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KeeNeow 04-12-2011 09:16 AM

Newbies guide to Thai Girls
This was originally posted by lovedog100 on FLB board.

I've just got done reading another heart wrenching story of a farang and a Thai bar girl. He supported her for three years, and got her visa's and flew her to his home several times. He was getting ready to retire in Thailand with the love of his life, when he found out about another sponsor. (A sponsor is a man that sends money, supports a lady while he goes home and readies for his neat trip to Pattaya.) As it turned out, she had several sponsors. If I were to guess, I'd say a Thai boy friend as well. It sounds like time for a refresher course on Thai ladies.

Most of us show up in Pattaya because it's like a sexual Disney Land. We can do the things we can't do at home. Have ladies that look like the ones that wouldn't even speak to us at home. We can party like a rock star, and be made to feel like one too. Our sex drive goes into overdrive, and we get a self esteem boost. It's easy to get spoiled in Pattaya. The Thai girls will make the women at home seem like men with tits. They have a femininity that western women don't have, and they are willing to please. That's in contrast to women from home, that demand that they be pleased. Women from my country have an average size 16 dress size, while that average lady in Pattaya is probably a size 2 or 4. Pattaya is defiantly a play land for men, exciting, fun, where fantasy's can be fulfilled, new fantasy's made, and fulfilled again.

When we first arrive in Pattaya we slip our manhood into any lady that says "I want go with you". Then we start getting selective, and going for the girls with the perfect bum, best boobs, nicest legs, or is just out right gorgeous. We will try two or three ladies at a time. After a while of thinking with our cocks, something happens. Our brain have atrophied or something, because we find "the one". We have read all the stories, and talked with those taken by Thai ladies. Yet, we think "mine is different". Your friends and acquaintances that you have made in Pattaya will throw up their arms, and roll their eyes behind your back, but won't say a word about the train wreck they know is inevitable to happen.

You arrived in Pattaya a full grown man, yet turned into a teenager in love for the first time. Just like when you were 15 years old, it feels real. It's not real, it's just a fantasy that you want to keep going. A thinking man would think "this is great, I'm going to come back and do it again sometime". However, you are thinking about ways to keep it going. You ask the girl if she will quit working bar and be with you. You haven't thought it out completely, but you have ideas of going home and selling everything and coming back to live, or marrying her and bring her home to the "American dream" or what ever dream you have in your country. Of course she says "yes, but if I quit work, I'll need money to live on, and support my family while I wait you". The trap snaps shut. You have just been snared, and you think that you have caught her.

Next you start negotiations on how much you will send her while you are gone. You have heard that the average Thai makes about 5,000 baht a month, and from that think that if you gave her 6,000 baht, she could live a little better than average. She could go home and get a job at 7-11 where she would add 5,000 to that and live well. Knock, Knock, WAKE UP. That is never going to happen. Just as if you rented your hotel room while you were gone, she wants her going rate, like she would get if she was barfined seven days a week. You go back and forth, or maybe you just cave in. You end up with a number somewhere between 20k and 60k a month. Of course, if any of your Pattaya friends ask, you will say 1/2 of what you are really giving, and you will never tell friends, family, and coworkers at home you are sending her money. You know their response will be "WTF? You are sending a Thai prostitute money with out getting any pussy? WTF is wrong with you?."

It's Okay though, because you know that "your girl is different." After agreeing to regularly send the biggest pay check she has ever got in her life, she gives you a BJ and swallows your spunk, just to show how much she loves you. A few days later, you hand her a wad of cash as you get on your homeward bound plane. She watches in tears as your plane taxi's to the runway. Then she makes a call to a man she knows in BKK. As long as she is in BKK, she might as well enjoy it for a few days, and get paid for it. On the flight home you start to make a plan how to get back to Thailand, or get the girl to your country. When you fall asleep, you dream of your new sex filled life with a girl 1/2 your age. Won't all your friends eat their hearts out?

Now your girl with her new found wealth will have to decide what she is going to do. They typically do one of a few things. First though, she has to bar fine several of her friends and take them out on the town. Showing off wealth is a big thing for an Issan farm girl. After a few days of partying, she gets down and makes a decision on what to do while waiting for you to take her away. She will.........
1. Keep working bar, or change to a different bar and keep working.
2. Stop work, move her Thai boyfriend into her room, and they will live off your money.
3. Freelance, going to the disco's nightly. She has an income so she can be selective who she goes with. Young, good looking, with money.
4. Go back to the village and stays with her family and child.
5. Goes back to the village for a month or two, then misses the excitement and glamor of Pattaya, and returns to working bar.
6. Finding out what a great scam having a sponsor is, look for another sponsor, and then another.

Most of us would rather that she chooses #4, however the village is where her ex-husband and childhood sweetheart are. Moma will walk all over the village bragging how her girl is making 4-5 times as much as anyone working in the village. She will become a target for every lazy Thai man in the village that wants to sponge off a lady. Being that it's a small place, it's also a boring place, especially if you don't have a job to go to every day. Drinking, gambling and visiting the Karaoke becomes a way of life, just to keep the boredom away.

No matter which she picks, you can expect calls or e-mails for extra money. Moma's buffalo will get sick and need a vet. Her brother will crash his motorbike into a police car, and will have to pay off the police, make repairs, and need a doctor. The roof will start leaking, and need to be completely replaced. The loan on the house is due, and it was borrowed from the mafia, if it's not paid next week, someone will get hurt, or die. She will develop a cyst on her overy and need an operation. The list goes on and on, as does the number of times you will be asked to send money to avert a crises.

Lets say you ignore all of the above. You sell everything you own, cash in your 401k or other retirement package, sell what stocks you have and are ready to make the move to Thailand. Moma will make her a gift of enough land to build a house on. By gift, I mean she says this land is yours, although no paperwork changes hands. Farang can't own land in Thailand anyway. With her new land, she will want a house built on it for you and her to live happily after. You send the estimated one million baht to build the house, soon the extra's soon start popping up. She got a western bathroom for you. A western kitchen has to be built because you will want western food cooked. A second bathroom off the big bedroom. A garage for the car you are going to buy. You send another one million baht. When you arrive in Thailand the family expects a big wedding to show off their new farang son in law. You get to pay for it all. Moma and papa want a minimum of 150,000 baht sin sot, maybe as high as a million. Sin sot is the dowry you are expected to pay for your new bride. Newly married, you wait for the house to be finished while shopping for furniture. On the day you show up to move in, mama, papa, and all the brothers and uncles are out front and inform you that she doesn't love you any more, you have to go. The locks have been changed, and the police are on the way. If you don't leave now, the police will only find a beaten and bloody trespasser on the front lawn. After all, it's mama's land.

If you are lucky, she will come to your country. By lucky I mean, that in most of the major first world countries, you have to stay married for so long before she can get permanent residence. In America that's two years. So, after paying the sin sot, and giving the family a show off wedding, you get to bring your new bride home. Well, after waiting a year for her visa application to be approved. All the while she will be doing #1 threw #6 listed above. Then you get to bring her home and live happily after after, or until she gets permanent residence status, which ever comes first. With in a week of receiving permanent residence, expect papers to be served on you for divorce. You can bet that during her two years there, she has researched your countries divorce laws, and probably knows them better than your attorney. Say good buy to your Thai trophy wife, and everything you own. Expect her to give you one final parting shot, she tells you that your best friend fucks better than you do, and your brothers cock is bigger.

If you think that I am showing a bleak outcome for you and your bar girl, I am, but it's a realistic outlook. If you think that I'm trying to talk you out of being a sponsor, I am. Think with your head, not your cock. Do I know it all? No, defiantly not, but it's still a realistic look at what's ahead for you, if you fall for a bar girl. (or any Thai girl for that matter) Remember what you already know, but are ignoring because your girl is different.
1. Money is #1
2. You are nothing more than a walking ATM to them.
3. Your girl is NOT different.

