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Classyexec 01-18-2008 02:48 AM

Some bad press about Pattaya Safety
I assume some wise and experienced Pattaya travellers have also seen the postings in Pattayapages, or of those "other" (certainly inferior to here) forums...about how, on a per capita basis, there are more murders, injuries, etc., to UK men in Pattaya than in any other vacation spot (and I assume what's "bad" for UK blokes is bad for Aussies, USA guys, etc.)

My question/request -- can someone comment on how dangerous (or not) it is to be a newbie monger, or an experienced monger, hanging out in Pattaya? I read all kinds of bad stories/reports about roaming pickpocket groups (of "freelancer" ladies/girls and young kids, even who have hit guys riding in the trucks (I forget their Patt names) that constantly circulate throughout the party area, about guys walking up to men along the beach road, pretending to be doing surveys, shaking hands and trying to pickpocket or otherwise steal personal data...etc. The loss of money doesn't bother me, but the sad stories about blokes getting injured/killed, etc, does.

Any comments?


bouncer 01-18-2008 03:18 AM

Well if you stay away from the freelancers and seaside beach road you should be fine but ther is always a chance to get in troubble but so is it anywher in the world.

nosehair 01-18-2008 03:24 AM

In all my trips to Pattaya I have only been involved in one, maybe two, knife fights.

gonzo 01-18-2008 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by nosehair (Post 81031)
In all my trips to Pattaya I have only been involved in one, maybe two, knife fights.

Yeah but you've shot at least 10 people!

BigBadSi 01-18-2008 05:11 AM

my first time i never felt so relaxed,never got pickpocketed,mugged r raped,had my cock sucked balls licked and survived withoutv any physical scars

elway69 01-18-2008 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by Classyexec (Post 81026)
I assume some wise and experienced Pattaya travellers have also seen the postings in Pattayapages, or of those "other" (certainly inferior to here) forums...about how, on a per capita basis, there are more murders, injuries, etc., to UK men in Pattaya than in any other vacation spot (and I assume what's "bad" for UK blokes is bad for Aussies, USA guys, etc.)

My question/request -- can someone comment on how dangerous (or not) it is to be a newbie monger, or an experienced monger, hanging out in Pattaya? I read all kinds of bad stories/reports about roaming pickpocket groups (of "freelancer" ladies/girls and young kids, even who have hit guys riding in the trucks (I forget their Patt names) that constantly circulate throughout the party area, about guys walking up to men along the beach road, pretending to be doing surveys, shaking hands and trying to pickpocket or otherwise steal personal data...etc. The loss of money doesn't bother me, but the sad stories about blokes getting injured/killed, etc, does.

Any comments?


I've never had a problem,I've lived there for 18months.
Don't believe everything you read or what people tell you,it'll spoil your fun.Just don't get too me..:tongue2::peeing::guitar3::mau:

Fork Handles 01-18-2008 07:41 AM

What Elway said is right Rich.

Stay in control....enjoy yourself immensly, but don't put yourself in a postion where you can become a victim. Just as you wouldn't in Chicago, Rome, or Sydney.

Especially Sydney.:travolta:

penetrator 01-18-2008 10:44 AM

Barely a day goes by without a vicious murder or violent attack in the estate where I stay, the roads are literally red with blood. But aslong as you haven't got Monsterman for a neighbour you should be fine.

nitroman 01-18-2008 11:27 AM

Hey Rich,
I go to Pattaya for a quiet relaxing time,I just get sick and tired of Patong, what with all the rapes, bashing,assaults, buggery, and general mayhem that goes on here and that's just in my house.

mack 01-18-2008 01:17 PM

Classyexec if you're not a loud-mouthed drunken asshole (and with a nick like yours I doubt that you are :canadian: ) you should have no problems. The staggering drunks at 3 A.M. down in the dark sections of Beach Rd. are targets but for the huge majority of us it's no pompem being out and about in Pattaya. I'd much rather walk around :patters: at night than many places here in my hometown. :cheers:

monsterman 01-18-2008 01:28 PM

Its safe enough if you keep your brain up to date , be careful on the roads and avoid the real arseholes .

God knows how Gonzo survives.

Sure i have had a few adventures here but that is because I make peoples problems my business , but i have the same shit in UK and USA.

butterflyblonde 01-18-2008 01:52 PM

I asked this question on the flb forum a long time ago as I heard all kinds of things about pattaya being a ' bangkok on steroids' with a high crime rate and was also told (not by flb members) it was an unfriendly atmosphere when compared with a party island like phuket. Far more of the hooligan element etc..

