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old crust 10-15-2010 06:09 PM

Fingers crossed they will fuck off else where and leave proper football people in this country to get things back as they were. I'm all for reintroducing Saturday 3pm kick off's, standing on terracing, shirts numbered 1 to 11, goal average, no more than five stewards in the ground, the occasional pitch invasion....... I could go on all night. This new cunt at Liverpool has just been on Sky News and stated he won't be at tomorrows Merseyside Derby because he thinks it better for fans to share the first experience with them at a home game WTF.

tommiecoughlin 10-15-2010 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Winston_Churchill (Post 190312)
Will the English premier league upsticks and fukk off the the USA, just look at the facts... they tried to get the shermans interested in footie but it never really caught on, the moneymen realise it's a global sport watched throughout the world and big dosh to be made liverpool, man u,man city. chelsea etc etc all being took over by jonny foreigner but will they keep it in England??.There's not many English players in the epl these days just remember you heard it here first dancing


old crust 10-15-2010 06:28 PM

.......... thanks tommie, that's reminded me of another thing, reintroduce leather balls with a lace in, the game was'nt invented to be played with beach balls.

ROLAND 10-15-2010 06:41 PM

Bring back a cup of Bovril and a Wagon Wheel at half time dancing

woodman2 10-15-2010 06:43 PM

Bye bye Torres and Gerrard. The Red Socks were famous for selling Babe Ruth and then winning fuck all for 90 years

woodman2 10-15-2010 06:51 PM

And football specials. I wonder what British Rail do with all their shagged out rolling stock now they cant fill it full of hoolies and claim the insurance when it gets wrecked. I still have a ticket for a special to Leicester in the early 70s where the fare is 17p return.

In light of this weekends Leeds v `boro game we were reminising at work today about past visits to Ayresome Park. Without fail the train always got bricked as it slowed down just outside the station and we had to travel back freezing our tits off in a train with no glass in it.

tommiecoughlin 10-15-2010 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by woodman2 (Post 190321)
Bye bye Torres and Gerrard. The Red Socks were famous for selling Babe Ruth and then winning fuck all for 90 years

:cheers: are a sporting man of the know more than a bit about sports that've never caught on in other places:thumbsup:

old crust 10-15-2010 06:58 PM

The year Carlisle played in the top division the football special from Leicester was £ 2 return.

Bricking's only ever seem to take place on cold days's. I remember coming back from QPR on a freezing cold Boxing Day with no window's left in the bus.

woodman2 10-15-2010 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by tommiecoughlin (Post 190325)
:cheers: are a sporting man of the know more than a bit about sports that've never caught on in other places:thumbsup:

I spent a bit of time in Boston. In fact most sporting venues in the States. Been to Fenway Park and Foxboro and the old Boston Garden.

I remember doing the stadium tour at the old Garden just before they closed it and moved it to the new Garden next door. In the home locker room shared by the Bruins and the Celtics there were 2 exit doors.

1 was 6`-6" high and 4` wide for the ice hockey players t`other was 7`-6" high and 2` wide for the basketball players. True story.

woodman2 10-15-2010 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by old crust (Post 190327)
The year Carlisle played in the top division the football special from Leicester was £ 2 return.

Bricking's only ever seem to take place on cold days's. I remember coming back from QPR on a freezing cold Boxing Day with no window's left in the bus.

Got a story about the trip to Leicester. I think it was one of their first seasons back in the old 1st division. The days of Keith Weller. Must have been early 70s. Certainly before the days of the Service Crew when we started using scheduled trains instead of specials.

On the train down nobody seemed to know anything about the reception we would get when we got to Leicester. Were the police organised to handle 700 idiots arriving together on 1 train. Did Leicester have any fans who would fancy a ruck. Where was the ground etc etc

Because of the unknown there was a bit of apprehension as the train arrived. Everybody charged off the train, through the station and into the street. We answered all our questions. There were about 4 police who scattered sharpish. About 10 Leicester fans who scattered even quicker and we could see some ground in the distance.

Pretty cock sure of ourselves we marched through the streets to the ground thinking this was easy. At the ground there was an open gate guarded by 2 old Legion guys. We stormed the gate thinking we had all got in for free and were going to make a pretty impressive appearance mob handed only to find ourtselves on the rugby pitch at Wheldon Road.

We did a quick circuit of the ground and charged back out to look for the right location.

old crust 10-15-2010 07:49 PM

There are a few sets of fans that have done that Woody.

Frankie 10-15-2010 07:59 PM

Know some blokes who pulled a similar "operation" at Hull. Got City and Kingston Rovers mixed up.

Anyway its about time football returned back to its roots instead of the poncy fuck about thing it now is.

I remember back in the 1970's footballers of that era were all classed as ponces and the "real men" were those that played in the 1950's. Now the 1970 generation are regarded as hard compared to todays players!!

