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soi 2 08-27-2014 11:08 AM

Scottish Independence
There are people on the board from all over the world and just wondered what you make of the rumblings from Alex Salmond and his Independence Campaign ?

Things seem to be getting a lot more aggressive now. With this share the £ or we walk away from our share of the national debt argument. Defaulting on our debt as a bargaining tool...

Personally... this is the craziest thing I've ever lived through in Scotland. Things are building to a fever pitch with three weeks to go. I think there's going to be unrest if there is a NO vote. It reminds me in some ways of the run up to the 1999 Old Firm game when Rangers won the league at Parkhead. There was mayhem all over the West of Scotland in the aftermath of that. Now its separatists versus unionists and Scot against Scot. The damage to our society has been massive and will take years to heal.

I'll be voting NO :unionjack:

ferocious 08-27-2014 12:42 PM

I work with 3 Scottish blokes (all cektic nuts) and they are voting yes , stickers all over their cars .. They been quiet today after the football last night mind you

soi 2 08-27-2014 01:26 PM

It's complicated but by coincidence.... nearly every (anti British) Celtic fan I know is a YES too.

Wealth or lack of it, the next big factor. If you have any assets, a house, savings, pension, etc. why risk it ? If you are unemployed with out a penny to your name then lets roll the dice and see what happens. Things can't get any worse for that person than they already are.

Wonder how they'll get on working in England (part of the EU) while Scotland has to apply to join ? Will they need visa's of some kind ? What about Scottish people working in other EU countries ? If they're so pro- YES maybe they'll come 'home' to work and pay tax in Bonnie Scotland, like the rest of us... dancing

Sancho 08-27-2014 02:09 PM

I think a Yes vote would be a backwards step for Scotland and voting for your countries future over football/tribalism is plain stupid....

Sancho 08-27-2014 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by ferocious (Post 228170)
I work with 3 Scottish blokes (all cektic nuts) and they are voting yes , stickers all over their cars .. They been quiet today after the football last night mind you

Thread fuck but. ..Talk about karma, justice has been done!! :hammertime:

soi 2 08-27-2014 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Sancho (Post 228173)
I think a Yes vote would be a backwards step for Scotland and voting for your countries future over football/tribalism is plain stupid....

It doesn't get more tribal than - we are Scottish lets fuck the English off. Freedom !!!

No one is voting based on football teams, even by Scottish standards that would be crazy. But football teams illustrate the sectarian divides in our society.

gonzo 08-27-2014 04:09 PM

For all Salmond's bullshit rhetoric, the whole 'give us sterling or else' line has to be the worst bluff in recent years. Followed to its logical conclusion it'd leave Scotland with no currency union and a credit rating worse than Greece as to cave to threats like that would be political suicide for any of the mainstream UK parties.

In fairness, in the event of a 'Yes' vote, fucking Independent Scotland off will be a big vote winner in England and Wales so any concessions on splitting former Union assets is going to be a hard sell.

I still can't understand how Salmond got elected up there anyway, I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't want to give the oily little shyster a slap.

old crust 08-27-2014 04:45 PM

Do the Yes crowd think the rest of the Union are going to put up with all this Scottish self interest? I am sure millions will be canceling all Scottish related policies around banking, insurance and energy. I have already sorted out alternatives to my Direct Line, BoS and Scottish Power arrangements.

I do think it will be interesting when the Shetland Islands decide they want self determination and all their geographical oil. Presumably Salmond and his pals won't be so keen on countries breaking up then.

A mate of mine in Edinburgh reckons the vote is fairly straight forward, the drinking class say Yes and the thinking class No.

For what it is worth, I think a No vote is a certainty, I cannot believe that 50.01% of Scots are retarded.

old crust 08-27-2014 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 228172)
Wonder how they'll get on working in England (part of the EU) while Scotland has to apply to join ? Will they need visa's of some kind ? What about Scottish people working in other EU countries ? If they're so pro- YES maybe they'll come 'home' to work and pay tax in Bonnie Scotland, like the rest of us... dancing

I cannot see anyway that the EU will let Scotland in and be seen to support breakaway countries. Catalonia and North Italy would use it as a president and follow suit, that would pull down most of the south european countries already failed economies.

soi 2 08-27-2014 06:15 PM

The bookies seem to think it will be a NO, it's 1-5 on for a no vote and 11-2 for YES the last time I checked. I hope they are right because it will be havoc up here if it goes through. I don't think it will but it will be close. Now though, the momentum has started for this nonsense it's not going to go away quietly on the 19th...

WankingWodger 08-27-2014 06:46 PM

I've got a feeling it will be a yes vote, people voting yes in the stupid idea that it fuck the English over without thinking of the consequences.