Next is a list of where you sit in the heart of a Thai girl. It's meant as a joke, but what makes it funny is how true it is. Mama and the Thai boyfriend can change places. Moma always comes first, but the Thai boyfriend will always get more money out of her. He will also be a bigger driving force in playing you, and will be at the root of all requests for extra money.

Your place in Thai lady’s heart.
1. Money
2. Gold
3. Food
4. Sleep
5. Thai boyfriend
6. Mama
7. Baby
8. Thai friends
9. Other Thai people
10. Mama’s Buffalo
11. Dog, cat
12. Flea on dog cat
13. You !!

While all of this sounds negative. While it sounds like I'm saying, don't come to Pattaya. I'm not negative, but realistic, I seen it many times, and heard about it from way to many. I want you to come to Pattaya and have the time of your life. Come back again and again. Just realize, it's not real, it's fun and fantasy. Enjoy your time in Pattaya. There is no place like it in the world. It's fun, it's exciting, it's different, it's weird, and it's a mans wet dream. In fact, you may never have had a wet dream so exciting. Just remember it's not real. You are paying the ladies for what you are getting. Just because one is better than the others, doesn't mean that you won't find one just as good during your next trip. You probably will. There are many like her. Your girl is not different, she is just a bit better than the others you have tried so far. Remember, you haven't tried them all, and new ones arrive every day.

Good luck

gonzo 04-12-2011 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by KeeNeow (Post 203043)
2. Stop work, move her Thai boyfriend into her room, and they will live off your money.

Doesn't even have to be a Thai boyfriend. One of my regulars would always come round with a load of food and cigs for me then we'd go out on the piss together at her expense whenever her sponsor sent her a load of cash :laughing:

Gildas 04-12-2011 04:36 PM

recall Magoo once referring to them all as "snakes with tits"...harsh, but ultimately true.

gonzo 04-12-2011 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Gildas (Post 203084)
recall Magoo once referring to them all as "snakes with tits"...harsh, but ultimately true.

I think that was originally a Big D phrase.

Frankie 04-12-2011 10:37 PM

Was once drinking in St. Tropez (now Papagayo) a bird was on the phone, she finished the call, spoke to the yings behind the bar who then went delerious. Bell got rang twice while I was there.

Explanation: "Boyfliend she, him send big money". At least it wasnt squandered.

monsterman 04-16-2011 03:57 PM

Tom i have to agree and disagree with you on thai women experience is that most are snakes with tits but a few are sainted angels .

fearules 04-16-2011 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by KeeNeow (Post 203043)
This was originally posted by lovedog100 on FLB board.
Good luck

These posts are cynical and in general pessimistic opinions made by men who have been taken apart by Thai Bar girls.

They reflect the experience of many men (its true) who think they can find love in a bar. But they are not a general rule. The fact is when it comes to partnership it takes two and the man who is taking on a bar girl is at least as questionable as the girl he thinks he can change.

The result is a disaster and of course many of the girls can see it coming and take all the advantage they can.
So they should.
What gets me is all the so called 'experts' who proclaim to know all the sad punters who made the classic mistake.
Ask any of them if they got taken and they will usually say no.
So how do they know ??
Most of it is bollocks based on a few real events and a certain class of girl who make their living from stupid farangs.

Its sad really that the warnings are all 'Dont do it'.

When in fact many of those who have 'done it' now live very happily in farang land with an absolutely devoted and stunning partner.

In the Uk I see daily young men reasonably looking with fat ugly women. I am well past my best but I would not be seen with most of the women these sad buggers go with.
No wonder some of them when faced with attractive girls who show attention and favour cant get a grip on reality and make sensible choices.

Some girls in LOS (including bar girls) will make some men a great partner. Some will not.
Many girls actually enter P4P with the sole intention of marrying a farang. They either do that or go back to work in BKK or where ever else.

These girls are not often the subject of discussion on boards like these as sadly its a self selected sample. You get what you deserve.

I know from the Thai girls I know in the Uk most of them are great wives and partners some of them (about half) worked bar at some stage. I only know one out of 6 who remained a bar girl full stop.

As for sponsorship I am convinced this is overemphasised by mongers who have seen it but don't understand it.
In fact my own GFs cousin who worked at the FLB had 4 sponsors in 3 years some of them simultaneously and two of them still sent money when she had married (now separated).

She was a little lovely now turned to fat and owns a 2.5 million house in Issan. Yes a lot of her contempraries are jealous of her but I know two of the ones I know could not emulate her. She disgusts them.
One of her sponsors was female and married to an expat !!

Takes all sorts.#
My advice to anyone is dont think all Thai girls are the same they are certainly not and in general make great partners and wives ex bar girls or not.

But you have to be the right man.

Mirkwood 04-17-2011 01:17 AM


I know from the Thai girls I know in the Uk most of them are great wives and partners some of them (about half) worked bar at some stage. I only know one out of 6 who remained a bar girl full stop.

Well I say you are lucky to know such a high number of successful cases.
I only know 1 person who has what I would call a happy marriage with a TG. She wasn't a bar girl either. It's fair to say I'm negative about Thai/Falang relationships. We are talking about in the UK. I know people who are happy living in LOS with TG's.

It's silly for anyone to comment on a couple unless they have at least 5 years together. Most TG's can keep their mouth shut that long until they get visas etc.

I think everyone really knows that sponsoring a bar girl is a dodgy business. That goes without saying. It's something that baffles me to be honest. I could understand if a fella came here on holiday and met a little sweety who had just started in the bar. Maybe she didn't like it here and would play ball and go home. To me that might be a risk worth taking for a sponsor.

However, the sponsored girls I know have all been here ages and have had so much cock it doesn't matter anymore. I feel like it's the old case of shutting the stable door but the horse has bolted.

I mean. Take Miss X for example. I have been shagging her on a regular basis.
She is ex Soi 6 and has an English guy sending 20,000 baht plus a month.

I do wonder. What is he sending money for? To stop her having sex with other guys? What for? Why does it matter anymore?

She has done it all this one. Fucked hundreds of guys, old,young, fat, thin etc etc.
Shes had group sex with multiple guys not only girls. Shes on film. Her pictures are everywhere on the net.

What is the guy thinking?

There is nothing he is getting for his money than me and the Thai guy she lives with over the Darkside is not having.

It's madness.

You say about being the right man. I agree with that.

In my experience being the right man means you start acting like a Thai bloke and she may respect you.
I'm not proud of it but I treat my own Thai wife like a cunt. Why? Because if I start acting like a falang she will treat me the same.

I have spent the last 10 years living with ex BG's. I feel like I can do it and know the rules now. While it can be done I would say a relationship with a TG is nowhere near as fulfilling as being with a lady from your own country.

Just my opinion. No offense meant to anyone.

Call me a caveman but any relationship that involves giving your wife a set amount of money at the end of the month is fucked up.

Freak 04-17-2011 05:12 AM

I remember another of Magoos favourite sayings

"a bar girl would rather climb up a greased telegraph
pole to tell you a lie than to stand on the ground and
tell you the truth"

If you want to love a bargirl your business if you want
to sponsor your business.
I play the game now ive been through the LOS learning
curve, fallen in love/sent some money, most have, but few
will admit to it,
Its all about the money (there may be exceptions) but
you are in control, you have the wallet and the balls.

If you know how to play well some good friendships
can be made, eg I stayed with Joy for 18 days she
took me to her family home in Buriram,
When we got back to PTTY she told me a sponsor
was coming to town and she had to go be with him.
"he pay me good money"
No bullshit no lies just friends with benefits.


Mirkwood 04-17-2011 07:33 AM

I'd just like to say sorry really for coming across so negative on these matters.
I know some members I respect on here have Thai relationships.

