idea was that the team would be called whatever the most popular name was.

However a month before the decision was made Gary Hetherington the new Chief Executive was seen driving around with the personal number plate RIII NOS on his BMW. Stick a black dot between the 1st 2 Is and you have RI-IINOS.

Guess what won the competition? My mate who works on the local paper says of asll the 1,000s of entrys not 1 was Rhinos.

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