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timanonymous 11-18-2010 08:58 PM

I can't believe it, I'm heartbroken.
This is a trip report about what happened when I returned to Bangkok after falling in love the first time I went ( This isn't a happy ending but looking back I still consider that I had a great time.

Basically I went back to Bangkok on Halloween this year with the intention to first spend one night in Dubai. Then to spend 4 nights in Pattaya. Afterward I would go to Bangkok where I would meet up with my favorite bargirl and who at this point had considered my girlfriend.

In Dubai I was excited to arrive in the evening. I cleaned up the Afghan filth that had been covering my body for the last 7 months and tried to clean myself the best I could before setting out for a nearby mall. I think it was Deira Mall or something like that. I just needed some decent clothes for the evening because there was no way I was going to go the Moscow Hotel looking like I just came from a war.

The club in the hotel was pretty decent. There were lots of very decent women there. Unfortunately none of them seemed to be interested in me. I think I have always had and always will have a problem picking up white women because of being asian. Even if they are prostitutes.

See, I don't like to just fuck anymore. I graduated from that stage already. Now, I actually want girls to be into it and if they aren't I just don't really enjoy myself.

So that night I did actually meet some girl who actually seemed to like me. She was from Turkey. She had a very decent body and face. When we fucked I was actually convinced that she did like me. She was so amazingly wet and pushed onto me so hard as I went into her. It was great or maybe I just thought it was because I hadn't had sex for 7 months. After she left I passed out on the bed and almost missed my connecting flight to Bangkok.

I went to the airport so drunk I'm surprised they let me on the plane. I slept on the plane and woke up in Doha. Fucking Qatar airlines turned away about 8 passengers because they had overbooked my flight from Doha to Bangkok. So I got stuck in Doha for a day. I was okay with it though because they gave me 150 USD and a very nice hotel. So I went out to see Doha in a sketchy unmetered Taxi. I basically just told him I wanted to look around while he drove around in a circle around the city. It was a beautiful city but I had a feeling it was nowhere as liberal as Dubai because of the prudish Islamic element so I was glad to leave.

I flew to Bangkok and took a taxi to Pattaya on Halloween morning. I almost wanted to not even go to Pattaya that morning. I was thinking to surprise my girlfriend at her bar but I decided that exploring the world is more important than any woman that comes my way. Even if she was the most amazing woman I had ever met and she even felt the same.

So I went to Pattaya and went shopping for 3 more sets of clothes for the whole trip. I have to look my best because I had been messing around wearing desert filth for way too long. Not too long after shopping and eating it was evening and time to start the fun. I walked from my hotel all the way to Walking Street which is the distance of the entire beachside road leading up to it. I forget the name of the road but if you have been to Pattaya I'm sure you know exactly what road I am talking about.

In Walking street that evening I decided that I was going to have my first group sex experience. I was just looking for two willing "victims". Eventually I walked into the Airport club and met two amazing foxes there. I asked them if they liked me and if they liked each other and both questions were met with "yes". I can't always tell when women are bullshitting until I have sex with them and then I assume that they like me if they are wet enough and from the way they move in bed.

Anyways all three of us went to eat at one of the numerous seafood restaurants on Walking Street. So at the restaurant I could clearly tell that they felt a bit uncomfortable with me. As if they didn't want everyone to know that they were working girls but knew that everyone could tell.

So we ate a very small amount while drinking more and more. We joked around a bit and when I thought we were comfortable enough we went to my hotel (Bella Villa Metro next to Best Western Inn). At my hotel we continued joking around and after the lights went out (I don't know why women always do that) I started heavy kissing one and then the other while groping them all over. They were definitely not into me. I could just tell. It was like having sex with prostitutes back in the US. Horrible. I was actually more and more interested in one of them than the other because she was so beautiful but then she told me "fuck her!". So I did and then finished up. It was the worst sex of my entire trip. They weren't into each other and they weren't into me.

Afterwards we all got dressed and joked around a little bit more and I asked if I hurt them. I always ask women this. Like I said before, if the other person isn't into it I can't be. Both of them said it hurt. So I told them okay and I think sorry. Kind of blurry at this point. I was pretty wasted. So they left and I went to bed.

I don't think I like threesomes anymore.

So the next day I woke up at about 2 in the afternoon. I don't remember exactly what I did. I do know that this was the day that I met a girl named Nid. A really amazing girl named Nid. Nid was fun. She was loud and full of energy. I think she was only 6 years younger than me. So for the rest of my time in Pattaya I had a blast with her. We were laughing like crazy everywhere we went and the sex was better than that I had on my first trip. I didn't know this could be possible.

We went to a small Thai bar that her friend owned and did Karaoke, we ate at the revolving restaurant, we went to see the giant gold Buddha thing, we saw the Democracy monument thing, we had full conversations while riding next to each other on seperate motorcycle taxis, and played social games with the locals. It was just a crazy fun time. She loved having sex with me I'm convinced. Why? Because I only paid her 2000 baht for 3 days of fun. When I told her I had another girlfriend on day two and that I had to go to Bangkok soon she cried and was going to leave me but I insisted that she stayed. So she did. I told her I would be back later which I never intended to do.

