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soi 2 07-28-2012 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Bilbobaggins (Post 218196)
Sorry Gaz, as much as I hate to see this happen to teams, Pompey too, I don't think Rangers should be allowed to move to the English Leagues, and I think Swansea and Cardiff should be kicked out too fwiw...... (hides from Gonzo)

Bill, talk of a move to England has disappeared. I don't think it's an option, at least not just now.

Motherwell are in the Champion League qualifiers representing Scotland. I'd be surprised if, off the top of your head, you could name any Motherwell players. You can see now why I'd like a move to England !

England doesn't need the Old Firm. The Police wouldn't like it either. Whenever there are preseason friendlies with English teams, there always seems to be trouble. Sky TV might like it but they don't have enough power to get it through.

At this moment in time, Rangers are weak and miles off the standard of top flight football in England. They do however have a massive support and I'd think in time if given the chance they could rise in England to be an outside contender. Would you not like to see the Old Firm in England ? In Scotland Rangers can pull in 50,000 and Celtic 60,000 for home games and that's just against the pish up here. If it was Man U, City, Liverpool etc coming up here they could be massive.

Bilbobaggins 07-28-2012 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 218222)
Bill, talk of a move to England has disappeared. I don't think it's an option, at least not just now.

Motherwell are in the Champion League qualifiers representing Scotland. I'd be surprised if, off the top of your head, you could name any Motherwell players. You can see now why I'd like a move to England !

England doesn't need the Old Firm. The Police wouldn't like it either. Whenever there are preseason friendlies with English teams, there always seems to be trouble. Sky TV might like it but they don't have enough power to get it through.

At this moment in time, Rangers are weak and miles off the standard of top flight football in England. They do however have a massive support and I'd think in time if given the chance they could rise in England to be an outside contender. Would you not like to see the Old Firm in England ? In Scotland Rangers can pull in 50,000 and Celtic 60,000 for home games and that's just against the pish up here. If it was Man U, City, Liverpool etc coming up here they could be massive.

If you ever come to English football, and I have shifted position a bit after talking to friends, you should start in the evostick league or whatever it is these days.

I agree that it would be good for you lot to be here in the English Leagues, but with your country trying for independence (which I would grant you immediately by the way) I can't see how it's going to happen.

Again though, I would HATE to see Celtic and that vile ginger cunt Lennon (who happens to be a City fan I will add) prosper. I despise everything that club stands for.

Bilbobaggins 07-28-2012 11:39 PM

I will add I think it's rancid the way some owners fuck the fans over.

pompey, stockport, rangers, few more will go that way soon too.

soi 2 07-28-2012 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Bilbobaggins (Post 218224)
If you ever come to English football, and I have shifted position a bit after talking to friends, you should start in the evostick league or whatever it is these days.

The bottom league is all Rangers are good for just now. I don't even know what sort of team will turn out against Brechin tomorrow in this Ramsdens Cup, lol. As a new team the bottom is where you go...


Originally Posted by Bilbobaggins (Post 218224)
I agree that it would be good for you lot to be here in the English Leagues, but with your country trying for independence (which I would grant you immediately by the way) I can't see how it's going to happen.

Scottish independence isn't something most people really talk about here or want. I think the referendum will show that. It's crazy. If you have any assets - a house, savings, etc. Why take the risk of starting some new country. If you have none of these things then, wa-hey, freeeedom ! Jeremy Paxman crucified Alex Salmond on Newsnight this year. Scotland would run at a deficit every year and be a Zimbabwe style economic disaster. It's a non starter.


Originally Posted by Bilbobaggins (Post 218224)
Again though, I would HATE to see Celtic and that vile ginger cunt Lennon (who happens to be a City fan I will add) prosper. I despise everything that club stands for.

Lets say you hate Celtic, it would still be good to see them playing your team. Playing them is the highlight of our season !


soi 2 07-29-2012 12:16 AM

Richard Gough in The Scottish Sun on Sunday..

JUST who is Neil Lennon trying to kid?
The Celtic manager has come out and said that my old club should lose their championships.

But he knows himself that you can NEVER take away the feeling of winning the SPL — or even walking up the steps of Hampden to lift a cup.

People seem to want to take yet another kick at the club and I agree with Ally McCoist that enough is enough.

Everything has been agreed to get Rangers their SFA membership but there is still talk of taking the titles away if an investigation goes against them.

It would be a symbolic move but what’s the point? What does it achieve? NOTHING.

When you win a title or lift a Scottish Cup it’s all about the memories and that’s something that can never be erased.

