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timanonymous 04-15-2010 05:15 PM

Maybe I'm a fool but I think I fell in love
For starters this is a little bit of a different trip report than others because it starts in Afghanistan rather than the US. I work as a civilian contractor for the Army. Just got out of the army. I decided that rather than going back to the US I would go to Bangkok for 2 weeks. In a way I think it made my longing for civilization while I am here in Afghanistan even worse. I also think I fell in love with a bar girl who I (maybe foolishly) believe feels the same way.

I started the trip with a one day trip to Dubai in the UAE. Simply the most beautiful city I have ever seen. I had sex with two different girls that night but I didn't think anything of it. It was just sex and I had not seen a woman worth seeing in 6th months. Dubai is basically a rich man's Bangkok I think. Instead of bar girls they have club girls. Most of the girls are asian however. So I was a little disappointed because until I met one particular woman in Bangkok I have not been especially fond of asian women. In fact I was fully intending to go to Bangkok only because I knew that the USD went alot farther in Thailand than in Dubai.

The next day I flew to Bangkok and took a taxi to Nana where I stayed at a hotel called Heaven on Soi 4. Great hotel in my opinion and the prices were reasonable as long as you had a reservation.

Because I was coming to civilization from Afghanistan I spent most of the day shopping for things that most people take for granted. That evening however, I did a grand tour of Nana. I ended up very very drunk that night and brought home a woman whose name I do not remember. In the middle of the night I was woken up to her telling me that I had not payed her yet. She was even trying to go through my stuff but even in my drunken state I had had the sense to lock up my finances. I gave her 2000 Baht and she left without saying a word. Later she called me and asked if I was alright. I said yes. She laughed said okay and hung up. It was a very fun night, not just because of the sex but because everyone was genuinely enjoying themselves on Soi 4.

The next day I did more shopping for Afghanistan throughout the day. Around 1700 I realized that I had not eaten the entire day and decided that I did not want to eat alone. So I walked down to one of the bars near my hotel and ordered a beer waiting for the girls to come to me. It turns out that the first girl that came to me was probably the prettiest girl I had seen since I arrived in Nana. I offered to buy her a drink and afterwards we ate in a restaurant on the first floor of Times Square. She was absolutely stunning and her english was actually pretty good. I loved some of the flaws in her english though. Like how she would say okay-kah or how when something was unpleasant she would say ooow. I just thought it was all very charming but I wasn't in love or anything. I just really admired her.

It is not my style to just take a girl from a bar and be like, “hey lets fuck”. I’m just too nice of a guy and this is probably why in general I have never been very good with women. Maybe it also has to do with me being asian. I don’t think many white women are going to feel comfortable to introduce an asian looking guy to their parents and hence I don’t think they are interested in even starting a relationship.

Anyways. For the entire two weeks we went everywhere together. We went to the Dusit Zoo. We went to the Vertigo (a rooftop bar where she never wanted to go again, cause she later revealed that she was scared out of her mind). We went to see Paul Oakenfold at Narcissus. We went to LED Mondays (electronic music night) at the BedSupperClub. We went swimming and to Karaoke. In the mornings we’d try out the best Dim Sum places that I could find online. In the evenings we would eat sushi or she’d introduce me to some new Thai dish that I never would have found alone. Yes, we also had sex, practically everyday and sometimes several times a day. I have to say that it was the most incredible sex I have ever had. I never initiated it.

She cried 3 times throughout the trip when she thought about that I would have to leave on the 14th of April. She promised that she would wait for me. She even said that she loved me. She said that if I came back to Bangkok that she would HAVE to see me even if she was back in Esan. She never asked for money and on more than one occasion she would make sure that I wasn’t cheated as we traveled all over Bangkok. Other girls in her bar mentioned to me that she never went home with customers and this was the first time she had done so.

Anyways. Now I am back in Afghanistan again waiting to catch a flight back to my base. At first I think I missed her so much I felt a little sick but then I called her to hear her voice and she called me her special name for me and I felt okay again. She was excited to receive my phone call. Once again she said she loved me. It’s difficult to fit all the funny inside jokes and special times we had together into this trip report. I just had the best time I have ever had in my life.

Maybe I’m just crazy. In a way I hope that maybe she doesn’t actually love me because when I left her at the airport to catch my connecting flight to Afghanistan she was crying and it was one of the most heartbreaking things I have experienced. I have a job to do here soon and I need to let this girl go from my mind for 10 months, because In 10 months I’m coming back to Bangkok! Originally I was going to travel many places with my hard earned money but now I think I am going crazy. I am thinking of only going back to Thailand. I am thinking about learning to speak Thai and going to University in Bangkok. I am thinking about using my money from contracting to start a new life there.