I think I'm letting my work and personal life with Thai people interfere with my Pattaya postings.

IMHO I am experiencing the worst of LOS at the moment.

simie 04-17-2011 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 203420)
Call me a caveman but any relationship that involves giving your wife a set amount of money at the end of the month is fucked up.

Milky, please remember that just because YOUR relationships with Thai women have involved you giving a set amount at the end of every month, it does'nt mean that its the same for everyone else!

fearules 04-17-2011 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 203420)
Well I say you are lucky to know such etc etc

It's madness.
You say about being the right man. I agree with that.

In my experience being the right man means you start acting like a Thai bloke and she may respect you.
I'm not proud of it but I treat my own Thai wife like a cunt. Why? Because if I start acting like a falang she will treat me the same.

I have spent the last 10 years living with ex BG's. I feel like I can do it and know the rules now. While it can be done I would say a relationship with a TG is nowhere near as fulfilling as being with a lady from your own country.

Just my opinion. No offense meant to anyone.

Call me a caveman but any relationship that involves giving your wife a set amount of money at the end of the month is fucked up.

Your a cave man !! :rolleyes1:

My father gave my mother a set amount weekly and they were together over 60 years till death ! He wouldnt let her work until all the children had left home!!

Really though I take some of your points but I will say this you have a very poor idea of real Thai girls it seems to me no experience whatsoever.
Because of this you have, in my opinion lost the plot. Even your attitude to a five year relationship starts of with the premise that the girls is just biding her time. Thats not realistic unless the girl is like the ones you describe and are hardened bar workers. Only 50%or 60% of bar girls even in Pattaya are from that proportion.

You really have been hanging out with and from some of the dregs of Thai society and then you extrapolate to all Thai girls. Thats just wrong.

Like you I dont understand any man who could take along term bar girl who does the things you suggest and expect to have the sort of relationship most of us would like (presumably). But then it takes all sorts as we can see from internet boards some men are even prepared to share their wives (Thai or farang) with others after marraige.
The turnover of bar girls is very high there are always many new girls, its not that difficult to know how long a girl has worked for. So although like you I am surprised at the choice of some farangs. It doesnt have to be like that.

On top of that many Thai girls who have never worked in a bar are very willing to date and have a relationship with a farang (as long as he doesnt treat them like cunts). Bangkok is full of such girls. If men really want to form long term relationships with a Thai girl thats the place to start not a bar in Pattaya.
We have often been approched by friends in BKK who ask if we know any nice farangs worth meeting or as pen pals by genuine girls with reasonable jobs. Or at least we were within the fisrt few years of my wife coming to the Uk.
In fact one of my sons friends is now married to an absolutely lovely girl and they both live and work in Malaysia.
She was a receptionist in a Bangkok hotel and like many girls I know wouldnt even go in a gogo bar. Let alone work in one.

Fact is I dont know many men worth recommending far less than the girls worth considering as partners.

I dont treat my Thai wife like a cunt I try not to treat anyone like that (excepts sometimes on the internet when its unavoidable) :rolleyes1:

In my experience treating people politely (very important to Thais) and with respect pays dividends and thats what I mean by being the right man.

I know many successful relations with Thai girls some even with ex bar girls (admitedly they only worked a very short period of time) So to give the impression to newbies that all Thai people are shit and all Thai girls are incapable of loving a farang is very misleading.
In general they make great partners and wives, lovely mothers and can fit into western society very very well.

In fact sometimes I look at the Thai women (my son is also married to a Thai girl ) in my life and it remindes me how much people are really alike once cultural differences are managed or ignored. Both our wives have always helped with the bills from there wages and insist on doing so.

Really Mirkwood I am sure you belive everything you say. But you sound jaded and unhappy. You need a change of scenery.

Mirkwood 04-17-2011 12:51 PM


I know many successful relations with Thai girls some even with ex bar girls (admittedly they only worked a very short period of time) So to give the impression to newbies that all Thai people are shit and all Thai girls are incapable of loving a farang is very misleading.
In general they make great partners and wives, lovely mothers and can fit into western society very very well.

In fact sometimes I look at the Thai women (my son is also married to a Thai girl ) in my life and it reminders me how much people are really alike once cultural differences are managed or ignored. Both our wives have always helped with the bills from there wages and insist on doing so.

Really Mirkwood I am sure you believe everything you say. But you sound jaded and unhappy. You need a change of scenery.

Before we go any further I'd just like to say I don't expect to see eye to eye with everyone. That's why I like it on here. We can beg to differ.

Just off the top of my head I can think of two great mates Roamer and Soi 2. We always have a beer and a laugh but we don't agree on a lot regarding Pattaya. No problem for us and hope you feel the same.

I'm speaking the truth when I say most Thai /Falang relationships I have seen have ended in failure. I'm actually surprised you can say 'many' successful relationships. I personally don't agree that they make good wives and cultural differences cannot be ignored if your TG isn't happy with what she is sending home.

A good wife to me would put you and her first not some manky family in the jungle.

It's possible you and your circle of friends have plenty of money. If that is the case then I admit life may be a lot easier for you than for somebody living month to month like most of the blokes I know who have married TG's.

You put over some fair points but the facts and figures are on my side. A newbie would be better off taking my advice than yours. TG's in Pattaya are bastards. We are on a Pattaya board after all. That's where most will be meeting them not off a dating site.

I've got to ask you. How long have you and all these other happy couples been together?

I probably do sound unhappy at the moment. Jaded as well. Why?

Well, I work here for starters.

I don't just mix with Pattaya types. I work in a Bangkok office and everyone has a degree. The problem is they are no different.
I'm not going to put it on here but let's just say I'm not impressed. The whole race are thieving, dishonest lazy bastards. From the top to the bottom. Yes, English people are shit as well but nowhere near as bad as Thai's. I really dislike them.

They are incapable of seeing falangs as anything other than easy money. The cleaner at my condo summed it up for me. She asked me to get her a falang. I asked why she wanted one?

Answer? ' I not want to work anymore'

That should be added to the Walking Street sign as far as I'm concerned.

I can see a holiday maker would like Thai people. Land of smiles and all that shit.

I'll give you a couple of examples.

We (wife and I) know a lovely old Thai couple who do massage at the market in Rang Sit. They only charge 59 baht. We always give them 200 and they love us to bits. You know the score. Smile OTT falang good mak mak jai dee.

Few weeks ago I take my mate Damion down there. We are all getting the foot massage when the old girl asks my wife about my mate. Has he got a girlfriend?

When my wife said no she then picks up her phone and makes a call.
Some cracking little young TG turns up no more than 18 years old.

We all look confused then my wife starts speaking to her. To cut a long story short the girl wants Damion to be her boyfriend.

Dammo is all confused so my wife explains. The girl needs somebody to pay for her school. If Dammo pays she'll be his bird. Simple.

So the family will whore her out to some falang cunt if he saves them the school fee's. Lovely.

Thai's do not like anyone outside of their family. Trust me.

Yes, my Dad gave my Mum her house keeping every week but it was different. She spent it ALL on us paying bills and buying shopping and clothes. If my Dad hadn't given it to her we would have all gone without.

A TG wants monthly money to send to her family. If you stop giving it to her she will either stay with you and fuck behind your back or just set herself up with another bloke and leave you.

A fair deal in my opinion would be to get both your wages. Pay the bills then take the same amount as sends her family and place it in your own personal savings account. I'd like to bet there isn't enough money to do that so shes on the winning side every time.

Thai's make living in LOS as difficult as possible for falangs. They don't want you here simple. Yes, come for 2 weeks with about £3000 to spend then fuck off. You can't own anything like a house or land. Even if you marry one of the bastards it won't help you get a permanent visa. It's a nightmare and getting worse.

