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beerman 07-11-2011 03:13 PM

newbie seeks thai girl advice!
Hi All,

New to the forum, first post. 2nd will follow shortly but first I need advice on a thai girl I am 'seeing'.

I've recently met a thai girl. Met her in a bar she isn't a "bar-girl" but worked in one of the less sleazy irish bars in thailand; which is where I hung out to avoid being hassled by bar girls funnily enough.

Anyway I hadn't spoken to her before but one night she offered me some nuts, the girl who was serving me all those nights said "She likes you" and one thing led to another. She was shy at first didnt want me holding her hand etc then started grabbing my arm in public, acted shy in bed at first asked me why I had condoms ready etc then after our first night together she changed into a nymphomaniac; even did some barebacking (while drunk regretfully).

She's 32/33; I'm 30. Got a kid back in the stix in Isaan or Somui who is raised by her mother. She speaks ok english keeps txting me saying she loves me, wants me inside her and now wants to go Phuket for a week when I return. She asked me for money once, I gave her £50. I've asked if she wants money since she says no.

She used to insist I tip every thai person who served us to which was bloody annoying truth be told because I don't like to tip unless i feel the need to.

Had a great time with her too but I must confess I also like being independent as well.

Is she genuine or not do you think? I would appreciate opinions because im going back for 3 weeks and will spend 7 - 10 days with her and i don't want to waste my holiday if she's defrauding me.

KeeNeow 07-11-2011 03:42 PM

Read the guide to thai girls.

beerman 07-11-2011 03:50 PM

I did take a look at that....saw many similarities which scared the shit outta me and caused me to make the post.

I can't imagine she'd be lying to me at her age and position in life

thailearner 07-11-2011 08:24 PM

Some girls are there to take you for everything you can give others don't but they do want the security it can be a very fine line.

InCider 07-11-2011 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by beerman (Post 208308)
Is she genuine or not do you think?

It's too early to say if she is sincere or not. Girls who don't ask for money are usually biding their time and working a longer term plan - i.e. reel you in at the beginning and then hit you up for sponsorship money etc once you're smitten.

Keep in mind that she's over 30 and will be looking for someone who can provide financial security. She probably sees you as a good long term prospect. Also, keep in mind that she has a kid and you don't yet know the full extent of her "baggage".

I would say, meet her again, go with the flow and enjoy it........but keep your guard up and don't make any commitments or false promises.


Originally Posted by beerman (Post 208308)
She used to insist I tip every thai person who served us

I've had that before and it's quite a common reaction from someone working in a service industry


Originally Posted by beerman (Post 208308)
I can't imagine she'd be lying to me at her age and position in life

You'd better believe it. Thai's are capable of quite breathtaking deceit - particularly those working in and around the sleazy night-life areas.

Mirkwood 07-11-2011 10:36 PM


I've recently met a thai girl. Met her in a bar she isn't a "bar-girl" but worked in one of the less sleazy irish bars in thailand; which is where I hung out to avoid being hassled by bar girls funnily enough.

Mate she works in a bar and nailed a falang (you).
Trust me. You wouldn't have been the first. She's a bar girl.

ROLAND 07-12-2011 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 208334)
Mate she works in a bar and nailed a falang (you).
Trust me. You wouldn't have been the first. She's a bar girl.

Asking Mirkwood for advice on Thai girls is the same as asking Michael Barrymore for swimming lessons or Rupert Murdoch on what would be the best pay as you go mobile.

Generally the best advice is to do exactly opposite what Mirkwood advises and you won't be far away.

Fork Handles 07-12-2011 07:45 AM

At 30 yr-old she's almost certainly looking for a 'keeper'.

You, on the other hand, have 20 years of serious mongering ahead of you.

Spend a week with her by all means. But keep it on a professional level; don't make promises you can't keep. At the end of the week pay her generously and go get a soapie.

