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soi 2 06-26-2012 11:13 PM

Rangers in real crisis now
On the front and back page of every newspaper in Scotland the saga of the Rangers crisis is the main news. There are hourly updates on internet sites and the crisis appears to be deepening.

The situation is so complex and has dragged on for so long. It's impossible to give a comprehensive synopsis of events. If you've not followed it already. But this good Daily Mail article covers the main points.

Where we are at right now.....

Charles Green is in charge of a new company - newco The Rangers. He appears to be in this for a fast buck with no long term plans for the club. Rumours that Charles Green can't afford to pay wages this week

The SPL clubs are going to vote that Rangers be expelled from the Premier League as they are a newco. That means no Old Firm games next year.

Uncertainty as to what divison the newco join. First Division which has clubs complaining already about it as it would deprive them of promotion or the Third Division with part timers.

Certainly - no European football for three years having gone bust.

The most recent update - players refusing to be part of the newco, becoming free agents and walking away from the club.

No application to join the SFA lower leagues has been submitted, this has a deadline of Friday. Which will include background checks on Charles Green.

Walter Smith and senior players leading a consortium to oust Charles Green.

The possibility of restructuring the entire Scottish lower leagues into two divisions. To assist in Rangers return to the top flight and the TV money and gate receipts that insures.

Total chaos ! :scotsflag:

Lets buy Bury's registration and start at the bottom in England. Get out of Scotland. Unfortunately that plan seems to have gone off the radar... :unionflag:

soi 2 06-27-2012 12:45 AM

Ibrox legends urge fans not to buy season tickets. Does Charles Green really own Rangers ? Who is he a front man for ?

Today's Sun:

gonzo 06-27-2012 06:26 AM

It's looking pretty bad for Rangers. Only 2 of your team have agreed to transfer to newco so wherever you end up playing, you may not even have a team. The fact that players can walk for nothing means you're not going to be able to replace them easily either.

Sad times, especially for a team with so much history.

ROLAND 06-27-2012 10:08 AM

Was talking about this yesterday and it seems possible that a team called Rangers playing at Ibrox won't happen anymore

soi 2 06-27-2012 10:26 AM

It's possible Rangers might not play football this coming season at all. No league to play in. Out the SPL, the Bury bid rejected, lower leagues don't appear to be too keen on Rangers joining them. I think joining Division 3 in Scotland is on the cards but anything could happen.

penetrator 06-27-2012 10:55 AM

With a surname like Green he's most likely a shyster.

soi 2 06-27-2012 11:05 AM

Green is another Craig Whyte just in this for a quick buck for himself. He might even be a front man for Craig Whyte, it's possible Craig Whyte is still lurking in the background. The John Brown led bid is the one to follow for Gers fans imo. Demonstration at 7pm at Ibrox tonight. I can see it descending into trouble. I hope so ! :unionflag:

old crust 06-27-2012 05:33 PM

I know I'm in a minority south of the border, but I would allow Rangers into the English leagues. What about taking over Colwyn Bay? Swap one non English team for another.

bigphill67 06-27-2012 05:36 PM

money talks and some deals will be cut before any deadlines are enforced the tv money will be the clincher for any deals done, as much as celtic like seeing rangers in this mess they need them to generate interest in themselfs and keep funds rolling through there tills, will be a strange couple of seasons whatever the SFA decides to do, seems to me there's alot been done behind closed doors for to long thats how they got into this mess and still trying to keep things from the fans will we ever know the truth behind whats happened/happening,

soi 2 06-27-2012 06:25 PM

Todays latest.. Ibrox and the Murray Park training academy are up for sale. The idea being to be leased back to Rangers by whoever buys them. This has now been denied at Ibrox.

IN response to a story that appeared this afternoon on the STV website, the Club has released the following statement.

A spokesman for The Rangers Football Club said: "Yet again, ignorant and ill-informed journalism has caused alarm to Rangers supporters.

"For the avoidance of doubt, Ibrox and Murray Park are the property of The Rangers Football Club, which at present is registered as Sevco Scotland Ltd until a name change is given formal approval.

"Sevco Scotland was formed to ensure that if the formation of a new company was required in the event of a CVA being rejected, then the Club's corporate entity would be a Scottish registered company as it has always been.

"It is as straightforward as that and this kind of reporting is further evidence of ill-informed journalists seeing shadows where there are none."

soi 2 06-27-2012 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by old crust (Post 217684)
I know I'm in a minority south of the border, but I would allow Rangers into the English leagues. What about taking over Colwyn Bay? Swap one non English team for another.

The Bury proposal was rejected by the Bury board and later denied by Rangers. But it would be great if it could happen. As things stand it is total uncertainty as to where the team, or what's left of it, will play next year.