The only bright spot would be Cameron having to resign if there was a yes vote

soi 2 08-27-2014 07:28 PM

No campaign still ahead but I concede it will be close. The SNP have run the longest election campaign in history in the build up to this.

I was arguing with a mate about this and he called me a 'traitor and a coward' that's the mentality of the shortbread tin nationalists.

People talk about muslims being radicalised by hate filled organisations but the parallels are there to what's happening here. This madness will not go away quietly after the referendum. Where have all these nutters come from ?

Was it John Terry that said, London feels like a foreign place now. I'm starting to think the same about Scotland.

simie 08-27-2014 09:00 PM

I was born and brought up in England, but my old man was a Scot and all my older brothers and sister where born in Scotland.
My old man must be turning in his grave at the thought of a tosser like Salmon being in charge. I think he's a fool who lives in cloud cuckoo land, but a dangerous fool with the chaos he could cause.
I think all the yes mob are in for a rude awakening if it actually happened and found their utopian benefits wonderland turned rapidly into a nightmare.

WankingWodger 08-27-2014 09:54 PM

Another problem is allowing 16 year olds to vote, WTF do they know about life to vote in such an important ballot ?

simie 08-27-2014 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by WankingWodger (Post 228199)
Another problem is allowing 16 year olds to vote, WTF do they know about life to vote in such an important ballot ?

Absolutely and another Salmon ploy thinking most of them would vote for him. Silly youthful ideas removed from reality and no life experience. Many likely believe his shit.

james100 08-28-2014 12:29 AM

I think it's a fantastic challenge the Scottish people should take up.
If I could vote I'd vote yes .

Judging by what I seen in Scotland earlier this year,it appears the older generation want to vote no.


old crust 08-28-2014 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by james100 (Post 228206)
I think it's a fantastic challenge the Scottish people should take up.
If I could vote I'd vote yes .

Judging by what I seen in Scotland earlier this year,it appears the older generation want to vote no.


I would never put people off taking up a challenge, but the impression I get is that the Yes campaign do not fully understand what the challenge is. Anyone fancy a winters run to the top of Ben Nevis in flip flops and shorts?

gonzo 08-28-2014 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by james100 (Post 228206)
I think it's a fantastic challenge the Scottish people should take up.
If I could vote I'd vote yes .

I do harbour a suspicion that this is exactly what the establishment thinks. The Better Together campaign couldn't have been run any worse if they tried but when you couple that with letting Alistair Darling, a man who makes John Major look charismatic, act as the figurehead you soon realise they must be trying to fuck it up.

soi 2 08-28-2014 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by james100 (Post 228206)
Judging by what I seen in Scotland earlier this year,it appears the older generation want to vote no.


I'd agree it's younger people (under 30) that are generally in favour. People with assets aren't generally up for the gamble. I just think it's a very big risk to take.

soi 2 08-28-2014 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by gonzo (Post 228229)
I do harbour a suspicion that this is exactly what the establishment thinks. The Better Together campaign couldn't have been run any worse if they tried but when you couple that with letting Alistair Darling, a man who makes John Major look charismatic, act as the figurehead you soon realise they must be trying to fuck it up.

Bye bye Scotland and your 50 odd Labour MP's.... the thought has crossed my mind too. The dismal lacklustre campaign of dull common sense up against the hysteria of rampant nationalism.

simie 08-28-2014 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by james100 (Post 228206)
I think it's a fantastic challenge the Scottish people should take up.
If I could vote I'd vote yes .

Judging by what I seen in Scotland earlier this year,it appears the older generation want to vote no.


James, would I be correct in saying your an exiled Scot?
If so this rather sounds like a Sean Connery situation, i.e. you think independence is great but fuck living in the place yourself?!

james100 08-28-2014 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by simie (Post 228243)
James, would I be correct in saying your an exiled Scot?
If so this rather sounds like a Sean Connery situation, i.e. you think independence is great but fuck living in the place yourself?!

It wouldn't make any difference to me whether it was independent or not if I lived there but I would vote yes.

Frankie 08-29-2014 08:57 PM

If the Jocks vote YES (which I think the Establishment are hoping for) the Scottish economy will go tits up in 6 months. Simply, no currency, no reserves, economic basket case.

Then the Corporate carpetbaggers will really get stuck in and asset strip Scotland of everything it has. They will probably draw the line at the Poundland stores though. As if they go after every asset worth less than £1 it doesnt reap that much and once having completed their financle rape they wont want to be around when violent rebellion, to rejoin the UK, sets in.

soi 2 08-29-2014 11:04 PM

29th August

By Jim Murphy MP

I’m enjoying the ‘100 Streets’ tour.

I’ve met many ‘yet to make their mind up Scots’ on the street corners and shopping centres across Scotland.

