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soi 2 10-15-2011 08:08 PM

Visiting America and their border controls..
Having a bit of a discussion at the gym this afternoon and I thought I'd mention it on here. I know there are some well traveled people on here and it would be interesting to hear your opinions and thoughts.

Right... one of the boys wants to go to America on holiday. :usflag: He has a spent conviction for a drug possession charge. :hoover:

For non UK board members that means that after five years in the UK. His conviction is wiped clean and he can say he has no criminal record when applying for jobs etc. :Copy of angel_not: (Unless working with children and some other circumstances.) This does not apply to America however where no 'spent' conviction system is in place. So he can't get the normal ESTA visa from the UK, legally.... Anyway he has two options -

1. Wing it and just turn up with the ESTA :chute:

2. Apply for some special visa, that involves an interview in London or Belfast, copies of court papers and surrendering his passport to the US Embassy while they ponder it. If unsuccessful in this process he is then banned for life for America. :cannonball:

Option 2 would be the sensible route to go down but somewhat expensive and inconvenient for our man. Hence the temptation to 'wing it'.

None of us have been to America for some time. How mental has it got since 9/11 to get into America ?

Do you think Officer Cheeseburger in some airport will have access to UK criminal records when he swipes a passport ? :usaflag:

Fork Handles 10-15-2011 08:16 PM

What would happen if he used a land crossing from Canada?

soi 2 10-15-2011 08:22 PM

Interesting suggestion Fork Handles. I'd guess if he was refused entry he could return to Canada.

His dilemma is flying into America. If there is a problem at the airport he has two options - 1. Buy a ticket for the next flight back (mega bucks) or 2. Wait in custody until his return flight date.

Good idea. None of us had thought of that one. :cheers:

ROLAND 10-15-2011 08:24 PM

What's the point in going on holiday if it causes so much hassle ? Why not go to Australia ? A criminal record is a must in your passport there

ferocious 10-15-2011 08:25 PM

I'm sure spent convictions only come into play when applying for a working visa , he needs to check with US visa website

Put it this way I have more than 1 conviction and I never had a problem on 8 visits to the USA

soi 2 10-15-2011 08:30 PM

R, it's not his choice, just family pressure to go there. He's in a bit of an awkward position. None of us know the craic with visiting the States these days. Just wondering what people here thought best to do.

soi 2 10-15-2011 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by ferocious (Post 211689)
I'm sure spent convictions only come into play when applying for a working visa , he needs to check with US visa website

Put it this way I have more than 1 conviction and I never had a problem on 8 visits to the USA

Drug offences are I believe mentioned on the US visa website, I'll check later. But thanks, that's good to know you've never had a problem.


ferocious 10-15-2011 09:26 PM

BTW none of mine were for drugs

soi 2 10-15-2011 09:32 PM

Aye cheers Reg, but I think technically speaking any conviction is supposed to rule you out of the ESTA visa. One guy was saying he went to Belfast to get a visa after a breach of the peace at a football match. Basically none of us know what sort of information the Yanks have access to. That's good to know you've been loads of times without a hitch. That's the kind of good news story we were hoping for. :cheers:

Taltos 10-15-2011 10:16 PM

Go here and ask

soi 2 10-15-2011 10:27 PM

Thanks Taltos. Good link mate, I've had a few drinks tonight but I'll post something on there tomorrow. Just had a read through some Nazi style grillings by US Customs. Kin'ell.... certainly the potential is there for problems.


KeeNeow 10-16-2011 12:23 AM

I would say just go there and take the chance they probably don't have a scooby doo about what he did five years ago.

soi 2 10-16-2011 12:28 AM

Cheers Tom.

penetrator 10-16-2011 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by ferocious (Post 211689)
I'm sure spent convictions only come into play when applying for a working visa , he needs to check with US visa website

Put it this way I have more than 1 conviction and I never had a problem on 8 visits to the USA

Dont think nicking hub caps is on the statute prohibiting entry Reg.

woodman2 10-16-2011 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Fork Handles (Post 211686)
What would happen if he used a land crossing from Canada?

Can`t do that anymore. I have an Irish cousin who was illegal in San Francisco. About 15 years ago. He got lifted and deported. He flew straight back to Toronto and walked over the Rainbow bridge at Niagara Falls in amongst a group of tourists. 9/11 changed all that.

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