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Mirkwood 04-30-2010 12:05 PM

Having a Hawk/Kite/Eagle as a pet.
Well chapter one ended in tears.

Porno bought a new owl and a squrrel into our zoo. Don't know which one had the lurgy but it spread and within a week wiped out my zoo.

I was banjaxed bad and so was she. We spent over a week scrubbing every wall ,corner floor with special disenfectant from the animal hospital.

Now we have located a decent bird vet should we ever need one.

The condo was shit without the birds. Well lonely. We were both well pissed off. Missed cutting up mouses and stuff.

Decided to have another crack this week. No point waiting anymore. We know it's a 50/50 shot anything will live from Chatuchak and no point waiting months for virus all clear as the birds down there are all bundled together. We also get loads of wild birds landing on our balcony.
If ones gonna make it he's got to be tough.

Bought a lovely Black Shouldered Kite.

Not easy to get. Had to use my connections at the market. Wasn't on sale to public.

Got him home. He's the nuts. Training him as a hunting bird and it's going so well. Text book.

Looks fantastic. Photo's to follow.

gonzo 04-30-2010 12:10 PM

Anyone want in on a sweepstake as to how many wild animals Mirky will kill over the rest of the year? :rolleyes1:

Bower 04-30-2010 12:13 PM

I have a Harris hawk lives around my house here in UK, it escaped from its owner here about 3 years ago. Lives on the local oiks racing pidgeons, great fun to watch. Lands very near to my house sometimes, you can approach up to 3 meters, it dosen't give a fu=k out you. Magnificent bird (as they say)

InCider 04-30-2010 12:37 PM

What happened to the quarantine period? :unsure:

penetrator 04-30-2010 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 179638)
Porno bought a new owl and a squrrel into our zoo. Don't know which one had the lurgy but it spread and within a week wiped out my zoo.

More likely it was something you brought back from soi 6.

Mirkwood 04-30-2010 08:18 PM


What happened to the quarantine period?
I was going to wait and that. Trouble is it's mental here. When u go to Chatuchak u see everything bundled together. They stick about 50 different birds in a manky box. You could have perfect sterile home then bring a sick bird home and ruin it all. I've just decided any bird you get must be strong or it will croak it anyway.

We have loads of wild birds landing on our balcony all the time as well.

This Kite is the nuts though.

Frankie 05-01-2010 08:51 PM

They must love you up at Chatuchak Mirky.

Somchai goes "a huntin' in the woods" and comes back with whatever. Cost of product almost zero. Mark up 10,000%.

That's when blokes like you enter the equation. LOL!!

Not really taking the piss mate. Just a simplistic observation. Never imagined I would post on threads about owls eagles etc. in the LOS on a Pattaya board.

Mirkwood 05-01-2010 11:06 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Honest to god.

I saw two Kangaroo's for sale down there yesterday.

It's mental that place. I see so many things down there that just ain't right.

Yesterday, blokes got an owl in the same box/cage as 3 quite large Hawk style birds. Every two minutes one of them swooped on the poor fukka. The Thai bloke just yanked them off it. Poor owl won't be long for this world.

Now I'm more aware of what to look for in regards to sickness in birds. I reckon more than 50% of what people buy down there dies within first week.

They have some fantastic hawks and owls though. They aren't all wild. They breed them though god can only imagine how they live long enough to get to market.

You'd never a place like this in UK.

I get sad at times. A hawk, owl or songbird at least has a chance of survival in a home. They sell things that just aint gonna make it.

Woodpeckers, Kingfishers and owls being main ones.

None of the sellers know anything about what diet to feed them etc. I really doubt anyone would be able to keep a Kingfisher alive in Bangkok.

Porno bought an Asian Fairy Bluebird yesterday. She asked what it eats and the geezer told her to give it chicken feed????

Oh yeah I'm sure it loved that in the wild.

I did a little list of what I saw for sale yesterday. Google them if you're interested. (Which you probably aint).lol

Asian Fairy Bluebird (What Porno has)
Attachment 14256

Asian Scops Owl

White Throated Kingfisher.

Red Kite

Black Winged Kite. (What I have now)
Attachment 14257

Asian Barred Owlet.


Spotted Owlett

Racket-tailed Treepie

Common Hoopoe

Grey-headed Woodpecker

Two Kangeroo's.

At least 50 different species of snakes.

At least 6 different types of Tortoises.

Usual mental dogs. Huskies etc.

Loads of squirrels.

Millions of cats. Some being nasty looking wild lynx style. ( Some geezer was telling me these wild cats actually attack people. Ripped his mates sons lip off)

Big white Eagle. Might have been an Osprey. ( You'd get killed in UK if you caught one of these)

There you have it. Weekly animal report over.

Pattaya next week so back on the sluts. :hug:

InCider 05-02-2010 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 179736)
Honest to god.
I did a little list of what I saw for sale yesterday. Google them if you're interested. (Which you probably aint).lol

What...No Mynah birds for sale?? I thought they would make good would be a good laugh if you could train one to speak :canadian:

ROLAND 05-02-2010 03:15 PM

Couldn't you just stick to a gerbil like most normal people ?

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