If you do ever live here you will get used to being watched 24/7.

Has he dropped something?
How can get money from him?
How much has he left for tip?
Is his house secure?

I could go on. As I said before UK is shit but it's a lot worse here.

I'm jaded on Thai people for sure but they have made me like that.

ROLAND 04-17-2011 02:13 PM

One of the truer things I've ever had said to me and backing Mirkwood up is that the Thais would be happier if you just chucked your wallet through the doors at Swampy airport when you arrived and fucked off back home.
The land of smiles must be one of the most pisstaking statements ever.

Mirkwood 04-17-2011 02:28 PM

I've been on Pattaya message boards over 10 years man and boy.

This is the first time Roland and I have agreed on something.

I think it's time to do the Tom Daley swan dive off Markland condo's. :hang:

tom 04-17-2011 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 203477)
If you do ever live here you will get used to being watched 24/7.

Has he dropped something?
How can get money from him?
How much has he left for tip?
Is his house secure?

I could go on.

I think that probably reflects your choice of lifestyle in Thailand and who (and where) you choose to hang out with more than anything else. I can assure you, no-one is watching me (or anyone else where I live) 24 hours a day.

Or, you're just paranoid.

My mother visited Thailand for a month in November/December and spent a few days down south (it was the rainy season). I mentioned she was visiting to the regional head of immigration, who I know as an acquaintance rather than as a friend, and when she checked-in at her hotel in Had Yai there were two bottles of champagne waiting for her. They were from the same guy. Nothing was asked for, or expected, in return.

Likewise, the guy who looks after my motor-bike. Getting him to accept any payment for routine maintenance jobs is impossible - I have to buy a case of beer from the duty free now and again and dump it on him and his guys.

I could go on and on about the kindness I encounter on a daily basis, from all sorts of people. From the girls in the bank, the guy who runs my local Khao Phad stall, the security and maintenance guys where I live, the guy who makes sure I have cheap satellite TV, the girls at the local 3BB shop who make sure I have decent internet, all the staff at my local 7-11, the guy who valets my truck.

Maybe you should be asking why you have all the problems that you do, rather than just blaming someone for those problems.


As I said before UK is shit but it's a lot worse here.
Which begs the obvious question. It's certainly different - maybe that's what you can't handle.


I'm jaded on Thai people for sure but they have made me like that.
Nah, you sound just like you did the week you arrived here.

Sheesh, you maintain that the Thais are all a bunch of thick cunts, but it's you who can't even use the bank or post a fucking letter.

I heard David Cameron muttering something recently about immigrants being unwilling to integrate but I thought he was talking about Blackburn, not Bangkok.

Isn't the lovedog character who penned the OP the same guy/knob who thinks all Thais should speak in English if he's picking up the tab when eating out and suffers from impaired hearing, but only when people are speaking Thai.

fearules 04-17-2011 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by ROLAND (Post 203504)
One of the truer things I've ever had said to me and backing Mirkwood up is that the Thais would be happier if you just chucked your wallet through the doors at Swampy airport when you arrived and fucked off back home.
The land of smiles must be one of the most pisstaking statements ever.

Thats just bollocks sorry but it realy is and you dont even try to make excuses or give exaples. This is not a discusion by your criteria but it is by mine.

I fully respect Mirkwoods explantion of his experince. I am sure he is not a liar. But neither am I so how can two people neither with anything to gain by having different opinions be so different ?
There is only one answer. They have had different experiences.

Please read my response to his post.

fearules 04-17-2011 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by tom (Post 203522)
I think that probably reflects your choice of lifestyle in Thailand and who (and where) you choose to hang out with more than anything else. I can assure you, no-one is watching me (or anyone else where I live) 24 hours a day.

Or, you're just paranoid.

My mother visited Thailand for a month in November/December and spent a few days down south (it was the rainy season). I mentioned she was visiting to the regional head of immigration, who I know as an acquaintance rather than as a friend, and when she checked-in at her hotel in Had Yai there were two bottles of champagne waiting for her. They were from the same guy. Nothing was asked for, or expected, in return.

Likewise, the guy who looks after my motor-bike. Getting him to accept any payment for routine maintenance jobs is impossible - I have to buy a case of beer from the duty free now and again and dump it on him and his guys.

I could go on and on about the kindness I encounter on a daily basis, from all sorts of people. From the girls in the bank, the guy who runs my local Khao Phad stall, the security and maintenance guys where I live, the guy who makes sure I have cheap satellite TV, the girls at the local 3BB shop who make sure I have decent internet, all the staff at my local 7-11, the guy who valets my truck.

Maybe you should be asking why you have all the problems that you do, rather than just blaming someone for those problems.

Which begs the obvious question. It's certainly different - maybe that's what you can't handle.

Nah, you sound just like you did the week you arrived here.

Sheesh, you maintain that the Thais are all a bunch of thick cunts, but it's you who can't even use the bank or post a fucking letter.

I heard David Cameron muttering something recently about immigrants being unwilling to integrate but I thought he was talking about Blackburn, not Bangkok.

Isn't the lovedog character who penned the OP the same guy/knob who thinks all Thais should speak in English if he's picking up the tab when eating out and suffers from impaired hearing, but only when people are speaking Thai.

Good post.

I am so pleased someone on this board has had some similar experiences to those I have had. The very fact shows all the posts made that denigrate all Thai people are really based either on poor experinc or racist attitudes.

I hope its the former.

fearules 04-17-2011 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 203477)
Before we go any further I'd just like to say I don't expect to see eye to eye with everyone. That's why I like it on here. We can beg to differ.

Just off the top of my head I can think of two great mates Roamer and Soi 2. We always have a beer and a laugh but we don't agree on a lot regarding Pattaya. No problem for us and hope you feel the same.

I'm speaking the truth when I say most Thai /Falang relationships I have seen have ended in failure. I'm actually surprised you can say 'many' successful relationships. I personally don't agree that they make good wives and cultural differences cannot be ignored if your TG isn't happy with what she is sending home.

A good wife to me would put you and her first not some manky family in the jungle.

I agree with all of that but many Thai girls doent send money home and many dont live in what you call a manky jungle. Thats your experince not mine. Quite the opposite in fact. My wifes family are more than self supporting and although they do live in a village outside of Korat its affluent busy and progressive.

Its also a great place to live and has improved hand over fist in the last 10 years. The biggest wanker in the village and the local drunk is a farang who's wife works in the Uk and sends him money 20000bht a month I believe..
However my wife doesnt get on with her mother (her parents are divorced) although she has great respect for her father who is the loacl head man, so we dont visit often.

It's possible you and your circle of friends have plenty of money. If that is the case then I admit life may be a lot easier for you than for somebody living month to month like most of the blokes I know who have married TG's.

Yes we have plenty of money but I didnt have so much when I met my Thai wife. In fact her contribution helped considerably when she came to the Uk. She brought with her a very sizable bank balance mainly from free employee shares in the company she had worked for in BKK (ATT). So again its most of the blokes you know and the sort of girls they have taken up with that understandably cloud your assessment. My wife also speaks excellent english and had some Thai college education which she enhanced in the UK. The only time she stopped working was for the birth of our daughter now 7.

My daughter in law came to the Uk from the same company and married my son she is now a qualified nurse in the UK after many years of hard work. What she sends home is insignificant compared to what she provides to her Uk marraige. In fact they have bought and paid for a house in the Uk in the last 10 years she contributes a sizable part of this from her earnings. This girl in fact left school at 15 and studied and graduated in LOS while working in BKK.

You put over some fair points but the facts and figures are on my side. A newbie would be better off taking my advice than yours. TG's in Pattaya are bastards. We are on a Pattaya board after all. That's where most will be meeting them not off a dating site.