If you think you like her, buy her some gold. Next time you visit, ask to see it. If she's still got it, maybe she's a keeper too.

beerman 07-13-2011 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Fork Handles (Post 208353)
At 30 yr-old she's almost certainly looking for a 'keeper'.

You, on the other hand, have 20 years of serious mongering ahead of you.

Spend a week with her by all means. But keep it on a professional level; don't make promises you can't keep. At the end of the week pay her generously and go get a soapie.

If you think you like her, buy her some gold. Next time you visit, ask to see it. If she's still got it, maybe she's a keeper too.

All valid points. I agree she's 30+ so is maybe looking for a keeper which is good for me I guess. I think I'll go for the gold idea that's pretty sound and I won't be back for 6 months at least.

I'm off in a week's time. I will keep you lads updated.

bell 07-13-2011 08:03 PM

Good luck mate

bigphill67 07-14-2011 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Fork Handles (Post 208353)
If you think you like her, buy her some gold. Next time you visit, ask to see it. If she's still got it, maybe she's a keeper too.

i did that and she not have on my next trip, but thats great advice just have to learn from it and take it as a lesson learned and not get caught out again

beerman 08-10-2011 12:34 PM

Well the good news is I don't have to buy a gold bracelet for her.

The bad news is I already know the answer now too! She's a grade-a fucking leech!!!!

This girl is mad. For a lady that earns 250 baht per day witgh a child in samui she has absolutely no conception of conserving money whatsoever and that's all I need to know now what she'd be like if we married and had kids!

Get this: We'll go out for breakfast....she'll order FOUR plates and take a little off each one.....and does the same for dinner. She also has me buying everything from tampax, toothpaste, haircare to clothes for her. TIPS for me with my money!!!! Buys lady drinks with my money!!!! for random bar staff!! The list goes on...

How could I be such a pratt......she may love me but I'm not sponsoring her lifestyle; I really thought this one might be's not my job to support her.

Anyway I need help guys: We're in phuket and leave for BKK in two days. When there it's another 3 days before I fly homeand I want to spend those days alone not with her. Any tips / suggestions on how I get rid of her asap so she doesn't ruin the final 3 days of my trip?

techno kev 08-10-2011 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by beerman (Post 209510)
Well the good news is I don't have to buy a gold bracelet for her.

The bad news is I already know the answer now too! She's a grade-a fucking leech!!!!

This girl is mad. For a lady that earns 250 baht per day witgh a child in samui she has absolutely no conception of conserving money whatsoever and that's all I need to know now what she'd be like if we married and had kids!

Get this: We'll go out for breakfast....she'll order FOUR plates and take a little off each one.....and does the same for dinner. She also has me buying everything from tampax, toothpaste, haircare to clothes for her. TIPS for me with my money!!!! Buys lady drinks with my money!!!! for random bar staff!! The list goes on...

How could I be such a pratt......she may love me but I'm not sponsoring her lifestyle; I really thought this one might be's not my job to support her.

Anyway I need help guys: We're in phuket and leave for BKK in two days. When there it's another 3 days before I fly homeand I want to spend those days alone not with her. Any tips / suggestions on how I get rid of her asap so she doesn't ruin the final 3 days of my trip?

theres no easy way to say just say it....FUCK OFF BACK TO YOUR ROOM !!!

bigphill67 08-10-2011 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by techno kev (Post 209519)
theres no easy way to say just say it....FUCK OFF BACK TO YOUR ROOM !!!

kinda sums it up can't add to that

KeeNeow 08-11-2011 05:29 AM

Tell her you have run out of money and need to borrow some from her until your next trip.

ROLAND 08-11-2011 03:40 PM

Tell her you're skint so got to go home early then just move to a new hotel, if she happens to see you put on a stupid accent and pretend that you're Russian and have no idea who she is. Or pretend that you're deaf and dumb and a bit simple, that one always works for me.

