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Mirkwood 01-27-2010 01:02 AM

Having Owls as Pets.
1 Attachment(s)
I've put this in the leisure section and having Owls is my new hobby.

Most of you know we bought 2 at the market in Bangkok.

Porno and myself love them to bits and just in case any of you are considering doing the same and owning one I'd like to share some of the lessons we've learnt in the last 2 weeks.

Firstly, if you are in any way normal do not attempt to have an owl as a pet. Read no further.

However, if you have a TG and are a bit mental yourself read on.

Owls are hard work. Mega.

They look the absolute business in your home. They sit on top of the curtain pole motionless all day. They are majestic, funny (head spins round), and everyone who see's them will be amazed you can keep them at home.

That's the good part over with.

The downsides and there are many.


Owls eat live things. Our apartment is like a maggot farm. We have baby maggot things breeding in pots, adult ones and are always not only cleaning up after the owls but cleaning out maggot pots and giving them food.

I'm woken up every morning around 5am to clicking noises which means Ollie and Barney are hungry.

The feeding ritual.
Now Barney is lovely. You just hold out your hand (with towel over it) and he'll sit with you while you feed him maggots (with tweezers).

Not really a problem.

However, Ollie the Scops owl is a nasty piece of work. You have to catch him. If you go to pick him up he hisses at you and goes on the attack. Once you've grabbed him you have to trap him so he can't fly off. He won't fucking just eat nicely. You have to get his food and tap him on the beak a few times. Once he's fired up he'll start scoffing but it's got to be like a fight and Porno has tug of wars with maggots etc. Nicely he won't eat. Fight him for them and he scoffs big time. He will not eat out of a pot. Must be hand fed even though he doesn't like the the feeding ritual.

I asked Porno if she'd rather have got a nice bird that sits on your shoulder and says' Pretty Polly?'

Answer. ' No, I like owls they are fighting and crazy. Make me laugh'.

That sums it up really. Only somebody with that attitude should consider owning one.

More downsides for normal people.

This is funny. If I wake up in the night and need a slash, I get up and walk in the front room. 9 times out of ten I'll have this whoosh of air near my face and a bloody owl swooping down on me. You can't hear the buggers and it really shits you up. They don't attack you or anything you're just in their flight path and nighttimes is when they wake up.

They are possessive. They really take to you. If you leave them alone too long they let you know about it by squawking when you come home. Only when you sit down and they can see you do they chill out. I read this on the net and didn't believe it. They are so like TG's. Do you head in, aggressive,mental but like you round them.

Lastly, the only reason we are able to deal with these owls is their size. If they were big forget it. Wouldn't be possible.

I'd be very very scared of an owl any bigger than ours. No fkn way would I be touching one. Forget Harry Potter. That Scops owl of ours is one vicious mother. He's lovely and we wouldn't be without him but if he was bigger. :sofahide:

Even with all the grief we both love them to bits and would never be without them.
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foz 01-27-2010 02:06 AM

[quote=Mirkwood;172883]I've put this in the leisure section and having Owls is my new hobby.

Most of you know we bought 2 at the market in Bangkok.

Porno and myself love them to bits and just in case any of you are considering doing the same and owning one I'd like to share some of the lessons we've learnt in the last 2 weeks.

DAVE.............only read as far as this.

Please sit back and think,no one else on here is going to be that stupied to think about wanting to buy a owl.

Mirkwood 01-27-2010 02:56 AM


Please sit back and think,no one else on here is going to be that stupied to think about wanting to buy a owl.

You lot have TG's round you. That's even worse than an owl.

Can the mods open a pet section please?

Dunghie 01-27-2010 06:33 AM

Sorry Dave, these are nocturnal birds of prey that belong in the wild not an apartment.

If you really love the owls consider donating them to a sanctuary where they can live in nature. You can always go and see them on weekends, unless they end up in the zookeeper's pot.


foz 01-27-2010 07:59 AM

well said dungie,MODS should ban him from board on cruelty grounds.

gonzo 01-27-2010 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by foz (Post 172911)
well said dungie,MODS should ban him from board on cruelty grounds.

I was thinking more on the grounds of being a fecking idiot.