And to be honest, I felt relaxed by the 2nd night and realized this place was'nt the 'snake pit' it was hyped up to be. It is of course fairly large in size, higher numbers of people would surely mean a higher chance of incidents would'nt it?

To be honest , I would worry more in phuket or samui as both are notorious for having a large mafia type element. It may even be fair to suggest both of those islands may have had more violent incidents per square mile when you compare the size of the places in relation to pattaya times the amount of incidents that have occured in each over the years. But I'm only guessing.

COMMON SENSE!!! Use it just as you would anywhere in the world.

Spread your money out into different pockets and keep an eye on anyone approaching you and getting up close on the street, on a songtaew (baht bus) or wherever. Those slim travel wallets that can be worn under a shirt work very well. Only take what you think you need for the night and don't flash it around. When I pay for drinks, I could easily peel an orange inside my pockets too.

Keep to well lit areas where there are crowds, if you walk down deserted alleyways in the dark, who do you suppose might be there waiting for you? Beach road at night is notorious for ladies/ladyboys that may be high on the drug yabba or whatever, just dont walk around there when it's late. Get on a baht bus rather than walk if you must travel down there.

Keep control of yourself, try not to get so drunk you don't know where you are or what you are doing. Vunerable you will be.

Make sure your catch for the night has an ID card and hands it over to reception, it may be a good idea to speak with the reception staff on arrival and ask them to keep all ID cards until you appear at the desk in the morning with the girl or they call you up to check you are happy and everything is in order, before letting the girl walk out. This applies no matter if the girl is from a bar or freelancer in a disco/off the street.

Don't leave anything is sight that can be stolen in your room, it's very easy to fall into the trap of feeling relaxed and safe, dropping your guard and perhaps leaving your new digi cam on view in your room. The cleaner could nick it, so could your lady from the night before. Hotel safes are there to be used. (even the safe ain't no guarantee I hear you all cry)

If you see a fight of any kind, get the fuck out of there and do not get involved no matter the circumstances. If you want to help, call the tourist police. That's about all you can do without getting beaten up/killed yourself or arrested when the police turn up.
An example, you might see a thai guy beating a thai girl, poking your nose in could see the both of them turn on you and ever other thai within half a mile. No joke.

That's about all I can think of for now in terms of a sensible way to approach the visit. Keep a low profile, that's my advice. And you will simply be just another face in the crowd and unlikely to have anything other than a jolly good time.

mack 01-18-2008 03:05 PM

Good advice there BB. :cheers:

NO SHAME 01-18-2008 03:11 PM

i wonder about on my own all the time wen im out there and like most people are sayin on here keep your head and you should be fine and avoid beach rd in the early hrs

gonzo 01-18-2008 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by mack (Post 81056)
Classyexec if you're not a loud-mouthed drunken asshole

Oi! I resemble that remark!


Originally Posted by monsterman (Post 81059)
God knows how Gonzo survives.


old crust 01-18-2008 05:19 PM

I have had ten trips, and never seen any bother. The only aggro I associate Pattaya with, is some of the keyboard warriors on the message boards. They are easy to avoid by staying on this board.

Fork Handles 01-18-2008 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by butterflyblonde (Post 81067)
. When I pay for drinks, I could easily peel an orange inside my pockets too.

So thats what you were doing. :lmoa2:

Fork Handles 01-18-2008 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by old crust (Post 81091)
er. The only aggro I associate Pattaya with, is some of the keyboard warriors on the message boards. They are easy to avoid by staying on this board.

I've just about had enough of these touchy feely types here. :stfu:

So has Mack.

We're gonna fuck you over good next time he's in town.:patters:

How was that? Not too harsh? :loveu:

old crust 01-18-2008 07:12 PM

Next time he's in town? Then I'll look forward to a few more years of no bother.

Fork Handles 01-18-2008 09:03 PM

Is he the sa-tripper at the hen's night?:bravo:

Delaware 01-18-2008 10:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by monsterman (Post 81059)
God knows how Gonzo survives.

Attachment 4484

I do he is cpt black gone Awol, he gets killed every fucking night he is out, freaks the thai's something cronic.

monsterman 01-19-2008 01:41 AM

It is True abiout Samui and Phuket having more Thai Mafia action , i have lived in pattaya 9 years and only had problem with real Thai mafia types once , although many problems with minor criminal types.

But in Phuket problems with real heavy mafia types were actually frequent in my 3 years there, and quite scary although i came out on top because the mafia types over reacted and fell foul of Phuket cops who are merciless 2 of the mafia guys ended up on the municipal rubbish tip with bullets in the head and police issue habdcuffs on ... a warning to others ,and i made good friends with a local police Colonel who sadly passed away last year in bangkok .