Thanks for reading. I just have to get this off my mind.

ROLAND 04-15-2010 05:27 PM

Fuck 'em and forget 'em , she will be with her next punter now and you are forgotten already *
Ignore this advice and you'll end up like Milkpot.

* Unless you are sending her money of course

timanonymous 04-15-2010 05:29 PM

Yea probably lost my mind. Maybe in a few days I'll get my sanity back. Thanks.

No not sending her money. That would have set up a red flag right away and I wouldn't even think anything of her anymore.

ROLAND 04-15-2010 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by timanonymous (Post 178259)
Yea probably lost my mind. Maybe in a few days I'll get my sanity back. Thanks.

Look upon it as a fantastic holiday and move on, next time you go back find another nice bird and then do the same.

bigphill67 04-15-2010 06:35 PM

thats what thailand and the TG's do they get into you somehow and your hooked sounds like your addicted already, but you've had a great trip that you'll never forget and its like a drug you'll be back the next chance you get' hope you meet up with your girl but theres thousands more if you don't :cheers:

foz 04-15-2010 09:58 PM

Good report TIM.............:thumbsup:

listen to rolly ........forget her,Change yer mobile number as well she will only play mind games with yer.

yusamile 04-16-2010 07:30 AM

Nice report. I have had several situations similar to yours. You find a girl, you seem to connect, the sex is good and you give her a little money to help her along. Now it is possible to return and see the same girl again as i have done before , but you need to come to terms with the fact that she has to survive without you and will not sit on her arse waiting and hoping for your return. A couple of things to consider are,....keep a hold of your money and dont have conversations about your money unless it is about how much you need to pay her for services, as much as you can about Thailand and its women before you commit yourself .

They are like taxis, there are thousands of them, and just when you think you missed your last one,, along comes another one and she's just as beautiful and just as engaging .....but the bottom line is,...they are poor and working, and you are the customer, and its largely about the money,.....try to imagine life without money and what you would do to get it.....but every now and then something special does happen, but take it slow , dont rush, test her out, watch out for cracks and flaws and leave plenty of room for tragedy and chaos !!!!!! or you could end up with :custardpie:

timanonymous 04-16-2010 10:59 AM

Yusamile: So you say that you have had several experiences like mine? How did you deal with the heartache? Time?

I can't stand to be like this. I'm not the type to talk about "love" or going crazy about a woman.

Everyone told me before I left for Bangkok not to believe any woman who says that they "love" you. They also told me that I would become addicted and I laughed at them.

roamer 04-16-2010 11:50 AM


Thanks for sharing, enjoyed your post.

No advice to give except maybe not to let
your feelings interfere with your job and career, difficult
as that might seem.

Also that bar girls can change with time, one trip
lovely and pleasant then on your return, they`ve hardened.

All the Best.

yusamile 04-16-2010 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by timanonymous (Post 178314)
Yusamile: So you say that you have had several experiences like mine? How did you deal with the heartache? Time?

I can't stand to be like this. I'm not the type to talk about "love" or going crazy about a woman.

Everyone told me before I left for Bangkok not to believe any woman who says that they "love" you. They also told me that I would become addicted and I laughed at them.

Remember that it all happened in a couple of weeks, or less ,so its probably not your heart thats aching . Its more than likely a combo of things, eg ; the sex , now that one can be very confusing, lots of people mistake the throes of passion with love, if the sex is good then it must be love, if its lousy, well i did my part. The attention ,...some Thai girls are very good at showing interest and a willingness to take care of you,....some genuine, a lot fake ,but it can be intoxicating either way. Theres a whole bunch of stuff that basically leaves a man feeling like he is special and when you take your leave its The Ego that suffers ,not your heart, not after 2 weeks,...... your suddenly a mere mortal again and while you genuinely miss the funny way she talks and the attention and the sex, soon it will pass and yes time and other things will patch up the wounds the Ego has suffered .

But as i said before, if you really want to explore the jungle of love,....go back,take your machete, dont expose yourself too much and be prepared to spend some time getting to know her . And dont pack your Ego,...if you can help it. Really a Thai girl is like a deep dark jungle and theres all kinds of stuff in there that we dont see , understand or are prepared for . Take it easy Tim, it will pass.:relieved:

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