ROLAND 01-27-2010 08:55 AM

He should be in a fucking cage with the fucking owls

Fork Handles 01-27-2010 09:33 AM

Why not give them to Adam.

He's fucking nocturnal anall.:keyboard:

If Tommie was here he'd post a pic of that pirate cunt and photoshop an owl on his shoulder.:cackinit:

InCider 01-27-2010 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 172883)
Now Barney is lovely. You just hold out your hand (with towel over it) and he'll sit with you while you feed him maggots (with tweezers).

I thought you said Barney was a little fella? he looks pretty damn big in that pic?

Don't you have a problem with them shiting everywhere? or do they only shite in the cage? :unsure:

Fork Handles 01-27-2010 06:50 PM

Mirkwood 02-16-2010 11:47 AM

Come on fella's.
Give me a break. You haven't had a Mirkys Wild Animal Kingdom update for ages.

First the owls.

Well to be fair. Owls don't make good pets. You can take that from me.

Well after the initial love wears off you have a very demanding creature living with you. They are un-tamable. No matter how many times you get them sitting on your hand,feeding etc they never come round and act even slightly friendly.
It's weird because they get all shirty if you leave them alone as well. You can't win.

The house is like an abattoir. I go to the market every week buying any mice that die in the heat. All the dealers know me now and we have a laugh.
One woman sells little chickens. I asked her if I could buy any dead ones she gets. How strange. Since I said that her chic mortality rate seems to have gone through the roof. :clapping:

Owls eat everything. Skin,bones the lot. What they can't digest they hawk up in pellet/ball form and gob out on the floor. They need to do this to clean their stomachs so you can't get away with feeding them nice things like chicken breast all the time.


Well, Porno's one Barney is a bastard. It hates my guts bad. Won't let me near him. He's had a growth spurt and is one mean mother now. I tried to get hold of him last week and he took a chunk out of my hand. He can get fucked now. I'm never touching him again and he might be going on my Mirkys re-introduction to the wild programme if he isn't careful. Porno loves him to bits though. He acts like a baby with her. He does give her a bite now and then but she thinks it's funny. :boxers:

Ollie my one. Well he's a nasty bastard as well. Hisses and plays up when you go to pick him up. He's fine with me once I get him on my hand though. He hates Porno and won't let her near him. She's threatened to kill him quite a few times and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up in the pot.
My one does look the nuts though. Never get fed up looking at him.

Chatuchak Market.

As I said. I'm down there every week and they know me.
The owl dealer had a real beauty the other day and Porno wanted to buy him. I said no as he was a big one. Thought we have enough on our plate.

I've seen things for sale there that nobody would believe. For the mad animals you need to go out the back. They won't put them on show. I think there are police issues. I'm not sure if it's legal here to sell birds of prey like they do.

Anyway, snakes,mad ridge back dogs, snapping turtles, lizards, Eagles, Squirrels, monkeys, Crocs, crows, fish, spiders and owls. They are all here. I don't know what it was but I saw a wonderful black and blue bird for sale this week. I've never seen anything so lovely. Poor fukka must have been trapped somewhere.

Porno bought two Japanese fighting fish. To cut a long story short we now have 12.
They look the nuts as well. All different colors and if you get their tanks too close they do have a row.

If all goes well this month with work and we move, I'm buying a really big aviary for the owls.
OK, it's fair to say in UK or USA owls shouldn't be kept as pets.
Thing is though this is LOS.

Their life was destined to be shit anyway. If a Thai fancies an owl or an Eagle he will just buy one and stick it in a cage. End of.
It gets fed what it's given and probably dies. I look at it like at least we are doing our best.

The bloke told me he normally sells to Chinese who want to eat Owls and Eagles to gain sexual prowess :unsure:

Or young Thai lads who want to fight them against each other. :rip:

So, there you have it. Thought this video might give you an idea of what my apartment is like now.

ROLAND 02-16-2010 11:55 AM

It's not the owls that should be in a fucking cage

Mirkwood 03-01-2010 02:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Update from Mirkys animal kingdom..........

I got back from Pattaya. Caught bus to Morchit bus station and popped up the road to Chatcuchak market. Had to buy the owls some dead mice.

