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roamer 02-16-2007 12:44 PM

Proxy Server??
heard it mentioned ,what is it?
Saw one poster on a board state that he only uses a proxy server while posting on that board.
It`s different from an ISP??
Does it cost money to use?
Some sites that are blocked in say LOS seen people say they use a proxy server for access.
Confused,help appreciated.:unsure: :helpsmilie: :confused:

jonny 02-16-2007 12:51 PM

ok it works like this

when you connect to the internet your computer connects with your internet provider and then you browse sites.

When you visit sites you send your ip information in the http headers you send to and from the website you are browsing.

With a proxy it is simply another server that is open and you can use. You can connect to it and then browse the internet. When you visit websites instead of the website getting your ip when you visit it gets the proxxies ip address instead. This means the website doesn't know it is you connecting to it. This is why people use proxies sometimes when they connect to forums. If their ip address has been banned, using a proxy means they will be logged under the proxies ip address and can usually re register quite easily.

You can also browse sites that have been blocked by your isp as to them you are just connecting to the proxy, they do not see where you are connecting to beyond the proxy. In general though they are abused by spammers and hackers.

Not sure if I have made myself clear as I have just babbled on without really thinking if I have explained it properly???

roamer 02-16-2007 01:22 PM

Cheers jonny that`s helped a bit but I`m still confused,can I say connect to the internet using my ISP,happens to be Tiscali then from that use a proxy server or would I connect direct to a proxy server?
I haven`t got any problems that mean I would need to use one just trying to understand how it works.
Is using a proxy server same as using an ISP,just that it is anonymous?

jonny 02-16-2007 01:31 PM

I've never had to use one roamer but i believe there are a couple of ways to connect to them. You can connect directly to some of them others you can go to their webpage and browse through their website, also there are programs that will change your internet settings and rotate from a database different using different proxies.

I've never had to use one, and I'm shit with stuff like that. websites and some web language ok, but stuff like that I've never got involved with proxies. Ask Winnie I think he's used them a few times before!

ferocious 02-16-2007 01:36 PM

i think i'll give that a miss

soi 2 02-17-2007 11:03 PM

I've heard of this website -
Which will, it claims mask your ISP address. I remember reading on one of these Pattaya boards about roving ISP's as well. So you get a slightly different ISP address everytime you log on. The things you learn reading Pattaya messageboards !

jonny 02-17-2007 11:14 PM

the boards are getting clever though and they can now read your real ip address even if you use a proxy address by analysing the httop headers.......

soi 2 02-17-2007 11:43 PM

Cheers for the info jonny. I'm not going to be starting any internet wars but I've got two questions - firstly as roamer mentioned. Some sites are banned in Thailand. Would using something as straightforward as anonymouse let you view them ?

Also, and bear in mind my understanding of the internet is pretty basic ! If a website can see my ISP address, what does that actually mean to me. That the sites owners would know roughly where I am on say a postcode basis. Or my actual address. Or would they need to contact a third party such as my internet provider to find this out ?

jonny 02-17-2007 11:52 PM

ok, yes using something like that would enable you to browse sites that have been banned and yes any site you visit can get your ip address and find out your location not quite by postcode but by your closest connection node which is probably bkk?

soi 2 02-18-2007 12:01 AM

Thanks jonny. Interesting to know.

jonny 02-18-2007 09:46 AM

how do you use your proxy winne? do you do it through th esite or change your internet connection?

jonny 02-18-2007 10:00 AM

copy the url onto who's page???

jonny 02-18-2007 10:27 AM ok but littered with adverts

jonny 02-18-2007 10:40 AM

I think I've looked before! but never used any of them

Mensh 02-18-2007 05:10 PM

You could use - I do but you have to pay, I forget how much per year but very little.

jonny 02-18-2007 05:11 PM

mensh welcome to the board! Do you pay a lot to use anonymizer?

butterflyblonde 02-18-2007 05:54 PM

Just had a thought regarding possible uses.

Some sites that give free downloads for music, video files, limit the amount you can download from one IP address each day.

Usually gives you this message 'sorry you have exceeded you download limit' and this can be a pain if you want to download a series for video files etc..

So I would think using the various different proxy sites will enable you to go back to the site and continue the downloads ?

jonny 02-18-2007 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by butterflyblonde (Post 13921)
Just had a thought regarding possible uses.

Some sites that give free downloads for music, video files, limit the amount you can download from one IP address each day.

Usually gives you this message 'sorry you have exceeded you download limit' and this can be a pain if you want to download a series for video files etc..

So I would think using the various different proxy sites will enable you to go back to the site and continue the downloads ?

I would question that this is done by ip address and suggest that it is done by cookies instead. For example.........NTL uses proxy servers for its customers. It uses 4 proxy servers around the uk to route people through. This means that every NTL customer in an area will show up as the same ip address. If they did it by ip address it simply wound't be manageable. AOL also use the same system and I suspect a few other ISP's and that is just in the uk.

When you get the error message try clearing out your cookies I suspect it will let you carry on downloading.........unless of course you have an account that you log in on and then it will be done by account?

Mensh 02-20-2007 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by jonny (Post 13919)
mensh welcome to the board! Do you pay a lot to use anonymizer?

Oddly enough, was just billed yesterday for a year's use - $29.99. Not bad value, tho I know there are plenty of free ones around.

Thanx for welcome - have been having a look around, looks good!

jonny 02-20-2007 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mensh (Post 14667)
Oddly enough, was just billed yesterday for a year's use - $29.99. Not bad value, tho I know there are plenty of free ones around.

Thanx for welcome - have been having a look around, looks good!

Thanks for that Mensh!

Personally i would rather pay a little bit and then not get the adverts? I hate websites that throw up adverts and pop ups every 2 seconds

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