Samui is run by Local samui Mafia /Politcos and is in its own league.

Pattaya is different, the cops are lazy and work in a different way with the top echelon being moved around frequently and the real heavy mafia types are busy in Business and city hall so the crime is really street punks and scammers.

butterflyblonde 01-19-2008 05:37 AM

Let's put it this way, a lot of big spenders go to those islands, mafia will always be where the money is.

I once took a pattaya girl to phuket with me for 1 week of the 2 I was staying there, gave her a nice holiday and all that. I asked her if she would like to try working in phuket instead and after she had spoken with a few locals she told me 'too much mafia in patong' and she preferred to stay in pattaya.

Classyexec 01-19-2008 05:43 AM

thanks for this feedback; appreciate it (thanks for taking the question seriously :-) )

Classyexec 01-19-2008 05:44 AM

good point and good advice; thank you

Classyexec 01-19-2008 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by butterflyblonde (Post 81067)
I asked this question on the flb forum a long time ago as I heard all kinds of things about pattaya being a ' bangkok on steroids' with a high crime rate and was also told (not by flb members) it was an unfriendly atmosphere when compared with a party island like phuket. Far more of the hooligan element etc..

And to be honest, I felt relaxed by the 2nd night and realized this place was'nt the 'snake pit' it was hyped up to be. It is of course fairly large in size, higher numbers of people would surely mean a higher chance of incidents would'nt it?

To be honest , I would worry more in phuket or samui as both are notorious for having a large mafia type element. It may even be fair to suggest both of those islands may have had more violent incidents per square mile when you compare the size of the places in relation to pattaya times the amount of incidents that have occured in each over the years. But I'm only guessing.

COMMON SENSE!!! Use it just as you would anywhere in the world.

Spread your money out into different pockets and keep an eye on anyone approaching you and getting up close on the street, on a songtaew (baht bus) or wherever. Those slim travel wallets that can be worn under a shirt work very well. Only take what you think you need for the night and don't flash it around. When I pay for drinks, I could easily peel an orange inside my pockets too.

Keep to well lit areas where there are crowds, if you walk down deserted alleyways in the dark, who do you suppose might be there waiting for you? Beach road at night is notorious for ladies/ladyboys that may be high on the drug yabba or whatever, just dont walk around there when it's late. Get on a baht bus rather than walk if you must travel down there.

Keep control of yourself, try not to get so drunk you don't know where you are or what you are doing. Vunerable you will be.

Make sure your catch for the night has an ID card and hands it over to reception, it may be a good idea to speak with the reception staff on arrival and ask them to keep all ID cards until you appear at the desk in the morning with the girl or they call you up to check you are happy and everything is in order, before letting the girl walk out. This applies no matter if the girl is from a bar or freelancer in a disco/off the street.

Don't leave anything is sight that can be stolen in your room, it's very easy to fall into the trap of feeling relaxed and safe, dropping your guard and perhaps leaving your new digi cam on view in your room. The cleaner could nick it, so could your lady from the night before. Hotel safes are there to be used. (even the safe ain't no guarantee I hear you all cry)

If you see a fight of any kind, get the fuck out of there and do not get involved no matter the circumstances. If you want to help, call the tourist police. That's about all you can do without getting beaten up/killed yourself or arrested when the police turn up.
An example, you might see a thai guy beating a thai girl, poking your nose in could see the both of them turn on you and ever other thai within half a mile. No joke.

That's about all I can think of for now in terms of a sensible way to approach the visit. Keep a low profile, that's my advice. And you will simply be just another face in the crowd and unlikely to have anything other than a jolly good time.

Thanks very much for your straightforward, thoughtful (and obviously knowledgeable) response. I sincerely appreciate it....I'm not one to get all "frigged out" about the horror stories, but as a true (never yet been to LOS) Newbie, with kids I'd like to see when I return from LOS, the other stuff I was reading was sobering, to say the least. It does make sense that with so many people, so much beer and booze and the general "free spirit" that makes Pattaya wonderful (or at least sound wonderful) that it's just wise to be smart, as you suggest.

Thanks again

sabang 01-19-2008 06:42 AM

I have lived here almost two years, and still occasionally get my bill loaded. :skip:

I take it in stride. :hookah:

If you haven't been to DC, Rio, sao paulo, East side LA, Hollywood, Athens, Lima, Mexico border towns, Panama, Tenderloin, Manila, Angeles, Vietnam, Kings Cross (both), Rome, south Houston, Miami etc then at least keep your eyes open.