ROLAND 06-27-2012 07:36 PM

Groundsharing at Parkhead at this rate

soi 2 06-27-2012 10:27 PM

John Brown's speech outside Ibrox. Who owns Rangers ? Is Craig Whyte still involved ? Who knows ? The saga rolls on...

Interview with Bomber Brown !

soi 2 06-28-2012 12:49 PM

The governing bodies try and get Rangers into Division 1...

but 75% of teams need to agree, so 2 objections and that's a non starter. Falkirk, Raith and Greenock Morton set to object. So is it going to be Divison 3 ? Who knows. :lol3:

soi 2 07-05-2012 10:23 PM

Officially no more SPL football...

Fair enough but now the SPL have tried to bully the other teams into Rangers going into the First Division. They realise the loss of TV revenue :suicidal: and don't want a divison three scenario threatening to create a SPL 2...

Chairman Donald Findlay added – “Speaking for myself, and myself alone, it is clear to me that people at the highest levels of our game have tried to hold a gun to my head and the heads of my colleagues. That will never work. But I have a long memory and will not forget what they tried to do and the way they tried to bend me, and this Club, to their will. That will never be allowed to happen”

Bring on Divison Three, let's do it ! :unionflag:


gonzo 07-06-2012 06:36 AM

SFA refusing to release players contracts too. Are they not aware of employment law? :huh:

soi 2 07-06-2012 11:24 PM

These Rangers players, some of whom have been out for lengthy injury spells or had hefty payments when re-signing contracts last summer. Like Naismith and Davis, might have had the decency to be sold but they've gone for every last penny for themselves. I don't blame them for that, as it's a short career. But, what pisses us off here is they're saying Rangers are not the same club. For that and that alone... they are rats, who will never be forgiven. It is the same club just a different holding company... complicated lol

soi 2 07-12-2012 08:11 PM

Well tomorrow is supposed to be the big day when the SFL clubs decide if Rangers go into Division 1 or Division 3. There has been huge pressure put on them to agree to Division 1 so Rangers can hopefully get straight back into the SPL and save the Sky TV deal. If they don't vote for the Divison 1 proposal the threat is to create a SPL second division and freeze them out. Again so Rangers can get back in one year. I feel sorry for these clubs.

If Rangers should go to Division 3... this is what the bottom tier of Scottish league football looks like for those of you unfamiliar with it.

Scottish football has a strange league set up with big junior teams, semi professional outfits, getting higher gates than the bottom tier of the SFL league.

I don't care anymore. No European football for three years anyway. Lets go to division three and watch the rest of them suffer.

The ripples have already started...

The current uncertainty within Scottish Football surrounding central sponsorship money has put St.Mirren Football Club at risk of having to make severe cost cuts across the whole football club in the immediate future.

As announced by the Board last week, the Club could face a revenue drop in the coming season forecast to be in the region of as much as £400k to £600k should the SFL member clubs vote only to allow the Newco Rangers to enter the league hierarchy in the bottom tier. The SFL clubs will meet this Friday to vote on the issue.

At worst the board of directors have told the fans and shareholders of the club that it could be faced with offloading star players, making forced redundancies or even facing administration if costs cannot be cut sufficiently to meet with reduced income from central sponsorships.

This level of uncertainty has also postponed our own planned purchase of the majority shareholding of the football club. We are unable at present to proceed with our offer but similarly we do not want to stand idly by and watch the football club we love struggle to meet it's obligations, or lose key staff, due entirely to a crisis that was not of it's own making.

gonzo 07-12-2012 08:46 PM

Gonna be a massive shock having such a one sided league if you go into the 3rd Division :whistling:

soi 2 07-12-2012 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by gonzo (Post 217948)
Gonna be a massive shock having such a one sided league if you go into the 3rd Division :whistling:


I'll miss the Old Firm games though !

Fork Handles 07-13-2012 06:50 AM

Wouldn't that be a great windfall for the 3rd division clubs though?
Getting lockout crowds every time they played Rangers?

Assuming the Rangers fans left anything standing after their visit.....:bash:

gonzo 07-13-2012 01:33 PM

Division 3 it is then. Will Scottish football survive Sky pulling out?

soi 2 07-13-2012 02:33 PM

That's what BBC Live are saying - division three. No official statement yet. The SPL could still try and create a SPL 2 league and scupper it. Who knows what will happen, still up in the air...

Can Scottish football survive without Sky, in a word - no. It will be in meltdown.

soi 2 07-13-2012 02:35 PM

One positive... if Rangers do into Division Three we could become the only club in Scotland to have won every league ! There's a Challenge Cup thing for the shit teams too and we've never been in that before lol dancing

soi 2 07-13-2012 02:39 PM

The Rangers websites and forums are updating by the minute... apparently a league restructure is guaranteed to avoid this.

soi 2 07-26-2012 10:16 PM

The Rangers situation changes by the hour.. so I've not bored you guys with all the shit. But here is breaking news or at least a rumour from a credible source.