It's been a bit quiet in the animal market lately. Some fella got bitten by a dog and died. The police have been having a clear up like they do in Mikes shopping mail and Tuk Com on fake clothes. All the mad animals are off limts and WWF did a damning report on illegal animal trade so not a lot for sale,

However, that all changed today. Business as usual.

Saw a cracking owl for sale. Really lovely. Wanted to buy him but held back. Only 600 baht. It was a type of Scops owl but different to one we have. I can say hand on heart Porno and I give owls a good home. We are both mental on them and give them 100% care. Feed them the right things, fly them and give them everything they need. They have good home here.

Saw 3 Hawk Eagels for sale and found out how to feed and take care of them. Spoke to Thai fella for ages. When we move to new condo I might consider getting one. Look the nuts. Bit scary. I feel a bit like that geezer in Kez film.

I know it's out of order owning birds of prey but I view it like this. They had bad karma falling into the hands of some Thai koont in a trap. Their life was fooked anyway. Living with us ain't a bad option.

Sorted an avery out for my two owls. Being built in next 2 weeks. Cost 5000 baht.

So, what did I see for sale today.

Really really lovely bird.

Asian Fairy Bluebird.
Got to be the most lovely bird I've ever seen.

Attachment 13780

Loads of squirrels. (Sorry to see them in cages)

Baby owls and baby parrots.


Lizards (big fukka's)

Spiders. (Yuk scared)

Cock fight in the pit. Looked horrific.

My Siamese Fighting fish are called Pla-Kad in Thai. Translation??? Fish bite :bangin:

I can honestly say I love the pet scene here as much as the sex lark.

I had to laugh today. Everything in my condo either bites you, fights, fucks and costs money. Nothing nice here.

Loving it. :inlove:

ROLAND 03-01-2010 03:50 PM

Haven't you got a fucking job to go to ?

bigphill67 03-01-2010 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 175049)
So, what did I see for sale today.

Really really lovely bird.

Asian Fairy Bluebird.
Got to be the most lovely bird I've ever seen.

Attachment 13780

hi mirkwood the bluedird looks awesome, do you know if they could be exported back to the uk, would love one of them will have to have a proper chat next time i,m in patters we met in jan but didn't get chance to talk much was there with foz :thumbup1:

KeeNeow 03-01-2010 08:41 PM

The only asian fairy bluebird that can be imported into Brtiain is Mirky

Mirkwood 03-01-2010 09:53 PM


hi mirkwood the bluedird looks awesome, do you know if they could be exported back to the uk,
I doubt it mate. I don't know for sure but most of the animals here are wild and not allowed to be sold. WWF and the like are always making protests about whats for sale in the market.

Thing is with Thai's they will never stop doing anything that earns money. The police do the usual sham once in a while then it's back to normal. Been going on years.

Saw a mega cock fight yesterday. Kids,girls,mums and dads all crowded round laughing.

They are a race of nutters.

Forgot to say.

I walked round the dog bit yesterday as well.

Kin ell. You can buy anything here. They had Huskey dogs for sale 12,000 baht. They would come in right handy out here wouldn't they?

German Shepard dogs, Rottweilers and Bulldogs. It's mental down there.

gonzo 03-01-2010 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 175097)
I don't know for sure but most of the animals here are wild and not allowed to be sold. WWF and the like are always making protests about whats for sale in the market.

Thing is with Thai's they will never stop doing anything that earns money.

So you mean if people stopped buying the bloody things maybe they'd stop catching them? :whistling:

Mirkwood 03-01-2010 11:13 PM


So you mean if people stopped buying the bloody things maybe they'd stop catching them?
Oh yeah I didn't think of that. :buttkick:

monkeyspanker 03-02-2010 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 175049)
We are both mental

no shit :faint:

Frankie 03-02-2010 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 175097)
They are a race of nutters.

Well I have to give credit where credits due, your doing far more than your level best trying to fit in. I have never read anything remotely like this anywhere before.:respect:

Why not buy a couple of them huskies, few eagles, vultures, snakes, mongoose and throw them into your gaff and see what happens?:tornado:

Sorry I am just being stupid as you would need a bigger apartment for all of that. Is that why your moving?

