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simie 09-08-2014 12:46 PM

I shall probably change my dosh when I get there if if looks like a yes vote nearer the time? £ bound to drop a bit more if it is a yes vote.

simie 09-08-2014 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by WankingWodger (Post 228849)
To me all the Westminster politicians are the same now, go to the same public schools, university, political researchers job then get an MP's seat at Parliament. No wonder people have had enough.

And as for Simie, he seems to have forgotten the primary purpose law that Maggie brought in that stopped blokes bringing home their Thai wives if they had worked in a bar and his mate Bloom would say plenty of English sluts here so no need to bring in a foreign woman for the job.

We need a proper sort out, get rid of idiots like Cameron, Clegg and Miliband and find some decent leaders before it is too late.

Wodger, If we'd had had a different government none of us know what shape or form it would have taken, so any speculation is just that speculation. If we had stayed in the EU then the primary purpose law would be unenforceable as it would be now under EU legislation. And if we had left everything is hypothetical.

However I do agree with you about the current politucal, none of them have ever had a proper job. Unless you include Farage who worked in business for 20 years before politics.

And as for my mate Godfrey Bloom, as far as he's concerned you can never have enough sluts!

gonzo 09-08-2014 05:49 PM

Some balanced reporting for a change....


It used to be unthinkable. Now it’s thinkable. In fact, in some minds, it’s already been thought. Scotland might be voting yes to independence and splitting from the rest of the union. I’m not Scottish, and I’m therefore powerless to intervene, although I would personally prefer Scotland to stay – but only for entirely selfish and superficial reasons. Reason one: I’d rather not be lumbered with a Tory government from now until the day the moon crashes into the Thames. Two: I quite like Scotland and the Scottish, so it’s hard not to feel somehow personally affronted by their rejection. Why did you just unfriend and unfollow me, Scotland? What did I ever do to you? What’s that? Sorry, you’ll have to slow down a bit. Can’t understand a word you’re saying. Don’t you come with subtitles?! Ha ha ha! No, seriously, come back. Scotland? Scotland?

Apparently the consequences of a split in the union could be calamitous. The skies will fall and the seas will boil and the dead shall rise and the milk will spoil. There will be a great disturbance in the force. Duncan’s horses will turn and eat each other. Starving ravens will peck out your eyes halfway through the Great British Bake Off. Your dad will give birth to a jackal full of hornets. And in London’s last remaining DVD shop, Gregory’s Girl will quietly be re-categorised as “world cinema”.

If Scotland divorces Britain, the union jack will have to be redesigned, which is upsetting news for every prick with a union jack cushion on their stupid sofa in their stupid house. Minus the soothing, steadying blue of the saltire, the flag’s going to resemble a violent, blood-burst staining a shroud. Better to scrap it and start again with a new design that more accurately reflects the spirit of the age. I vote for a crying brown oblong.

The Queen is on the front pages, looking worried. DON’T LET ME BE THE LAST QUEEN OF SCOTLAND shrieked the Mirror, although MONARCH OF THE GLUM would’ve been a better headline. Or maybe BAH-MORAL.

The Sunday Times’s shock poll plunged Westminster into panic mode. The first rule of panic mode is that you don’t talk about panic mode: thus Alistair Darling could quickly be found on the airwaves denying there was any panic at all, adding that his voice only cracks like that when he’s feeling especially confident and what’s more, he always defecates in his own trousers during interviews.

Darling’s partly to blame for the swing in the polls anyway. I didn’t watch the first debate because I hadn’t actually heard of Scotland at the time, but the second one was a depressing car crash throughout in which Darling spluttered unconvincing, stuttery sentences like a beatboxer with hiccups.

Despite Darling’s panic-denial, Westminster’s response has more than a whiff of clammy desperation about it. George Osborne abruptly announced he would shortly unveil a range of new powers and benefits Scotland could look forward to in the event of a no vote. Increased powers of taxation. The ability to control the sea. Banknotes made of liquorice. Free stickers. If it votes no, Scotland will also receive the Angel of the North, the Eden Project, Stonehenge, the Cutty Sark, Alton Towers, a souvenir pen, a backrub and access to the new royal baby at weekends. It’s all a little undignified, like a man on his knees clutching his girlfriend’s ankles and sobbing that he can change. “It’s no’ you, it’s me,” replies Scotland, in its newly exotic foreign accent, before slinking off to have exciting sex with Greenland.