When I started this I thought the dangers of 100 Street public meetings would be Scotland’s summer and the occasional Nationalist heckler.

Something else is now happening. What started as individual passionate Nationalists having their say has changed into angry mobs coming along to make sure no one else has their say.

This is not about someone throwing an egg – that’s part of the sometimes messy pantomime of politics.

Yes Campaign are now organising a mob atmosphere at our street meetings. It’s coordinated, determined and increasingly aggressive.

I’d rather be debating the currency, pensions and armed forces instead of dealing with accusations of being a traitor, quisling, terrorist and defender of paedophiles.

It doesn’t frighten me – it’s not aimed at me.

These meetings are public discussions about politics and, at their best, they are passionate and entertaining. People who’ve never been to a political meeting in their lives stand there holding their message, in their shopping bags and debating politics.

It’s great to see that thousands of people are taking part.

But undecided voters who ask genuine questions are being interrogated by Yes Campaigners.

Undecided voters are also being filmed by myriad of nationalist websites.

There is a difference between not being in control of a handful of idiots that every political movement has and actively organising the disruption of events that makes aggressive behaviour more likely.

We won’t be silenced and undecided voters should not be intimidated.

But we have taken the decision to suspend the tour for 72 hours.

We have sought police advice on crowd and staff safety and further training on personal safety. We have also been forced to rotate some of our staff out of the tour.

We will give Yes Scotland time to call off their mobs.

Today, Better Together Campaign Director Blair McDougall has written to Yes Scotland Chief Executive Blair Jenkins urging him to act.

All comers are welcome but there’s a difference between a crowd and a mob.

I have no problem with robust argument but there’s a mob mentality being orchestrated on our streets and at our meetings.

The blame for this lies at Yes Scotland’s door and they should stop this mob mentality and do it today.

The video is worth a watch on this link.

penetrator 08-30-2014 09:07 PM

Read today that the Scots Guards will be denied a vote in the referendum because they're based outside of Scotland. Utterly shameful to deny them whilst giving a vote to spotty 16 yo kids with fuck all experience of the real world, guess the snp pricks knew what way they'd most likely vote :26_8_11:

monsterman 08-30-2014 09:52 PM

Salmonella is leading the bravehearts to their DOOOOOOOM!!!!

but its good for England as it spells the death of Liebour when they loose all the Scots MPs ... VOTE UKIP ...remember the Rotherham atrocity the UK needs a complete cleanout ,, starting with all the scummy politoco, neo con socialist PC cunts and the corrupt cops , councilors , then all the crimo jihadist sex fiends and the Pikyies

james100 08-30-2014 10:28 PM

The death of Labour will be fantastic for England.
You may even get your country back.

monkeyspanker 08-31-2014 07:22 AM

roamer 08-31-2014 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 228315)
29th August

By Jim Murphy MP

I’m enjoying the ‘100 Streets’ tour.

I’ve met many ‘yet to make their mind up Scots’ on the street corners and shopping centres across Scotland.

When I started this I thought the dangers of 100 Street public meetings would be Scotland’s summer and the occasional Nationalist heckler.

Something else is now happening. What started as individual passionate Nationalists having their say has changed into angry mobs coming along to make sure no one else has their say.

This is not about someone throwing an egg – that’s part of the sometimes messy pantomime of politics.

Yes Campaign are now organising a mob atmosphere at our street meetings. It’s coordinated, determined and increasingly aggressive.

I’d rather be debating the currency, pensions and armed forces instead of dealing with accusations of being a traitor, quisling, terrorist and defender of paedophiles.

It doesn’t frighten me – it’s not aimed at me.

These meetings are public discussions about politics and, at their best, they are passionate and entertaining. People who’ve never been to a political meeting in their lives stand there holding their message, in their shopping bags and debating politics.

It’s great to see that thousands of people are taking part.

But undecided voters who ask genuine questions are being interrogated by Yes Campaigners.

Undecided voters are also being filmed by myriad of nationalist websites.

There is a difference between not being in control of a handful of idiots that every political movement has and actively organising the disruption of events that makes aggressive behaviour more likely.

We won’t be silenced and undecided voters should not be intimidated.

But we have taken the decision to suspend the tour for 72 hours.

We have sought police advice on crowd and staff safety and further training on personal safety. We have also been forced to rotate some of our staff out of the tour.

We will give Yes Scotland time to call off their mobs.

Today, Better Together Campaign Director Blair McDougall has written to Yes Scotland Chief Executive Blair Jenkins urging him to act.

All comers are welcome but there’s a difference between a crowd and a mob.

I have no problem with robust argument but there’s a mob mentality being orchestrated on our streets and at our meetings.

The blame for this lies at Yes Scotland’s door and they should stop this mob mentality and do it today.

The video is worth a watch on this link.