I wonder what the next few weeks will bring? You should write a book as you've got more than enough material already.:toot:

Keep it up Mirky.:georgecross:

kuranda_bagman 03-02-2010 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by monkeyspanker (Post 175139)
no shit :faint:


thailearner 03-02-2010 10:00 PM

So when does Mirky Safari Park Open

foz 03-02-2010 10:20 PM

Frankie he needs to buy a brain

Mirkwood 03-04-2010 12:59 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Today at the market...

Finished work and caught bus to market.

What did we have on sale today?

Eagle... Big mother. Now this one looked fierce and was making the shrieking noises you would expect. I looked at it and considered what was involved with owning one. Mulled it over and carried on walking.

Saw a cracking Owl. Only 600 baht. Really nice Scops Owl same as mine.

Mad vicious dogs.

Some really lovely Huskey dogs. Big blue eyes.

German sheperds that I saw a few days ago looking in bad shape.

The trouble with this market is that even if the animals arrive in good shape the Thai's just leave them out in the sun or cramped in small cages. I'd guess unless somebody buys them of first day or so they die anyway be it at market or when you get them home. Learnt this the hard way with our first owl.

Squirrels....Loads of em.

Baby Owls.

Snakes...Kin hundreds today.

Jelly fish...



Some sort of wild cat???? Looked a nasty bit of work.

About every type of song bird, Kingfisher you've ever seen.

It's a mad place. I'll never get fed up walking round here. I like it as much as walking up Soi 6.

Owls doing great at home.

Attachment 13939

Attachment 13940

Bottled it on the eagle. Asked the geezer to show me how to feed it.

Looked at that large Raptor beak ripping a chicken to pieces and decided he could keep the koont. :jason:

ROLAND 03-04-2010 01:45 PM

This bloke Milkcup needs some serious psychiatric care

gonzo 03-04-2010 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by ROLAND (Post 175339)
This bloke Milkcup needs some serious psychiatric care

What gave it away? The best of Debbie Gibson disc showing on the telly?

ROLAND 03-04-2010 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by gonzo (Post 175342)
What gave it away? The best of Debbie Gibson disc showing on the telly?

No it was the owl singing along to it that tipped me over the edge

Mirkwood 03-15-2010 03:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Mirky's animal kingdom............

Just because I've been a bit quiet on the animal front don't think I've not been bang on it.

Went to Chatuchak market last Saturday to buy the owls a new home. Cost me nearly 4000 baht but they are well happy now. Bought them a nice cage with loft area. They hide in there most of the time all happy.

Siamese fighting fish doing well. As most of the Thai breeders know me at market I've been offered 'special' animals.

First on the list is 100% true blooded Siam fighting fish. They are a bit different from what you see on the stalls. These fish are 500 baht each as opposed to 5-50 baht each. Bit dull in colour but they are the original Siam fish. Show winners and boy can they have a scrap. You only see these now and again and I feel privileged to have been offered the best at the market. Once payday arrives I'll be buying a couple for sure. We have fish in every room now. Cracking looking and badly violent. As soon as they see another one BANG. Thai. As usual nutty.


Well you know me. I've got my heart set on an eagle or big bird of prey.
I won't just get one. I've done my homework. I was member of YOC when I was a kid and loved birds of prey. I have more of an idea than a newbie. The thing is with birds of prey if you get it wrong they die instantly. The whole thing is a mega hobby for me and Porno. We love them to bits. All the going to market buying food. We are partners in it all the way. Love it.

I've got plenty of room now. Balcony is going to be housing the hawk. I'll set everything up first. I'm planning on flying and training one properly. Been reading falconers websites and courses.

I've learnt you have to get a hawk from a baby or you will never be able to tame one. Last week I went through all the feeding lark and having one on my arm. Fookin claws are sharp. They are big bastards as well.

Been offered about 4 different ones around 4000 baht.

I know it's mental having all these nutty animals but I've decided something. This whole thing is a once in a lifetime experience. The chances if me getting a yuppie job and living in LOS were a million to one. Lets be honest.

It's a fucking mad place and I'm filling my boots. I'm living with a bi sexual sex addict and if I wake up in the morning and want to buy an eagle I'm going for it.

One day I'll be on that deathbed waiting for them to switch off machine.