Do remember they drive on the other side of the road here- this is probably the most challenging aspect to drunk shermans.

monsterman 01-19-2008 02:58 PM

I have worked all over south america , africa and eastern europe and its much safer here.

penetrator 01-19-2008 03:26 PM

I was at Electric Avenue (as sung about by Eddy Grant) in Brixton the other day a few hours after someone was stabbed and killed over an orange.

gonzo 01-19-2008 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by penetrator (Post 81205)
I was at Electric Avenue (as sung about by Eddy Grant) in Brixton the other day a few hours after someone was stabbed and killed over an orange.

Some people just worry too much about getting scurvy.

Classyexec 01-19-2008 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by sabang (Post 81154)
I have lived here almost two years, and still occasionally get my bill loaded. :skip:

I take it in stride. :hookah:

If you haven't been to DC, Rio, sao paulo, East side LA, Hollywood, Athens, Lima, Mexico border towns, Panama, Tenderloin, Manila, Angeles, Vietnam, Kings Cross (both), Rome, south Houston, Miami etc then at least keep your eyes open.

Do remember they drive on the other side of the road here- this is probably the most challenging aspect to drunk shermans.

Thanks for the help; it sounds like the general theme is, if you've handled other "big cities" with their difficult/more unsafe areas, you can likely handle what Pattaya throws at you.,..and just don't get so falling down drunk that you walk in front of baht buses or cars, etc.

Thanks again.

Classyexec 01-19-2008 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by penetrator (Post 81205)
I was at Electric Avenue (as sung about by Eddy Grant) in Brixton the other day a few hours after someone was stabbed and killed over an orange.

Seriously?? Amazing.,....and how sad.


penetrator 01-19-2008 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Classyexec (Post 81227)
Seriously?? Amazing.,....and how sad.


Here Ya go

Stabbing in Brixton Market
Tragic, senseless murder shocks Brixton shopkeepers and residents.
(20th December 2006. Report by editor. © urban75)

According to news reports, this tragic pre-meditated murder was over a stolen 20p orange.

Khalil Nasseri, 24, had been visiting the grocers owned by his cousin Asad when he was stabbed to death by a gang of men, one of whom had tried to steal the orange two days earlier.

The man was caught taking the fruit on Thursday and told to leave, but vowed revenge. On Saturday evening it is believed he returned with four friends.

Mr Nasseri, who had nothing to do with the initial dispute, had been outside the shop, helping two others clear up, when all three were set upon at MS Nasseri Quality Fruit and Vegetables in Electric Avenue, Brixton.

Asad Nasseri said: "On Thursday a man had come into the shop and tried to walk out without paying for an orange. There was an argument and the guy left, saying 'I'll be back'. "

The owner of a neighbouring shop said the man returned to the greengrocers later that evening with seven or eight others but found it closed.

Mr Nasseri said the man and four others returned at about 7.30pm on Saturday. "They stabbed Khalil from behind and attacked the other two with a hammer and knives," he added. "Khalil... had nothing to do with it. "

Khalil had studied medicine in Afghanistan and hoped to return to become a doctor like his father, Mr Nasseri said: "He was so intelligent and talented. "

Police said the stabbing involved a black gang and Asian victims. Witnesses should call the incident room at Sutton on 020 8721 4155

Delaware 01-20-2008 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by sabang (Post 81154)
Do remember they drive on the other side of the road here- this is probably the most challenging aspect to drunk shermans.

They drive on anyside of the road here, probably the most challenging aspect to any drunk farang.

Classyexec 01-24-2008 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by mack (Post 81056)
Classyexec if you're not a loud-mouthed drunken asshole (and with a nick like yours I doubt that you are :canadian: ) you should have no problems. The staggering drunks at 3 A.M. down in the dark sections of Beach Rd. are targets but for the huge majority of us it's no pompem being out and about in Pattaya. I'd much rather walk around :patters: at night than many places here in my hometown. :cheers:

I appreciate your good thoughts...and I have a question for you. Have you gone a few kilometers out of town, where I'm told the "farm fresh" girls work, to get up the "gumption" or experience to move into Pattaya? I hear that can be a really refreshing experience, and a pleasant change of pace....your thoughts?

Thanks in advance,


Classyexec 01-24-2008 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by butterflyblonde (Post 81067)
I asked this question on the flb forum a long time ago as I heard all kinds of things about pattaya being a ' bangkok on steroids' with a high crime rate and was also told (not by flb members) it was an unfriendly atmosphere when compared with a party island like phuket. Far more of the hooligan element etc..