I've got to ask you. How long have you and all these other happy couples been together?

The longest Thai couple I know in the Uk have been together for 16 years. I have been married to my Thai wife for nearly 14 years and my son to his wife for 10 years now. I agree your advice may well seem reasonable for many of the BMs newbies who visit a board based on bar girls in Pattaya and I am not disputing that , but you go much much futher. In fact your comments are insulting to many of the Thai people I know nothing less.I think all newbies should know that many farangs do find real happiness with Thai partners and many would reject completely your assessment of Thai culture and personality. I certainly do. But I dont blame you as a person, I blame your lack of experience of real Thailand.
Thats quite common with those who come to LOS for sex (or see it as the focus of their stay no matter how long) and have not tried to enhance their knowledge or situation. The fact is many exapts are the worst offenders and the most ignoarnt of real Thai people.

I probably do sound unhappy at the moment. Jaded as well. Why?

Well, I work here for starters.

Thats your choice. work is often somthing that reduces the quality of life in your case it seems to have done it as I certainly couldnt live under the same pressures you do. Not worth it.

I don't just mix with Pattaya types. I work in a Bangkok office and everyone has a degree. The problem is they are no different.
I'm not going to put it on here but let's just say I'm not impressed. The whole race are thieving, dishonest lazy bastards. From the top to the bottom. Yes, English people are shit as well but nowhere near as bad as Thai's. I really dislike them.

That last bit shows your problem. English people are not shit but like many they have shit thrust upon them and cant avoid the smell sticking sometimes !!:lookaround:

In LOS how you treat people results in how they treat you. In that you seem not to have been very successful and you dont seem to me to be the sort of person who would thrive in anything other than the culture you were brought up in. But thats just a view from your posts.

They are incapable of seeing falangs as anything other than easy money. The cleaner at my condo summed it up for me. She asked me to get her a falang. I asked why she wanted one?

Answer? ' I not want to work anymore'

That should be added to the Walking Street sign as far as I'm concerned.

I can see a holiday maker would like Thai people. Land of smiles and all that shit.

I'll give you a couple of examples.

We (wife and I) know a lovely old Thai couple who do massage at the market in Rang Sit. They only charge 59 baht. We always give them 200 and they love us to bits. You know the score. Smile OTT falang good mak mak jai dee.

Few weeks ago I take my mate Damion down there. We are all getting the foot massage when the old girl asks my wife about my mate. Has he got a girlfriend?

When my wife said no she then picks up her phone and makes a call.
Some cracking little young TG turns up no more than 18 years old.

We all look confused then my wife starts speaking to her. To cut a long story short the girl wants Damion to be her boyfriend.

Dammo is all confused so my wife explains. The girl needs somebody to pay for her school. If Dammo pays she'll be his bird. Simple.

So the family will whore her out to some falang cunt if he saves them the school fee's. Lovely.

Thai's do not like anyone outside of their family. Trust me.

Yes, my Dad gave my Mum her house keeping every week but it was different. She spent it ALL on us paying bills and buying shopping and clothes. If my Dad hadn't given it to her we would have all gone without.

A TG wants monthly money to send to her family. If you stop giving it to her she will either stay with you and fuck behind your back or just set herself up with another bloke and leave you.

The above is purely your inabilty to understand the wide variety of values in LOS its not any sort of evidence of the sort you are suggesting. You mix in sad circles so expect to be sad.
In fact these people are certainly better than say many trailer trash in the USA or Council house benifit snatchers in a Manchester back street. Who dont even work but expect benifits that pay for everything. No that is 'low life' not someone who tries to enhance their life and that of others by whatever means.
LOS is going through rapid changes and in fact in the Uk 150 years ago many working class women gladly turned tricks for the rent.
You have a real hang up about sex a poor apprectaion of culture and no idea of history.

A fair deal in my opinion would be to get both your wages. Pay the bills then take the same amount as sends her family and place it in your own personal savings account. I'd like to bet there isn't enough money to do that so shes on the winning side every time.

Well my wife and my sons wife and others I know put most of their wages in the Uk in to a joint account with their husbands Like anywhere else. The only complaint I have is my wife used to spend nothing and wouldnt dream of wasting money. Now she likes a bargain (which is often only a bargain if you wanted it in the first place she has never grasped that suttle reality) and loves shopping and car boot sales etc. Its a measure of her confidence. I love to see her spending as I know she is happy.

Thai's make living in LOS as difficult as possible for falangs. They don't want you here simple. Yes, come for 2 weeks with about £3000 to spend then fuck off. You can't own anything like a house or land. Even if you marry one of the bastards it won't help you get a permanent visa. It's a nightmare and getting worse.
If you do ever live here you will get used to being watched 24/7
Most of that is true sure Thai people need to address the fact but democracy isnt really a reality in LOS yet there is too much corruption. After all their PM has Uk citizenship, but he can own land in LOS so I fully agree with that and its one reason I no longer live in LOS (altjougn I have done so) and have sold my buisness intrests in BKK. I though it was all getting worse that it even used to be. Two guys I know now live in Malaysia and in spite of Islam (which is always a problem in the background) have many benifits they couldnt exepct in LOS.

Has he dropped something?
How can get money from him?
How much has he left for tip?
Is his house secure?

I could go on. As I said before UK is shit but it's a lot worse here.

I'm jaded on Thai people for sure but they have made me like that.

I have put comments in red as it seemed the only way to address all your points and I hope you dont think I am just being awkward.

I know many great Thai pople and like some others I have trusted them successfully. I will continue to do so. A number of Thai people have saved me money when it had no real benifits for them to do so.

I reject completly your assessment of a whole nation based on your experince of the poorest and most deprived. You really should look around you . You live in and work in BKK you are surrounded by degree qualified educated Thais and for them to treat you with contempt like you suggest means only one thing to me.

They dont respect you.
In fact you admit that.

Could it be they have a point??:hmmm:

I dont want to get into a running war of flames with you. I am sure you hold your views genuinely. But I do want you to know of exepriences completly oppossed to those you feel are universal in LOS and I have been visiting LOS since the 1960s regularly since the 1980s and living there for 3 years in the 1990s.

If Thai pople dont like you they will let you know. I think you have been informed by their attitude to you.
Perhaps you should reconsider your future employment.

Antartica has very few cultural issues. :paranoid:

Unless your a penguin.:lookaround:

simie 04-17-2011 09:28 PM

Milky, I often don't agree with what you say but still like reading your posts. Provides some lively discussion for the board.

simie 04-17-2011 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by tom (Post 203522)
Sheesh, you maintain that the Thais are all a bunch of thick cunts, but it's you who can't even use the bank or post a fucking letter.

Tom, love that line. It reminds me of a mate of mine years ago (who has a Phd) and was slagging off a particular bar girl as thick. I said to him your the one who got taken for a mug and can only speak 4 words of Thai and she's the one who left school at 15 can speak 4 languages and is making 100,000B a month.

Mirkwood 04-17-2011 11:27 PM


The longest Thai couple I know in the Uk have been together for 16 years. I have been married to my Thai wife for nearly 14 years and my son to his wife for 10 years now. I agree your advice may well seem reasonable for many of the BMs newbies who visit a board based on bar girls in Pattaya and I am not disputing that , but you go much much futher. In fact your comments are insulting to many of the Thai people I know nothing less.I think all newbies should know that many farangs do find real happiness with Thai partners and many would reject completely your assessment of Thai culture and personality. I certainly do. But I dont blame you as a person, I blame your lack of experience of real Thailand.
Thats quite common with those who come to LOS for sex (or see it as the focus of their stay no matter how long) and have not tried to enhance their knowledge or situation. The fact is many exapts are the worst offenders and the most ignoarnt of real Thai people.

I really do not mean to insult anyone and I accept my views may be a little extreme.