I fucking won't be wondering ' What if '

I've made a safety plan should I lose my job. Porno's nephew Nong Arm is a little bastard. He's about 14 and loves owls,hawks and fighting fish. Should I got bullet from work I'm paying him to take care of anything I buy. He's happy with that and as he's a natural with hunting animals I feel fine.

Ollie and Barney.

Attachment 14035

Last but not least on the list is an Asian Fairy Bluebird.
We are going to buy one with a posh fancy cage. Got the dealer sorted. Cost of bird is 1200 baht. Cage 3000 baht.
Not difficult to take care of. Easy peasy compared to birds of prey.

Just to close. If any of you are ever in a position to own/buy a bird of prey then go for it. I've never experienced anything as good as owning one. Hard work but worth it. I'd be gutted not getting up early sorting the food etc.

Loving it. The animal part is easily as good as the shagging sluts for me.

Frankie 03-15-2010 06:28 PM


bigphill67 03-15-2010 08:12 PM

few of my mates i work with have birds of prey they hunt with there's most use harris hawks there big enough to take a rabbit or pheasant and say keeping them is quiet easy the most important thing is their wieght to heavy cant fly or won't just sit in a tree and to thin not enough energy to make a kill fine line between starvation and peak fitness they fly them all year but scare the bejeasus out of me saw one of them grab my mate on his hand with no glove and it took him nearly an hour to get it off wouldn't let go if it could feel any movement in his hand and just locked its talons into his hand nasty fu----r think he must of fed it a weeks food trying to get off i'd of killed the thing but he's still got the same bird and a scar to boot any how good luck and get a good pair of gloves mate :unsure:

yusamile 03-16-2010 01:55 AM

Its ok Phill, you can say Fuck,...fucker,...fuckwit , any thing you like on here,...aint no one gonna bat an eyelid. This aint ThaiVisa.:nerd:

gonzo 03-16-2010 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by bigphill67 (Post 176161)
get a good pair of gloves mate :unsure:

You'll be fine with a pair of pink marigolds Dave, they'll look the part and give you all the protection you need :whistling:

gonzo 03-16-2010 03:00 PM

Chuck_Wao 03-17-2010 01:27 AM

Scurrying across a snow-covered field, the tiny meadow vole made hardly a sound.
But the Great Grey Owl heard it anyway - and swooped.
The huge bird's flat face acts like a radar dish, directing even the faintest noise towards its ears. So even if its prey had been a foot under the surface of the snow, its fate would still have been sealed....

The owl had been perched in a tree overlooking the field in Bobcaygeon, Ontario, Canada, as temperatures plummeted to -15C.
Photographer Jody Melanson, 47, travelled an hour to the area to get pictures after receiving a tip-off that the Great Grey Owl was there.
He said: 'I found the owl after five minutes of searching. He was sitting in a tree hunting.
'When he heard something edible he swooped down and grabbed the vole.

'Great Grey Owls can hear prey a foot below the snow. The owls face is shaped like a radar dish and they use their ears to pinpoint the prey's location.
'There is no chase. The owl hears, silently swoops in and pounces on the prey. The owl seldom misses.'
Great Grey Owls live across the North American continent. Adults have a big, rounded head with a grey face and yellow eyes.
They eat mostly small rodents, with voles being their most important food source.

Mirkwood 03-20-2010 01:23 PM

Chatuchak Market.............

I had to go and get the owls some dead mice today.

Loads of red shirts about. Driving up and down waving flags. Army was on the bridges stopping them going up there. Looked like turning nasty.

Did my 2nd favorite pastime in LOS. Walked round pet market.

What did we see for sale?

3 baby owls. Spotted owlets. I wanted one. Saw the mum. Looks like Barn owl. Big and white. Was mulling it over walking round. To buy or not to buy?

Saw another 2 of those Fairy Bluebirds for sale. They really are lovely. Trouble is they don't really do anything. Just sit in cage. They don't bite or swoop down on you at night. Bit boring.

Next had a shock. Massive great scorpions???? Who would buy those? Big black fukka's with monster claws.

Husky dogs.


A woodpecker.

Some type of Kingfisher.

4 Eagles. Funny story really. You know how hawks sort of sit with their mouths open all the time?

I saw this cracking baby hawk for sale. It was sitting on top of a cage with it's mouth open. Next to it was some other bird in a cage and the hawk kept stoving it in with it's open beak. Really mullering it but nobody took any notice.