You can’t turn back the clock and tell people they didn’t win something even though they got their hands on the trophy.

You can get the Tipp-ex out and change the record books but what you can’t do is take away from the supporters the way they celebrated on those occasions.

And the players who won those titles won’t suddenly feel like losers because a bit of paper has been changed to say they haven’t won it after all.

For me those titles were won fair and square.

I saw someone compare it to drugs cheats in the Tour de France but that’s rubbish.

What Rangers are accused of is trying to dodge the taxman, not cheat the opposition on the park. It would be a different story if it was match fixing like we saw in Italy — but this was nothing to do with the team, it was accountants and lawyers.

Having a tax scheme in place didn’t make the players run any faster or shoot any straighter, they still had to go out and beat the opposition.

The titles issue seems to be the thing that held up Rangers’ SFA membership and I would expect Ally to continue fighting the SPL if they persist in wanting to take anything off the club. Ally wasn’t happy on Friday night and he has made his feelings known.

I completely agree with where he’s coming from.

It’s time the SPL stopped taking cheap shots and for everyone’s sake get back to focusing on football again.

Because of financial problems the club has been sent to Division Three, has lost a lot of the top players, has a transfer embargo coming up, has been fined and have been denied their prize money from the SPL last season.

Is that not enough?

The Rangers fans have been suffering and what did they do wrong? Nothing.

The supporters have turned up in big numbers every week, supporting the team at home and away — which also swells the coffers of the other clubs.

They have not been to blame for what’s happened at Ibrox but they are the ones seeing their club given a doing when its down.

And even after all the punishments handed down to Rangers the SPL still want to feed off the TV money they’re going to bring in.

Rangers are a massive club and will always attract huge interest.

The SPL know this and although they said they don’t want the club in their league they still want to live off the back of them. It’s hypocritical.

The level of interest will be shown at Brechin today where news crews from all over Europe will be present to see the club start this new chapter.

It’s going to be strange to see a club the size of Rangers playing at that level but that’s the way it is and that’s what most of the Gers fans wanted.

It’s time to get on with it and start playing football again. I’m sure that’s what Ally and the players are desperate for.

Turning up at Glebe Park today and putting that blue jersey on will be a huge release for everyone at the club and for 90 minutes at least they will be able to forget about everything that’s been going on.

The players will be determined to show the fans — and everyone else — that Rangers are ready to fight their way back.

It doesn’t matter what the company is called — Ally is the manager, the club is playing at Ibrox and the fans are the same. It’s still the same Rangers.

The supporters are wary, and rightly so.

I think the right thing for them to do is to back Ally and the players by going to the games — but pay at the gate.

But until the fans are sure about the direction the club is being taken in then they’re definitely right to hang fire on buying season tickets.

roamer 07-29-2012 06:16 AM


As an outsider looking in, his points make a lot of sense.

What has HMRC( the taxman) done for football in Britain?

Overall received a lot of money from it.

old crust 07-29-2012 06:30 AM

Having Rangers join the English leagues is one thing, but I would say no to Celtic. After witnessing the moronic anti English behavior of their fans at a friendly against Leicester, I would think the last thing they would want is to have to follow their team to England once a fortnight.

As for Alex Salmond, did you see Jeff Randle take him apart last week? I really dislike Salmond, but actually felt embarrassed for him. He is fast becoming a figure of fun, and I would think the last person any self respecting Scot would want to be associated with.

ROLAND 07-29-2012 10:19 AM

Dodge paying their taxes means more money to spunk on wastes of spaces like Flo etc and is cheating so yes if they admit to that then any trophies won should be taken away.

Financial cheating is just as bad as drug cheats as it is not a level playing field and anyone who says it is only the taxman then I just hope that one day you don't have to use the NHS or anything else funded by taxes.

ROLAND 07-29-2012 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by roamer (Post 218228)

As an outsider looking in, his points make a lot of sense.

What has HMRC( the taxman) done for football in Britain?

Overall received a lot of money from it.

As someone who doesn't live in this country you can condone cunts like that but I can't as my taxes go to pay for my NHS and if people don't pay their share then others pay more.

Hope they take every cup they ever won now and melt the fuckers down as they are worthless

penetrator 07-29-2012 12:42 PM

I'm sure that fenian cunt lennon will run into some pissed off Rangers fans 1 night and pay for his opportunism, then we'll have to put up with him playing and being portrayed by the liberal left as the innocent martyr in "the ugly side of Scottish football"

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