However, you are posting on a Pattaya forum. I think it is highly unlikely anyone will meet a girl in Pattaya and be living in your shoes.
Most who marry will end up with an Issan buffalo and experience the things I'm talking about.


Maybe you should be asking why you have all the problems that you do, rather than just blaming someone for those problems.

Which begs the obvious question. It's certainly different - maybe that's what you can't handle.

Nah, you sound just like you did the week you arrived here.

Sheesh, you maintain that the Thais are all a bunch of thick cunts, but it's you who can't even use the bank or post a fucking letter.

I can use a bank and post a letter thanks.

You know yourself. You can walk into a Thai bank one day and have a near perfect transaction. Go in a day later and it's a different story. Things are not standard here.

Same as posting a letter abroad. Let's be honest you know what it's like here. If you order a full English breakfast and ask to have an extra egg instead of the beans. You will end up with chicken curry.

Again, you are in a fairly unique situation.
Unique as in not how most people on here will end up.

I respect you and your lifestyle. From what I've seen it looks great but again we are on a Pattaya mongers board. Do you really think the average bloke on here, is going to marry Noi he met in the beer bar and end up in the same situation as you?
Not a chance.

tom 04-18-2011 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 203560)
I can use a bank and post a letter thanks.

You previously used both as negative examples of everything that's wrong with Thailand.


You know yourself. You can walk into a Thai bank one day and have a near perfect transaction. Go in a day later and it's a different story.
I can honestly say that I can't recall having had a negative experience in my bank - exactly the opposite. The only issue I've had with banks was when I originally wanted to open an account in BKK and both the Bangkok Bank and Siam Commercial Bank in Exchange Tower at Asoke wanted proof of address (work permit) otherwise you had to go to the main branch in Silom. No big deal - I simply went to the Kasikorn next to the Ruamchit Hotel down the road and was done and dusted within 15-20 minutes.


Things are not standard here.
They're not the same as things back home - there's no denying that.


Same as posting a letter abroad. Let's be honest you know what it's like here. If you order a full English breakfast and ask to have an extra egg instead of the beans. You will end up with chicken curry.
I do know what you mean but I'd see the funny side and either eat the curry or have another attempt at ordering what I wanted. It certainly wouldn't faze me at all.

I don't eat too many English breakfasts these days, but I regularly get a banana split in Swensen's. Changing the strawberry and chocolate ice-cream for coffee and mocha has never really been a problem for me.

The point that you're missing is that the fucked-up full English breakfast is likely to be nothing more than the result of a language misunderstanding and, as such, you're likely to be just as much part of that particular problem as the tri-lingual waitress. Maybe you just need to work on that gor gai, kor kai stuff a little bit more.

I don't want to sound as if I'm suggesting everything is perfect in Thailand - it's not. However, citing your inability to order a full English breakfast as evidence of what's wrong with Thailand says more about you than it does the Thais. On the plus side, you're not unique - there are plenty of guys in Pattaya with the same mindset. The guy who penned the OP is one.

fearules 04-18-2011 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 203560)
I really do not mean to insult anyone and I accept my views may be a little extreme.

However, you are posting on a Pattaya forum. I think it is highly unlikely anyone will meet a girl in Pattaya and be living in your shoes.
Most who marry will end up with an Issan buffalo and experience the things I'm talking about.

I respect you and your lifestyle. From what I've seen it looks great but again we are on a Pattaya mongers board. Do you really think the average bloke on here, is going to marry Noi he met in the beer bar and end up in the same situation as you?
Not a chance.

I met my wife while diving in Phuket and if I hadnt met her I would have been in the bars like everyone else. She had come down for a week (saved up holiday) to be with a friend who was marrying a dive master. They had fixed her up with his friend as she was a complete anglophile, speaks good English and a Liverpool supporter. She didnt like him as he was young and acted like he was gods gift to women. She sought refuge with me, a lot older and treat girls like they are all gods gift to men.
No one was more surprised than me at how and what happend. I was the right man in the right place at the right time and I wasnt looking for love.

The thing here is you keep talking about a Pattaya forum with the idea that it somehow consists of nothing but hardened sex tourists who will never be anything else.
The facts are quite different.

This is very relvent to newbies. Many men first come to LOS and to Pattaya as they have heard its a great place to party. Sure but after this experience it can go many ways.
They may stay at home and live for the next visit and the same bars.
They may like many do want to know about the real Thailand and not just the P4P scene. They may meet a girl they thing is different and she may well be.
Many girls from LOS try P4P (there are real reasons for this that dont include her being a complete slag).
I know many expats who have settled down with ex bar girls so they are certainly not imune. In fact most of them I know.

Whatever its good to have both sets of opinions on a board like this. You said so yourself now your saying there is rooom for only your opinion and experience (or lack of it). because its a Pattaya mongers board ??

I dont think your giving any newbies the whole story by along way and your extreme views of a whole culture and not condusive to giving real information. Thats my point.
I hope posts like mine and others address the balance.

The fact is newbies really do need to be careful as you imply, but treating all Thai's like shit (even your Gf it seems) is not the way to enjoy your time in LOS. Far from it.

fearules 04-18-2011 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by tom (Post 203562)
You previously used both as negative examples of everything that's wrong with Thailand.

I can honestly say that I can't recall having had a negative experience in my bank - exactly the opposite. The only issue I've had with banks was when I originally wanted to open an account in BKK and both the Bangkok Bank and Siam Commercial Bank in Exchange Tower at Asoke wanted proof of address (work permit) otherwise you had to go to the main branch in Silom. No big deal - I simply went to the Kasikorn next to the Ruamchit Hotel down the road and was done and dusted within 15-20 minutes.

They're not the same as things back home - there's no denying that.

I do know what you mean but I'd see the funny side and either eat the curry or have another attempt at ordering what I wanted. It certainly wouldn't faze me at all.

I don't eat too many English breakfasts these days, but I regularly get a banana split in Swensen's. Changing the strawberry and chocolate ice-cream for coffee and mocha has never really been a problem for me.

The point that you're missing is that the fucked-up full English breakfast is likely to be nothing more than the result of a language misunderstanding and, as such, you're likely to be just as much part of that particular problem as the tri-lingual waitress. Maybe you just need to work on that gor gai, kor kai stuff a little bit more.

I don't want to sound as if I'm suggesting everything is perfect in Thailand - it's not. However, citing your inability to order a full English breakfast as evidence of what's wrong with Thailand says more about you than it does the Thais. On the plus side, you're not unique - there are plenty of guys in Pattaya with the same mindset. The guy who penned the OP is one.

Fully agree with this.
I just wonder what some actually think of women or if its all just a sort of defence mechanism.

Mirkwood 04-18-2011 09:54 AM

OK, I'm all done bitching. This is for fun now.

Can I use a bank?

Well I thought I could so today I went to one to pay my credit card.

Here is a blow by blow account of what happened.

Drove car to Changwattana Road. My bank has a large branch there. I do not trust the small sub branches and have experienced nightmares nearly everytime I have used them.

Anyway, traffic was so so and I arrived after about 30 minutes in car.

Strike one.

I put my ATM card in the machine to check the balance.
It was all going fine and I got the please wait message. The balance didn't come up. I waited and waited. After what seemed an age my card came out with a timed out message on the screen. I had a confused look on my face. :angryold:

I tried again.

The same.

Now in UK I can just take my ATM card inside the bank and they transfer funds. I could pay my card off like this. However this is Thailand. I have been told on numerous occasions that payment must be in cash even though my credit card is with the same bank. I have to draw cash out then pay it back in same bank. :MyEmoticons-com__sm

OK, I give up on the ATM card. I go back to my car and get my bank book. My plan is to update that in the machine next to the ATM one.