So far... Rangers have been offered a licence to play in the SFA, divison 3. Rangers need the SPL to agree to transfer their licence. The SPL want a cut of TV money... even when Rangers aren't in their league. That is up to the SFA/ SPL to agree on.

Anyway, Rangers have been threatened with having titles and cups stripped off them. They have apparently agreed to all terms and conditions to join SFA divison 3, apart from this.

From a Rangers facebook page -

Apparently the membership has been agreed and offered to us to sign, it's us that are refusing UNTIL they agree to drop this dual contract investigation.

I know that's maybe not so ground breaking, but it's a new wee twist on things in my opinion and I back our clubs stance on this 100% ... I appreciate it's a risk and we are playing Russian Roulette to an extent, but we can't give them carte blanche to remove titles from us, especially from a bunch of jealous and irrational SPL chairmen. They would like nothing more.

I could always accept the transfer embargo starting on Sept 1st, as that gives us time to get people in and I don't think it's a major issue for the 3rd division anyway - however the titles and honours is a massive thing and would be the final nail in the Scottish football coffin for me. I can and have accepted administration, liquidation, players leaving, 10 point deductions, no Europe for 3 years and relegation to the fourth tier of Scottish football - but not title stripping. Never.

Keep the poker face Rangers.

Now this rumour that is set for tomorrow....

Please guys, don't shoot the messenger - the guy Grant from STV has Tweeted that tomorrow the powers to be will confirm that there's no more Rangers in Scottish football. He says from 6pm tonight all trace of us has been removed at Hampden.

No idea if it's a joke or scare tactics or the truth or plain lies. Tomorrow by 4/5pm we will know one way or another it seems.

Again, just repeating what the STV guy said. I don't know if it's credible.

This is the best source of Ranger's information imho -

No more Rangers.... :unionflag:

soi 2 07-26-2012 10:29 PM

The tweet:

Grant Russell @STVGrant rangers will be informed in the morning its a no go and no show .no sanctions and time has ran out sfl/spl/sfa remove all trace of rangers out of hamden at 6pm tonight

Apparently removed from the SFL website now..


Please note the website is being updated at the present time. League tables fixtures etc are therefore not complete.

Fork Handles 07-27-2012 06:09 AM

Gaz, I wonder if you caught up with what happened to the Melbourne Storm in the Rugby League down here.
They are an expansion team in a League dominated by NSW and Queensland.

They won one title back in the nineties when they first started up, and that was fine.

Then after several years of just being a good team, they started winning everything. Probably had the best four or five players in the country on their books. Took the title in 2007 and 2009. Then in early 2010 they were found guilty of massively breaching the salary cap. Got stripped of those two titles, and the points they had to that time in the 2010 season...and were forced to play out the year in 'dead rubbers'. ie, Any team they were drawn against were awarded the two points, regardless of the result of the match.
But surprisingly they continued to win games, much to the embarrassment of the administration.
Officially now, all the players in those premiership squads are recorded as having never played in the champion side. The league records show no team won the comp. I believe it has been completely gutting for those guys.
To think all those great Rangers players ( even to a green and white lad like me) could have their history re-written is totally out of order. It reminds me of a Ray Bradbury or George Orwell story, power-brokers changing written history to suit their own version of political correctness.

I hope it's met with fiery torches and battleaxes, and blue painted faces. :kenshin2:

soi 2 07-27-2012 08:59 AM

Fork, I wasn't aware of the Melbourne Storm certainly some parallels between what happened to them and what some people would like to happen to Rangers here.

Jealous rival chairmen that run the game would like to strip Rangers of titles and cripple them forever. Ex Celt Jackie MacNamara gave an interview yesterday and he was saying if he was posted two Scottish Cup medals now, it would mean nothing to him, having lost two finals to Rangers. Others are less charitable like Neil Lennon. Saying that Rangers 'financial doping' cost managers jobs and rival players win bonuses etc.

One interesting story to come out of this is that the Rangers goalkeeper at the time, Stefan Klos was paid more than David Beckham was getting at Man U at the same time. Madness and no wonder Rangers are in crisis now.

It won't come to it, I don't think but I'd back Charles Green to fight this, even if it means no football next year.

soi 2 07-27-2012 12:15 PM

Daily Telegraph is a credible source, their link to the story. I'm off to work now... no doubt hear what happens there.