Got to admit I saw how all these animals are transported. Jesus.
All just lobbed together in box on back of motorbike. Honestly, I know some say I shouldn't have pet owls and stuff but I promise you the best thing that could ever happen to any animal there is to come and live with us.

Tortoises. I fancy one coz you can't get them in UK.
Stems from me being Blue Peter fan I think.

Loads of fish stuck in placcy bags in the sun.

Poor squirrels stuck in cages in boiling heat.

I had the chance to go to Pattaya today and knocked it back to go to market. I like it better.

Why don't you lot have a detour next trip for a day? It's mega.

ROLAND 03-20-2010 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 176359)
Chatuchak Market.............

I had to go and get the owls some dead mice today.

Loads of red shirts about. Driving up and down waving flags. Army was on the bridges stopping them going up there. Looked like turning nasty.

Did my 2nd favorite pastime in LOS. Walked round pet market.

What did we see for sale?

3 baby owls. Spotted owlets. I wanted one. Saw the mum. Looks like Barn owl. Big and white. Was mulling it over walking round. To buy or not to buy?

Saw another 2 of those Fairy Bluebirds for sale. They really are lovely. Trouble is they don't really do anything. Just sit in cage. They don't bite or swoop down on you at night. Bit boring.

Next had a shock. Massive great scorpions???? Who would buy those? Big black fukka's with monster claws.

Husky dogs.


A woodpecker.

Some type of Kingfisher.

4 Eagles. Funny story really. You know how hawks sort of sit with their mouths open all the time?

I saw this cracking baby hawk for sale. It was sitting on top of a cage with it's mouth open. Next to it was some other bird in a cage and the hawk kept stoving it in with it's open beak. Really mullering it but nobody took any notice.

Got to admit I saw how all these animals are transported. Jesus.
All just lobbed together in box on back of motorbike. Honestly, I know some say I shouldn't have pet owls and stuff but I promise you the best thing that could ever happen to any animal there is to come and live with us.

Tortoises. I fancy one coz you can't get them in UK.
Stems from me being Blue Peter fan I think.

Loads of fish stuck in placcy bags in the sun.

Poor squirrels stuck in cages in boiling heat.

I had the chance to go to Pattaya today and knocked it back to go to market. I like it better.

Why don't you lot have a detour next trip for a day? It's mega.

Can someone close the board down again please

Mirkwood 03-21-2010 12:37 AM


Can someone close the board down again please
It must be horrible being you.
If you can't drink or fuck it something has no interest to you.

I bet your mum never let you have a dog when you were a kid, right? :bigfinger

Chuck_Wao 03-21-2010 04:43 PM

Owl Sanctuary..

Mirkwood 03-25-2010 03:37 PM

Come on then.

Lets fucking get it over with.


Came home early from work yesterday and decided to clean the owls out.

I've got two owl box's on top of the kitchen cupboards. I get them out of their cage and they fly up there and sit.

It was all going to plan. Next thing I know my owl Ollie. Goes and flies back in the cage. I get him out again and he flies back to the box on top of cupboard.

That was the last time I saw him.

Fuck knows what happened or where he went. It's a mystery.
I thought he was hiding under the table or something. I looked everywhere, behind cupboards,under beds, all the usual places he hides. After 3 hours gave up the ghost.

What happened to him? I honestly hand on heart could not tell you.

There was a gap of maybe two inches in one of the windows but that was it. He must have squeezed out of there. If it wasn't that I don't know.

Porno got home and was banjaxed. Proper. Couldn't sleep. Bad dreams the works. Barney the other owl was going ting tong all night as well.

Knew what had to be done. Went to Chatuchak market after work and bought Ollie 3. :stupid:

Spotted owl this time. Baby one. Pictures to follow. She loves him mega already.

You won't believe this. I know that before I start.

Today I went out to get my hair cut. I'd left the condo doors open and walked in to find owl cage door wide open?????? Barney could have flown out anytime he wanted.

No way has anyone been in here. I didn't open it.

Something strange happening here.

Every fukka keeps telling me owl bring ghosts to your house thats why Thai's dont like them.

There you have it. Take it or leave it.

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