Thanks for that and although you and a couple of other people have mentioned how harsh the campaign has become,watching that video clip really visually showed it.

It seemed to me somewhat sad to watch such hate.

Debate yes but that was a farce.

monkeyspanker 08-31-2014 08:03 AM

Just reading a few things is an example.

Vote YES!! YES to protect our health service from profiteers and Entrepreneur doctors out to make a quick buck, YES to free education for all regardless of circumstances Yes to no more tories Yes to no more Trident and nuclear power stations and dumping of nuclear waste in our beautiful country what are we a dumping ground for waste from England? they even shipped sewage up here from there we really dont want their shit... OH and Yes to put an end to bedroom taxes and Food Banks !! Who in their right mind wants to vote NO???? eh who would do that and why??? give me one reason to vote no and dont fucken mention currency to me thats just nitpicking nonsense. 

I think currency may be a part but on the defence side who will be in control of RAF Leuchars,RAF Lossiemouth, Britains early warning bases? Note Britains...not Scotlands or Englands..

The thing being if this thing is voted NO then will the pantomine begin again? Keep on going never surrender.
If it votes YES do we (England) fight to get them back?
No idea how it will play out and i doubt anyone in govenment does either

penetrator 08-31-2014 03:48 PM

I've not heard how the north sea maritime border wil be settled, as far as I know the current border runs horizontally west to east from just north of Berwick upon Tweed but the land border between England and Scotland runs at roughly a 45 degree angle. The current maritime border is not internationally recognised and the commonly accepted way to set a maritime border is to continue the land border out at the same angle. This could put up to half the oil into UK waters.

Personally I think we should follow Chinas lead on territoral waters and claim everything in the North sea right up to knee depth water at low tide off the Scottish and Norwegian coasts.

soi 2 08-31-2014 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by roamer (Post 228413)
Thanks for that and although you and a couple of other people have mentioned how harsh the campaign has become,watching that video clip really visually showed it.

It seemed to me somewhat sad to watch such hate.

Debate yes but that was a farce.

Hi Paul, glad you got the chance to see the video. As it has been pulled from youtube for a copyright claim by 'wee bastard'. Once again discussion stifled and silenced by the nationalist extremists. I feel sad too. This has gone way too far. I've been called a coward and a traitor for being pro-union. These uneducated hill billy types are everywhere spewing their hate. That headcase telling the English guy he shouldn't even be here and he'd knock him out. What are these people going to do on the 19th if it's a NO vote ? There will be serious trouble and unrest in some areas.... this is the worst thing that's happened in Scotland in my life time.

simie 08-31-2014 10:31 PM

That tosspot Salmond has a lot to answer for.
I think he's an ego maniac?
If it's a no vote Scotland will miss out on joining as Salmonds "ark of prosperity" with Ireland and Iceland....oh hang on they both went bust didn't they!

Jake 09-01-2014 09:48 PM

I'm beginning to think that if Salmand wanted a YES vote he would have let the English vote too. The way I hear people talking now, most of us would be glad to get rid of the whinging bastards

If thet truly hate us that much, just let them go

WankingWodger 09-02-2014 08:30 AM

The way things are going it will be 50/50 soon , the independence lot have got the momentum and will be interesting to see how it goes.

If they vote out then hopefully we will see the end of Cameron as PM for starters.

soi 2 09-02-2014 08:57 AM

I know someone who is going round the doors doing market research for No Thanks. He reckons it's close, his take on an average street is 18 No's, 14 Yes and 4 Don't knows. This has been the longest election campaign in history. I've ditched the Union Jacks off my facebook cover photo and trying to keep a low profile. All sensible debate has long ceased and it's just abuse and bad feeling now. The sooner this is over the better.

simie 09-02-2014 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 228524)
I know someone who is going round the doors doing market research for No Thanks. He reckons it's close, his take on an average street is 18 No's, 14 Yes and 4 Don't knows. This has been the longest election campaign in history. I've ditched the Union Jacks off my facebook cover photo and trying to keep a low profile. All sensible debate has long ceased and it's just abuse and bad feeling now. The sooner this is over the better.

Don't worry Gaz if it goes the wrong way we'll give you asylum down here!

WankingWodger 09-02-2014 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by simie (Post 228528)
Don't worry Gaz if it goes the wrong way we'll give you asylum down here!

We can swop Gaz for you :bigfinger

simie 09-02-2014 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by WankingWodger (Post 228529)
We can swop Gaz for you :bigfinger

I reckon Alex Salmond and Lord Hove would get on famously?!:bigfinger

old crust 09-02-2014 06:41 PM

It is all over for the Yes crowd today. EU are saying they cannot keep the pound and be in the EU. No independent central bank, no membership. Economic meltdown if they vote yes on the 18th.

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