ROLAND 07-27-2012 02:53 PM

If someone is deemed to have won by cheating then whatever they have won is taken away , happened quite a bit over the years.

Hope Portsmouth lose their FA Cup because they cheated like fuck by having a team of players they couldn't legitimately afford to win it.

gonzo 07-27-2012 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by ROLAND (Post 218163)
Hope Portsmouth lose their FA Cup because they cheated like fuck by having a team of players they couldn't legitimately afford to win it.

Which means Cardiff were the winners dancing

ROLAND 07-27-2012 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by gonzo (Post 218166)
Which means Cardiff were the winners dancing

Then again maybe Pompey can keep the cup :cuckoo:

soi 2 07-27-2012 10:13 PM


"48 hours from now, we are supposed to start the season with a game at Brechin and, as I sit here today, I don’t know exactly what our status in the game is, where our players, that we have, should be registered - and what the future holds for us going into next week.

"It's a ludicrous situation - and I owe it to our fans - to make my views known on it.

"No one is denying that Rangers were badly mismanaged for 10 months. Nor are we disputing that we should be punished for that. We have been. We accept that punishment and want to start putting the past behind us and move forward.

"But that is not being allowed to happen - and I have to ask myself why?

"In recent days, I have been in a number of meetings with Stewart Regan, Rod Petrie and other senior SFA figures - and despair at the lack of leadership shown.

"In my years in professional football, I have not always agreed with everything the SFA did or said. But, no matter what you thought of their decisions, there was no doubt they ran the game firmly and robustly.

"I can only imagine Ernie Walker looking down on us now and shaking his head in disbelief at the sad state of affairs and the way they have been mishandled.

"As for the SPL, they seem determined to pursue as hostile an agenda as possible towards Rangers.

"They kicked us out of the SPL - which was their right- and we acknowledge that - but that doesn't seem enough for Neil Doncaster and some of his board.

"Not only as they withholding our SPL prize money for last season - they won't tell us how much it is but we reckon it to be about £1.3million.

"And having said they don't want us - they do want a bigger share of the TV money that our presence will bring to the SFL and its clubs. Never mind sporting integrity - where is the moral integrity there?

"And there is no line to be drawn in the sand. Rangers have not been punished enough in their eyes and along with one or two people who have a vested interest within SPL clubs, our right to past titles will be challenged. They want what we and our fans bring, yet seem determined to strip us of every bit of our dignity. It has to stop.

"Sadly, only one Scottish football body has offered us any help or assistance - the SFL and I would like to thank David Longmuir, Jim Ballantyne and 29 of their 30 member clubs for inviting us into the SFL.

"We are grateful for the opportunity. We are looking forward to the challenges ahead, making new friends in the months ahead and having a positive impact on the SFL.

"It is now over five months since Rangers went into administration. It is time to start playing football again - and I am not alone in thinking this.

"In recent days I have bumped into Celtic, Hearts and Motherwell fans, and they were saying the same thing – “It’s time to stop kicking Rangers and start getting Scottish football looking forward not back”.

old crust 07-28-2012 07:10 AM

I still think Rangers should start again in the English leagues.

This whole situation is getting as ridiculous as the politicians up there who are trying to gain independence. It is about time the Scottish people kicked out these people who are tuning there country into a laughing stock.

roamer 07-28-2012 07:53 AM

Fascinating Updates.

Erasing the history reminds me of what the Chinese did in the Cultural Revolution, destroy everything that was before, hence it didn`t exist.

Only you can`t erase history and it will come back to haunt.

ROLAND 07-28-2012 08:31 AM

Pedantic alert but why should new Rangers get any prize money from last season ? That club doesn't exist anymore

old crust 07-28-2012 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by ROLAND (Post 218180)
Pedantic alert but why should new Rangers get any prize money from last season ? That club doesn't exist anymore

In the eyes of any football fan they do and will always exist. Try as they will, all of these self interest people who try and take the game and it's history away from the fans will always fail.

soi 2 07-28-2012 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by ROLAND (Post 218180)
Pedantic alert but why should new Rangers get any prize money from last season ? That club doesn't exist anymore

It's the same club but a different holding company. Originally Rangers were founded in 1872 and the first holding company wasn't put into place until 1899. Celtic have changed their holding company three times in this period. Most recently under Fergus McCann. No one is saying that they are a different club. Same club, same history.

soi 2 07-28-2012 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by roamer (Post 218174)
Fascinating Updates.

Erasing the history reminds me of what the Chinese did in the Cultural Revolution, destroy everything that was before, hence it didn`t exist.

Only you can`t erase history and it will come back to haunt.

This is the biggest soap opera Scottish football has ever had. This is front page, back page news up here every day and has been all year. Every day brings a new twist and turn. There's a long way to go yet.

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