In case bribery doesn’t work, some of the stars of Westminster are apparently going to tour Scotland giving speeches in favour of staying with the union, even though dispatching politicians to whip up support is the worst thing that could possibly happen, like turning a hose on a drowning man.

Nonetheless, Ed Miliband will visit Scotland to inspire people. To do what? Join Isis? Incredibly, he’ll be teaming up with Gordon Brown. Sitting through back-to-back speeches by Brown and Miliband is a challenge comparable to eating 15 sheets of cardboard with a heavy cold. Expecting that duo to dazzle wavering voters is like entering Stephen Hawking into a clog-dancing contest.

Cameron can’t help here, of course. In Scotland, David Cameron is less popular than Windows 8. He’s the physical embodiment of everything a fair percentage of Scottish people hate: a ruddy-faced old Etonian walking around like he just inherited the place, sporting a permanently shiny chin as though he’s just enjoyed a buttery crumpet in front of the cricket. Worse still, he’s a lizard. An actual lizard. Send him to Scotland to make a speech and the moment a crowd member shouts “boo!” or hurls an egg, Cameron will “display” by raising the hyoid bone of his throat and enlarging his dewlap in a bid to intimidate potential predators. And that won’t play well on Scotland Tonight.

No, the only way Cameron’s going to win a single no vote is if he leaves his clothes on a beach and pretends to have swum off into oblivion, or vows to slam his balls in a car door if Scotland decides to stay. I don’t have a vote, but I vote for the latter.

old crust 09-08-2014 06:01 PM

Cameron is a disgrace. Yes, he is loathed in Scotland, but that means he cannot do any more damage to himself or the tories. As leader of the Unionist party he should be on the stage with Salmond and wipe the floor with him, it would not be very difficult.

Now everyone is getting worried about the Yes vote (not me I'm convinced it will be No) how long before the London media pours some muck on Salmond? I know for a fact that they have something, the timing will be interesting.

simie 09-08-2014 06:37 PM

I spoke to a customer at work not long ago who said her husband was from the same town as Salmon and it was an open secret there he was a heavy gambler.

old crust 09-08-2014 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by simie (Post 228898)
I spoke to a customer at work not long ago who said her husband was from the same town as Salmon and it was an open secret there he was a heavy gambler.

We could probably help the media along, anyone any good at photoshop? We could have him playing a game of three card brag in Boystown with Mirky. Revealed exclusive and all that.

penetrator 09-08-2014 08:00 PM

Think I might have to stop accepting Sweaty notes.

soi 2 09-09-2014 09:48 AM

In a lot of ways there is an anti Thatcher element driving nationalism. A vague notion that we could do better than having a bunch of English public school boys running the show. A hatred of 'Westminster' which seems to implicitly be a code word for Tories, London... basically The English.

With no currency plans set in stone, a vote for yes seems to me to be a massive gamble. Incredibly though it seems like less people are concerned with economics and more their sense of identity. If Adolf Salmond and his natsi's can pull this off they'll have beaten Labour, Conservatives and the Lib Dems, every major political party.

Worrying times...

BigBadSi 09-09-2014 09:58 AM

With regarding the current weakening of the £ due to the impending vote, perhaps we could contact the thai exchequer to find out how you "fix" (I mean) keep the currency strong during years of turmoil that would have destroyed other countries economies.

roamer 09-09-2014 10:53 AM

One of the things that I`ve not noticed being brought up is that London is one of the leading financial centres of the world.

It has it`s scandals etc but the amount of transactions routed through it is totally out of proportion to the ( small ) size of the UK, that makes money, some of it filters through to the general economy.

In one financial trade sector it has about 54 % + of total world trade, quite an amazing feat.

An independent Scotland would maybe lose out there, already talk that they would not have the excellent credit rating that the UK as a whole has.

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