Thebomb 08-11-2011 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by ROLAND (Post 209529)
pretend that you're deaf and dumb and a bit simple, that one always works for me.

yeah i can imagine you would pull that one off very well pal dancing

beerman 09-26-2011 07:36 PM

I still think of this know what irks me....I keep thinking "what if?" she wasn't playing with me and genuinely just thought Farrangs had loads of money?

What really tears me up is the look on her face when I told her I wanted to be alone....some nights I can't sleep because of that face...I just keep thinking what if? and how blunt I was.

Fuck why do I have to feel this shitty!?!?

ROLAND 09-26-2011 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by beerman (Post 211138)
I still think of this know what irks me....I keep thinking "what if?" she wasn't playing with me and genuinely just thought Farrangs had loads of money?

What really tears me up is the look on her face when I told her I wanted to be alone....some nights I can't sleep because of that face...I just keep thinking what if? and how blunt I was.

Fuck why do I have to feel this shitty!?!?

She was playing you so don't lose any sleep

bigphill67 09-26-2011 08:47 PM

thats what they do play on your emotions they might not be educated but they are not stupid infact probably a lot smarter than your average falang, can speak 2 languages thai/english read body language and second guess you before you even think it, they do this for a living every day, and although it seems genuine it rarely is,

foz 09-26-2011 10:41 PM

soft cunt

Fork Handles 09-27-2011 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by foz (Post 211155)
soft cunt

my favourite type.....:gimme:

jimmycricket 10-03-2011 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Fork Handles (Post 208353)
At 30 yr-old she's almost certainly looking for a 'keeper'.

You, on the other hand, have 20 years of serious mongering ahead of you.

Spend a week with her by all means. But keep it on a professional level; don't make promises you can't keep. At the end of the week pay her generously and go get a soapie.

If you think you like her, buy her some gold. Next time you visit, ask to see it. If she's still got it, maybe she's a keeper too.

With gold as high as it is, if you buy me some gold I'd be a keeper lol.

jimmycricket 10-03-2011 11:01 AM

Beerman I suggest you just assume every woman, whether shes Thai English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, or a freaking Eskimo is after your $$$ and just go under that assumption. Thats how I roll and I am quite happy not getting my heart caught up in endevors that tie it up in knots.

That was totally a clear sign she didnt give a damn though when she was spending your money like Roccafella and not like her own money. Glad to see you got out of the trap and I hope your 3 days alone was fun :).

Kopite1957 12-17-2011 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by beerman (Post 208308)
Hi All,

New to the forum, first post. 2nd will follow shortly but first I need advice on a thai girl I am 'seeing'.

I've recently met a thai girl. Met her in a bar she isn't a "bar-girl" but worked in one of the less sleazy irish bars in thailand; which is where I hung out to avoid being hassled by bar girls funnily enough.

Anyway I hadn't spoken to her before but one night she offered me some nuts, the girl who was serving me all those nights said "She likes you" and one thing led to another. She was shy at first didnt want me holding her hand etc then started grabbing my arm in public, acted shy in bed at first asked me why I had condoms ready etc then after our first night together she changed into a nymphomaniac; even did some barebacking (while drunk regretfully).

She's 32/33; I'm 30. Got a kid back in the stix in Isaan or Somui who is raised by her mother. She speaks ok english keeps txting me saying she loves me, wants me inside her and now wants to go Phuket for a week when I return. She asked me for money once, I gave her £50. I've asked if she wants money since she says no.

She used to insist I tip every thai person who served us to which was bloody annoying truth be told because I don't like to tip unless i feel the need to.

Had a great time with her too but I must confess I also like being independent as well.

Is she genuine or not do you think? I would appreciate opinions because im going back for 3 weeks and will spend 7 - 10 days with her and i don't want to waste my holiday if she's defrauding me.

Those nuts she offered you, were they hers?

Freak 12-28-2011 02:08 AM


You are in control ! dont make any decisions ! just go with the flow & be happy, go for a ride if you dont like the direction get off. freak

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