When I get back all 3 machines are out of order. :angryold:

I go inside the bank and get told the computor has gone down and I have to go to another branch. Nearest one is about 20 minutes further up Changwattana in Central shopping mall.

OK, I'm still calm and decide that's good for me as I want to go in Marks and Sparks for some Tea bags anyway.

I drive to Cental and have a nightmare parking. For some reason they have blocked off all the lower levels and I end up on the top level. Great.

I walk down to the mall then take 4 different escalators until I reach my bank.

I put my book in. It spits it out. I try again. Bingo.

I'm feeling all happy until I check the balance.

My salary hasn't gone in. :angryold:

Yes, it's finally got me. I'm a broken man. All that for nothing. I'm miles away from home as well.

I ring up the Bangkok branch of my works and get told in a giggling voice ' Oh sorry, we have new trainee she make mistake because you know Songkran have holiday?'

I just drive home......:offtobed:

monkeyspanker 04-18-2011 10:20 AM

i used to feel sorry for myself until you started, now i realise just how lucky i am.
sucks to be you!!!

saying that Natwest fraud called sat, unusual activity on my card, and was it ok?

Should be i say, i have had the same payment on the same day for over 3 years but nice you have finally noticed!

Just hung up and hope my atm card still works, i have the fraud number stored on speed dial.
At least you got to speak to a local, i got some muppet in a call centre fuck knows where.

tom 04-18-2011 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 203569)
OK, I'm all done bitching. This is for fun now ...

It's karma, mate. :lmao:

At the end of the day, all that happened was the bank's computers were temporarily down. First day back after a one week holiday, so no great surprise. Believe it or not, it happens in the UK. Regularly.

Your parking, escalator and salary problems had nothing whatsoever to do with the bank.

gonzo 04-19-2011 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 203569)
OK, I'm all done bitching. This is for fun now.

Can I use a bank?

Well I thought I could so today I went to one to pay my credit card.

Here is a blow by blow account of what happened.

Drove car to Changwattana Road. My bank has a large branch there. I do not trust the small sub branches and have experienced nightmares nearly everytime I have used them.

Anyway, traffic was so so and I arrived after about 30 minutes in car.

Strike one.

I put my ATM card in the machine to check the balance.
It was all going fine and I got the please wait message. The balance didn't come up. I waited and waited. After what seemed an age my card came out with a timed out message on the screen. I had a confused look on my face. :angryold:

I tried again.

The same.

Now in UK I can just take my ATM card inside the bank and they transfer funds. I could pay my card off like this. However this is Thailand. I have been told on numerous occasions that payment must be in cash even though my credit card is with the same bank. I have to draw cash out then pay it back in same bank. :MyEmoticons-com__sm

OK, I give up on the ATM card. I go back to my car and get my bank book. My plan is to update that in the machine next to the ATM one.

When I get back all 3 machines are out of order. :angryold:

I go inside the bank and get told the computor has gone down and I have to go to another branch. Nearest one is about 20 minutes further up Changwattana in Central shopping mall.

OK, I'm still calm and decide that's good for me as I want to go in Marks and Sparks for some Tea bags anyway.

I drive to Cental and have a nightmare parking. For some reason they have blocked off all the lower levels and I end up on the top level. Great.

I walk down to the mall then take 4 different escalators until I reach my bank.

I put my book in. It spits it out. I try again. Bingo.

I'm feeling all happy until I check the balance.

My salary hasn't gone in. :angryold:

Yes, it's finally got me. I'm a broken man. All that for nothing. I'm miles away from home as well.

I ring up the Bangkok branch of my works and get told in a giggling voice ' Oh sorry, we have new trainee she make mistake because you know Songkran have holiday?'

I just drive home......:offtobed:

Yeah, cos that'd never happen in the UK or Europe or anywhere.....

Tried booking our rail tickets for the holiday last night. Booked the first 2 fine, tried to book the 3rd, card declined. I'd kind of expected it as foreign payments within a day or so of a domestic transaction tend to freak out most UK banks these days.

Called the bank, spoke to 3 different people and eventually got them to lift the block on the card. Tried booking again, nothing. And again. And again. Rang the bank a second time, only took 2 people this time to assure me that the block had been lifted and everything should be ok with my card, maybe it's the website I'm using to book that's having a problem. Gave up in the end as it was gone 11:30 and I needed to get to sleep.

Straight onto the website this morning and tried running through the booking again....Internal server error...Please close your browser and try again...fair enough, frustrating but these things happen, started it all again. Got throughh to the clicksafe stuff to verify the payment....payment rejected...tried again, payment rejected, 3rd time, same outcome.

Right, on the phone to the bank again, card isn't blocked, checked the payments and the first one had gone through - I presume the failures after that were to prevent double bookings as I was booking the same train at the same time for the same named passengers. Nothing the bank could do, payment was accepted so contact the supplier. Great, my bank account over £200 lighter and no ticket so it's a phonecall to Amsterdam.

Spoke to a lady there, couldn't find anything for the amount I'd quoted going through in my name, could I check with the bank and get some further details.

Got the bank on speed dial by now so straight through the automated system barking out the numbers to be connected to different areas as I know the lot off the top of my head. Passed from pillar to post in the bank until someone can give me the details I need.

Back on the phone to Holland and after 20 minutes digging around in the system it's all sorted out and I get the tickets emailed to me.......over 13 hours after I started trying to book.

Pain in the arse? Yes.
Do I hold the whole of the UK in contempt because I had a problem with a financial transaction? No.
Do I think the Dutch are all out to wind me up and piss me off? Of course not.
Do I blame the gobal banking system even? No. People take modern conveniences for granted, modern banking is an incredibly complex system and most forget this was all paper-based 30 odd years ago and it'd take 2 weeks and a letter in writing just to check what had gone out of your account for a given week!

Another thing to note, the whole of this saga went a lot easier by being polite and courteous to the people in the bank I spoke to and the people at the rail office in Holland. If I'd gone in with the attitude that they were all lazy idiots out to stitch me up I'd have been pissing into the wind from the get-go. This seems to hold moreso in Thailand than anywhere else. I've queued behind some bloke shouting the odds and ranting at staff only to see him pretty much igored and then I've politely asked for something or pointed out something wasn't working and had the staff falling over themselves to help. I've also had it the other way around when I've lost my rag and been banging the counter and yelling an it's done me no good at all.

I reckon a good 90% of your problems with Thais is of your own making and comes from your attitude towards them. Even if you're keeping your cool when things aren't woking out for you if your demeanor and attitude is that the whole country are out to get you then that's going to show through and colour the treatment you recieve.

BigBadSi 04-19-2011 04:23 PM

Both Mirky and Fearules (and others)have made very good points/statements.
Most on this board know of mine and Tams history, to those that dont, weve been married 3 years known each other for 5. We have ahd a rollercoaster ride (as many marriages do thai or farang) but things are back on the up.
Since ive known her ive bumped into thais from many walks of life ,ex army, mayors(her uncle) , rice plantation workers, bargirls, etc etc. One notion that winds me up on the boards is that all thais are the same. WTF!!!! how can 60+million people be the same have the same mindset. And if its just bargirls that the notion is aimed at its still as much blanket bollocks. They all have their reasons for working in the sex industry some for money(most probably) , some to meet a rich westerner , some to feed the family and others just for that 1 in a million chance they might meet someone who they can spend the rest of their life with. YOU CANNOT DO BLANKET STATEMENTS ON A RACE/RELIGION/A PEOPLE/ A SEX its an impossible notion.

Mirkys views are from first hand experience i can respect his opinion totally and in ways i understand it ,i do get the feeling when i arrive in Pattaya that im being eyed up for a fleecing one way or another but Pattaya though geographically is Thailand , there is little of Pattaya that is Thai.