I actually got really sick from drinking way too much Tequila the last day in Pattaya but I went to Bangkok anyways. The whole night she hugged me like a teddy bear and in the morning I took a taxi to the airport to meet my girlfriend from my last trip.

She had dressed up in purple everything. Purple dress, purple handbag, and later I would learn purple bra and panties. So delicious I could have eaten her. She was happy to see me but a lot more reserved than Nid. It felt awkward for me to hug one woman and then 2 hours later hug another one but I played the game the best I could and she bought it. She had to, we had been waiting 7 months talking on the phone 2 times a week for this moment.

So we went out to take my bags to my hotel on Silom Soi 3 (Glow Trinity). Then we were going to go eat but instead started making out and one thing let to another. So we ate afterward.

That night I don't remember what we did but I know that it we did argue a little. It was because she was telling me about how I needed to pay the bar because she was going to quit and move to Isaan and if I came back to see her again and we ever went to where she worked she would not have a good reputation if I didn't. Also she told me that she needed 50000 baht to pay her aunt for some land that she promised she would pay. So I was sort of worried that maybe she was just a cheat after all. So yea, we argued and she cried. Then I told her I would do what I could do and she rested the issue.

So the next day we went to see her family just on the outskirts of Bangkok. It was about a 30 minute drive from Soi 50. That night was a lot of drunken fun for me but for everyone else a little bit forced it seemed. First we took about 2 bottles of Red Label to her brothers house and afterward headed out to a Thai Karaoke place and got drunk there also. There were bar girls there just like where my girlfriend worked but there were absolutely no Farangs ANYWHERE to be found. I remember that the place was opened specifically because her brother asked it to open. Her brother is not a poor man. He had a vehicle, a house, and about 20 staff in his construction/ handyman business. At the end of the night the bill was about 3500 baht. I paid it. The night didn't go well though and it is what cost me my relationship with my girlfriend.

What happened was that when a woman sings Karaoke in a Thai Karaoke club there is a custom of putting a wreath with money attached around her neck. I was not aware of this custom. So I was handed the wreath and asked to put it around her neck. When I did she asked "where's the money". I freaked out quietly to myself. Then she asked again and I got up and walked to the stage and whispered in her ear "I want to leave now". She said something along the lines of no so I walked out to the toilet because I was furious. I thought maybe she was trying to cheat me. So I wanted to get out of the situation before I said something I would regret. Unfortunately when I went to the toilet her very young brother decided to go at the same time and I had no privacy to think for a moment and take a cool down moment.

So I went back to the club sat down a bit and then got up again and walked out to the street thinking to take a taxi back to Bangkok. I didn't though. I decided to just walk for a bit and come back in 5 minutes. Apparently her whole family had noticed my sudden absence so came out after me in about 1 minute and my girlfriend screamed at me, "Where you go!!!???".

I was not ready for this. So I screamed at her, "Why you try to cheat me?!". So this whole thing was a misunderstanding and I asked what she wanted me to do. Her whole family wanted me to go back to the club and she told me that she also wanted me to come back. So we laughed it off and continued partying. Later on an elephant walked up to the bar and I was shocked but took some pictures.

So we went back to my hotel around 4 in the morning and passed out. After this argument my girlfriend and I were never the same again. She became very serious everywhere we went and sometimes we would not even go out togehter. We even decided that it was best if sometimes she not spend the night at the hotel because we needed time alone to think about our relationship. So those nights I met other girls.

The problem was that she was too serious when we would go out because of our arguments. Her seriousness made our situation worse because I was on my first "weekend" in 7 months and it seemed completely absurd that I would spend even a moment being serious about anything. So slowly we argued and argued and then drifted apart.

On the last day I told her goodbye and she wasn't even phased. I went to my hotel and cried. Then about 4 hours before my plane left I called her up and begged her to come to the airport with me. There we talked and she emphasized that we needed to move slowly in our relationship. I said okay and apologised about my behaviour.

Today I tried to call her but she doesn't answer the phone. Yesterday I sent her 4 text messages. Now still no reply. I think there will never be. I told her in my last text message that if she needs me to call me.

Maybe it's better this way. She has 2 kids. She's got some minor health problems. She's about 6 years older than me and she like all Thai women put her kids, family, and friends before me. She's not affectionate like she was before and I acted like an ass.

I told her that I would come back in 4 months and I would change but I don't think I will see her anymore.

I learned a lot about myself. I learned that I have an anger management problem, that I am overly suspicious of everyone, and that I am starved for affection. I need to be constantly told that I am needed and loved. I also need to be hugged and kissed all the time. I think it's too much for any woman to handle.

I never knew any of these things about myself so well. People have told me before but it took this woman to reach me. I will learn to change.