The game has changed shit loads. Too many numerous things to mention. Years ago a mate of mine used to say:

"Fuckin Brazil? How come we never play them at the Baseball Ground on a sanded mud heap of a pitch in mid February? Lets see the fuckers play a fast passing game under those conditions."

Dont think the current crop of Premiership players "do" sand unless its in the Carribean.

old crust 10-15-2010 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Winston_Churchill (Post 190338)
not forest 1000's of us used to go to leicester dancing

Your right Winton not Forest, the police who were protecting you, knew which ground was which.

old crust 10-15-2010 08:05 PM

I remember Forest fans in the sixties all seemed to be Grebo's decked out in black leather jackets.

old crust 10-15-2010 08:20 PM

The only Ray O'Brien I knew played for Notts County, I met him after his career finished and he went into the print game. New Parks is not really my area, but everyone says that.

woodman2 10-15-2010 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Winston_Churchill (Post 190338)
not forest 1000's of us used to go to leicester dancing

Got a story about Nottingham as well.

There was a bit of rivalry between Leeds and Forest in the early 70s after Leeds fans nearly burned down Forests main stand. There was a bit of a myth going around that if Forest fans caught you they threw you in the Trent.

With that in mind, when Forest came to Leeds instead of getting at them directly outside the railway station in the Dark Arches as per all the other visiting fans. The Leeds fans let the Forest fans get through the Arches and popped them on the bridge over the Aire thereby getting revenge by making them "jump" into the river. Every season was the same.

With this rivalry as a backdrop Leeds one season got drawn away at Notts County in the cup. British Rail wouldn`t put on a train after a previous wrecking spree so we all ended up on a fleet of "Wally Trolleys". Wallace Arnold coaches.

Leeds won 2-0 but it was a lively encounter on the terraces with battles going on all afternoon. Of course everybody in England knew the Wallace Arnold was Leeds so the County fans who had been joined by Forest for the day had a field day bricking the buses in the city centre after the game.

We were old hands at this and were ready for it and had all the blinds down to stop the bricks and glass coming in. We were also ready at the bus door and emergency exit. Sure enough as we stolpped at some lights a window came in and about 10 of us were off the bus and into them in a flash.

Of course the bus pissed off sharpish leaving us going toe to toe in the middle Nottingham. Upshot was, me and a few others got lifted and taken to the main bobby shop. In there it was chaos. As I said it had been a lively old afternoon and all the cells were full. I ended up getting sat in a corridor and handcuffed to a (very hot) radiator pipe.

After about an hour a different cop came and grabbed me by the arm to haul me off for processing. Off course I was still cuffed to the radiator pipe which the cop didn`t realise. He thought I was resisting and him and 3 others proceeded to kick the shit out of me. When it finally dawned on them what was going on they got a bit sheepish and let me out with a caution.

Me and 2 other guys had to "liberate" a council Transit van from a nearby yard to get home.

woodman2 10-16-2010 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Winston_Churchill (Post 190357)
poppycock our busses were always parked under some bridges near elland road and the battles always ended up with leeds fans swimming in the canal ot whatever it was dancing

No water near Elland Road.

old crust 10-16-2010 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Winston_Churchill (Post 190391)
road was deffo a canal/watercourse i seen em in the water dancing

Sure your not getting it mixed up with boating lake at Skeggy Butlins and altercations between Teds and Grebo's?

ROLAND 10-16-2010 12:41 PM

Is this a thread about football or fucking swimming :bigfinger

foz 10-16-2010 12:55 PM

bcf at its best elland road carpark.Mini van of us 18 in it ,arrived late organised outside after game .We took piss, big fatted yorkshire puddimgs didnt know what to do with such a small firm running at them.

old crust 11-06-2010 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Winston_Churchill (Post 192118)
Liverpool co-owner Tom Werner is keen on exploring the concept of playing a competitive Premier League game abroad.

A similar idea was discussed before, for a '39th game' abroad, but stalled after meeting opposition from clubs, fans and world governing body Fifa.

But Werner, who will succeed Martin Broughton as the Merseyside club's chairman, is a fan of the proposal.

"Pre-season matches are great but why not have an actual match in season?" Werner told BBC Sport.

Playing a competitive match abroad could help clubs cash in on television markets in overseas territories where the Premier League is popular, like Asia and the United States.
"I think first of all the Premier League is the strongest league in the world and its reach is global," added the 60-year-old American.

"It's been very impressive to me, the number of people globally who watch, and we hope to expand that imprint. I think the more important the game the more excitement."

And I bet if someone asked him if he was in this for solely for money he would deny it. I'd sooner give Hooky a passport than let this cunt set foot in the country.

tommiecoughlin 11-10-2010 07:02 PM

cool:thumbsup:....ESPN2 carrying the ManU/ManCity game live ere.....

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