Ive met nice people in Pattaya and Uttaradit (tams home town ) but ive also met dicks.
I dont believe ALL or most thais hold falangs with contempt and distain as mirky says. Ill give you an example ,when i was in Tams village Tam an I had a big fall out i cant even remember what about. Anyway it was in full view of the village and of the 20 or so stood there including Tams family not one stood up for her, they told her she was being unreasonable and not appreciating what she had. Wait ! , whats this thais being HUMAN?. Typical everyday issues were not evaluated on my race more on the fact that she was out of order. It was all worked out in the end and a group of the village locals took me to a village bar and we drank away until 4AM talking about why our wives are bitches , the same shit an englishman would talk about down the pub. I put my hand in my pocket once the whole night to buy a crate of Leo (500baht) and that was met with a frown , as they said i was their guest and guests dont pay, my reply was that my custom is to buy you a beer too not just take. I like to think that i went away from her village and left a good impression.But the thais that keep calling you falang even though they know your name irritates the fuck out of me

Maybe ive been lucky with the whole TG relationship thing as (whether it holds any relavance or not) Tam is not from isaan. In my whole time of being married a total of maybe 30-40k baht in 3 year has gone to her family ,thats fuck all in comparison to some.I get the odd demand but never regular and i dont mind helping out when its needed as i would do that for my family.
And mirky you said something about the UK being shit?,,well i dunno why but tam cant wait to come back shes been over there on her "long holiday with jasmine" for 4 months nearly and since week 2 shes been pining to come home, cant be that bad eh?

Final synopsis yeah thais can be frustrating but alot of that is down to their way of life not due to them being thick , did you know alot of this think farangs are docile??? :lmoa2:Have you ever watched a westerner cross 2nd rd

fearules 05-24-2011 12:41 PM

It seems to me many BMs want to believe all Thai girls are bad.

Its a little like the comments about Stephen Leathers 'Private Dancer'
To many mongers it supports the idea that all Thai girls are bad and only after money etc.
But if you read it and understand it if there is a message in the book at all (and I am nots sure there is in any novel) its that those men who monger are all arseholes particularly the expats and some men are sad buggers who dont know when they are on to a good thing and Thai girls can be misunderstood.
In fact the character 'Joy' in the book far from being bad is unable to do anything right for any man and with her background of abuse its understandable.
How mongers even turn this into a 'Good Monger' vs 'Bad Bar Girl' story is hard to understand. Its the other way round.

Bilbobaggins 05-24-2011 06:10 PM

I don't think it is the case at all that most people on this board WANT to believe all Thai girls are bad, how many have agreed with everything Mirkwood said about that?

I certainly wouldn't, and just about every response I have read have said the same thing.

It's certainly very interesting reading, I am quite enjoying some of the replies, keep going!

fearules 05-24-2011 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Bilbobaggins (Post 206062)
I don't think it is the case at all that most people on this board WANT to believe all Thai girls are bad, how many have agreed with everything Mirkwood said about that?

I certainly wouldn't, and just about every response I have read have said the same thing.

It's certainly very interesting reading, I am quite enjoying some of the replies, keep going!

Well thats true but Mirkwood is impossible to agree with. He is always wrong.
Perhaps my opinion has been influenced too much by those on other boards. I must say its quite refreshing on this one.

Bilbobaggins 05-24-2011 06:19 PM

fear, Mirky could also say he thinks YOU are wrong in every post, they are his views and he is entitled to them, regardless of how much you disagree with them.

I think it is a very interesting subject, some very good information being given and points of view made but I think it is quite arrogant of you to say Mirkwoods opinion counts for fuck all.

mack 05-25-2011 03:55 AM

Very interesting thread, although I get the impression :whistling: fearules and Mirkwood move in different circles and have had very different experiences in LOS, which of course shaped their attitudes of the people and country.

Anytime someone says or writes, "All (insert whatever you want: bar girls, Thais, blacks, whites, moto-drivers, Mormons, Hells Angles :booo: etc.) are no-good, dirty...blah blah..." I figure they don't know what they're talking about or are taking the easy road of generalizing to the extreme (or maybe just having a rough day.) It destroys their argument at the get-go in my mind. Nice, though, to see a difference of opinion without people losing their heads :crazy: or being reduced to tears. :crybaby:


Originally Posted by tom (Post 203562)
I can honestly say that I can't recall having had a negative experience in my bank - exactly the opposite.

I don't beleeb the issue with the bank, where tom sails through :boat: but Mirkwood often has problems :outdo:, is one of attitude or approach, though. It's more basic than that. If you're going to conduct business in LOS, dress appropriately.

Many of us have seen both tom and Mirkwood out and about in :patters: ...
tom is professional-looking in slacks and a collared shirt. Mirkwood dresses solely for comfort. But my tip for you, Mr. Mirk, is this: you'll get better service if you dress up a bit more. :thumbsup:

Case in point, here's a picture I took of Mirkwood :photo: leaving his bank a couple of years ago (not sure what the problem was this time, but whatever it was, it spilled to the outside.):

Mirkwood 05-25-2011 07:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)

tom is professional-looking in slacks and a collared shirt. Mirkwood dresses solely for comfort. But my tip for you, Mr. Mirk, is this: you'll get better service if you dress up a bit more.
What a fkn cheek. :ignore:

Actually, I work in Bangkok and changed my image a while back.

Attachment 17738

fearules 05-28-2011 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Bilbobaggins (Post 206066)
fear, Mirky could also say he thinks YOU are wrong in every post, they are his views and he is entitled to them, regardless of how much you disagree with them.

I think it is a very interesting subject, some very good information being given and points of view made but I think it is quite arrogant of you to say Mirkwoods opinion counts for fuck all.

I don't accept any of that as some views are so unreasonable they just have to be opposed. opinions based on prejudice and ignorance can be rejected. That's what I do.

I don't feel arrogant, I feel obliged to confront such ignorance.
Its what I get paid for.
Also condescending to such crap is not acceptable to me.
I wont do it.
I will tell it how I see it based on evidence I have experienced.
I see it as honesty.
You call it arrogant to be honest.
Think again.

Mirkwoods opinion does count for fuck all just like Hitlers did. He is wrong and deserves to be told so.

KeeNeow 05-29-2011 02:12 AM

Well I know who's opinion I trust more and it is Mirkwoods as he has been living the dream and posting here for a lot longer than you. Your opinion counts for shit here until we see some decent posts and not just following Mirky around and contradicting everything he posts. It's almost like the Monty Python Sketch about the argument.

Mirkwood 05-29-2011 02:43 PM


Mirkwoods opinion does count for fuck all just like Hitlers did. He is wrong and deserves to be told so.
No need to get all silly fella. I actually like your posts.

In your opinion my posts count for nothing. Fair enough.

At the end of the day if you have found paradise in LOS I take my hat off to you. Plenty of fellas have chased the dream and ended up on the scrapheap.

We are not in competition on here. We just post our views for a laugh and a bit of banter.

We are poles apart. Your life would probably bore me to be honest and you wouldnt want mne.

jimmycricket 10-03-2011 12:42 PM

To all the noobs who where thinking of going to Pattaya but instead found this heated verbal battle on the heart of Thailand and the true nature of Thai women. Take it all with a grain of salt.

Come to Thailand and have fun. Just like anywhere in the world don't let your heart cloud your judgement and don't let your cock do all the thinking either. Just go and have fun, don't get wrapped up in "love" go get wrapped up in lust instead. Have a blast, fuck untill your dicks sore, make out with more girls then a national kissing contest, bang more hos then a swiss cheese grater. Just dont break yourself in the process or do stupid things to permanently effect your life in a negative way.

As with anywhere on the planet some people are good hearted and will give you the shirt off their backs, others are out to take you for your shirt your shoes and that last 33 cents in your pocket. So why would Thailand differ? Well... It doesn't.

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