Maybe it was a good trip after all.

tommiecoughlin 11-18-2010 10:39 PM

:cheers: Tim....thanks for the report:thumbsup:.

foz 11-18-2010 11:19 PM

Tim great report ...................

now get sensible and forget her

bell 11-19-2010 05:33 AM

Thanks for the report

timanonymous 11-19-2010 02:07 PM

Okay well now she just called me and let me know that the reason she has been away from the phone is because she had to go see her son and left her phone in Bangkok. She told me to call her tomorrow in a text message. How can I resist!? I'm so crazy about her. And yea, I know this is going to turn out the way BG relationships always do but I'm just going to try and minimize the damage. I relish in my own destruction.

timn 11-19-2010 02:44 PM

You seem a nice guy but....... 'there's no fool like an old fool'

stop pressing the self destruct button..

try soi 6 bars for 'therapy!

bigphill67 11-19-2010 04:24 PM

hi tim think the best thing to do is just put this one down to experience i'm sure the 50000 baht she asked for will crop up again at some point in the future you need more thai girls like nid to play with :lookaround: abit

Frankie 11-19-2010 08:06 PM

Good report Tim.

I think you have ended up laying a big guilt trip on yourself for no good reason. After grafting in Afghanistan you should be getting stuck into some R&R not dealing with "self analysis and relationship issues".

Every time I hear that phrase "anger management issues" I get very fuckin annoyed.

bigphill67 11-20-2010 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Frankie (Post 193248)
Every time I hear that phrase "anger management issues" I get very fuckin annoyed.

:argue: :blowup: :haha:

timanonymous 11-20-2010 02:30 PM

You know for the last 4 days I have been sort of not 100% at work because of this terrible mental illness known as heartbreak.

I did call her today and yea I even asked me if she needed me and she said nicnoi...

I said only nicnoi? She said would you prefer "nothing"?

So I said okay, if you need me more than nicnoi you call me and then I hung up. So basically we are finished and I am dealing with it right now but it sucks. It really sucks. I just don't want to think about her anymore but I can't stop. I know this is going to take time.

But, I want to thank Frankie for bringing up a very critical point. I am living in $@#$@# Afghanistan and that was my first holiday in 7 months. When I go on holiday in Thailand everything should be about what I feel like doing. I think somehow the whole point of going on R&R got lost on me when I fell in love with her the first trip.

So I guess maybe another week of sulking and I should be okay.

timanonymous 11-20-2010 02:39 PM

I should never have stayed in Bangkok. After I met her family and we had problems I should have gotten in that taxi and gone to Pattaya to see Nid.

Then she would be begging me to come back.

I can't believe I got dumped by a Bar Girl. Has this ever happened to anyone you know? Or am I just that bad?

bigphill67 11-20-2010 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by timanonymous (Post 193305)
I can't believe I got dumped by a Bar Girl. Has this ever happened to anyone you know? Or am I just that bad?

happens when you don't give them any money

bell 11-20-2010 05:10 PM

Tell her you will go to weston union and send her some money and she will soon love you again:jeep:

Frankie 11-20-2010 08:49 PM

Dumped by a BG?

Not to worry there's another 20,000 or so to choose from at any one time.

timanonymous 11-20-2010 09:28 PM

These replies are hilarious.

You know I just remembered that there were two very nice events that I left out of my short narrative. First when I was hanging out with Nid at her friend's bar I met some farangs there doing Karaoke. One of the women asked me where I was from and I told her Texas originally. She whispered in my ear that she heard everything was bigger in Texas. I almost wanted to pursue this but Nid was there and the farang woman was nothing spectacular by comparison. Like I said before, Nid was out of this world fun. She's so loud and full of energy.

Another thing that happened was when I was in Bangkok I had gotten drunk at Soi Cowboy and walked down to Sukhumvit Soi 23 where I entered a massage parlour. I remember there was this woman there who beckoned me inside. So when I entered, another not so stunning woman was going to give me a back and shoulder massage. I said "wait" and asked for the woman who beckoned me inside. She said okay and the whole time I was getting my massage I was joking around. She thought it was pretty funny though. So we started getting really crazy and I massaged her back instead because I told her after a customer like me she probably needed it.

Anyways this was really funny. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and then when I started trying to touch her she said no and put my hand away. She said she liked me and eventually I left for more drunken fun.

The next day more drunken fun ensued and I returned to the same massage parlour but this time when I touched her she let me. Actually this time she straddled me while she did the same back and shoulder massage I got last time. So I kept touching her and touching her and then we ran out of time so she said I should get an oil massage.

She took me to some room in the back and we just fucked like crazy. Then she asked me if I liked her and of course I said yes but I never went back there again. I think the whole massage I paid 1400 Baht. I paid 400 for the back and shoulder massage, 800 for the oil massage, and then I gave this awesome woman 200 baht in her hand (I figured that this wasn't exactly her business). I can't believe I forgot to mention these two very fun times for everyone's reading pleasure.

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