And to be honest, I felt relaxed by the 2nd night and realized this place was'nt the 'snake pit' it was hyped up to be. It is of course fairly large in size, higher numbers of people would surely mean a higher chance of incidents would'nt it?

To be honest , I would worry more in phuket or samui as both are notorious for having a large mafia type element. It may even be fair to suggest both of those islands may have had more violent incidents per square mile when you compare the size of the places in relation to pattaya times the amount of incidents that have occured in each over the years. But I'm only guessing.

COMMON SENSE!!! Use it just as you would anywhere in the world.

Spread your money out into different pockets and keep an eye on anyone approaching you and getting up close on the street, on a songtaew (baht bus) or wherever. Those slim travel wallets that can be worn under a shirt work very well. Only take what you think you need for the night and don't flash it around. When I pay for drinks, I could easily peel an orange inside my pockets too.

Keep to well lit areas where there are crowds, if you walk down deserted alleyways in the dark, who do you suppose might be there waiting for you? Beach road at night is notorious for ladies/ladyboys that may be high on the drug yabba or whatever, just dont walk around there when it's late. Get on a baht bus rather than walk if you must travel down there.

Keep control of yourself, try not to get so drunk you don't know where you are or what you are doing. Vunerable you will be.

Make sure your catch for the night has an ID card and hands it over to reception, it may be a good idea to speak with the reception staff on arrival and ask them to keep all ID cards until you appear at the desk in the morning with the girl or they call you up to check you are happy and everything is in order, before letting the girl walk out. This applies no matter if the girl is from a bar or freelancer in a disco/off the street.

Don't leave anything is sight that can be stolen in your room, it's very easy to fall into the trap of feeling relaxed and safe, dropping your guard and perhaps leaving your new digi cam on view in your room. The cleaner could nick it, so could your lady from the night before. Hotel safes are there to be used. (even the safe ain't no guarantee I hear you all cry)

If you see a fight of any kind, get the fuck out of there and do not get involved no matter the circumstances. If you want to help, call the tourist police. That's about all you can do without getting beaten up/killed yourself or arrested when the police turn up.
An example, you might see a thai guy beating a thai girl, poking your nose in could see the both of them turn on you and ever other thai within half a mile. No joke.

That's about all I can think of for now in terms of a sensible way to approach the visit. Keep a low profile, that's my advice. And you will simply be just another face in the crowd and unlikely to have anything other than a jolly good time.

wonderful advice from an obviously smart (if not also wise!) man. I should print this note off, and refer to it before I set foot outside my hotel in Pattaya! Thanks again.


monsterman 01-24-2008 03:12 AM

sometimes it is better to be a live wise coward than a dead hero..... but sometimes you have to do what is right whatever the risk or consequences .

butse 01-24-2008 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by BigBadSi (Post 81040)
my first time i never felt so relaxed,never got pickpocketed,mugged r raped,had my cock sucked balls licked and survived withoutv any physical scars

But has the MENTAL TORTURE remained??? :mad2:

mack 01-24-2008 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Classyexec (Post 81971)
I appreciate your good thoughts...and I have a question for you. Have you gone a few kilometers out of town, where I'm told the "farm fresh" girls work, to get up the "gumption" or experience to move into Pattaya? I hear that can be a really refreshing experience, and a pleasant change of pace....your thoughts?

Thanks in advance,


No I haven't Classy, all the places I've been to in Thailand are tourist areas...Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Chiank Rai, that. There's lots of guys who like the farm fresh girls but I like them to have a little bit of experience (and at least a little bit of English). :cheers:

gonzo 01-24-2008 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Classyexec (Post 81971)
I appreciate your good thoughts...and I have a question for you. Have you gone a few kilometers out of town, where I'm told the "farm fresh" girls work, to get up the "gumption" or experience to move into Pattaya? I hear that can be a really refreshing experience, and a pleasant change of pace....your thoughts?

Thanks in advance,


Yep, but it's not something you'd want to waste any of your first trip on. It's all well and good going for a change of pace when you've been in town a long time and have become a bit jaded with the whole scene but as you're limited by time on your upcoming trip you'd be wasting a chunk of it by heading out of town.

Personally I reckon this 'farm fresh' lark is so much horseshit anyway. Fair enough if you're looking for a wife but if all you want is a one night stand why would you pay good money to teach some clueless bint how to shag? Personally if I'm paying I want someone who knows what they're doing. If you really want farm fresh skip Pattaya and head up north and spend some time in the provincial towns, you'll be beating them off with a shitty stick and money won't come into the equation. Don't be suprised if they start discussing wedding plans over breakfast the morning after though.

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