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monsterman 09-03-2014 02:09 PM

Every Scot i have met at work recently is a NO voter ,, they reckon the yes voters are all on the ''client state list'' so they wont be paying for Salmonds folly

gonzo 09-07-2014 01:04 PM

Latest polls showing the 'Yes' camp ahead for the first time.

Get your asylum application in now Ga!

simie 09-07-2014 01:10 PM

I think many Labour voters in the rest of the UK may be gloating at the thought of a YES vote thinking they'll get rid of Cameron.
They really need to wake up and smell the coffee. Milliband just as culpable for the lack lustre NO campaign and with Labours presence in Scotland compared to the tiny Tory support they really should have performed better.

Not to mention the vastly reduced chances of any Labour majority in Westminster without their Scottish MPs.

gonzo 09-07-2014 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by simie (Post 228802)
I think many Labour voters in the rest of the UK may be gloating at the thought of a YES vote thinking they'll get rid of Cameron.
They really need to wake up and smell the coffee. Milliband just as culpable for the lack lustre NO campaign and with Labours presence in Scotland compared to the tiny Tory support they really should have performed better.

Not to mention the vastly reduced chances of any Labour majority in Westminster without their Scottish MPs.

Totally agree mate. The same set of polls showed the change was down in no small part to labour voters flocking to Salmond following Miliband's intervention last week.

The No campaign has to be the worst run political campaign in history - they lost a 20 point lead arguing against a guy who hardly set the commons alight when he was playing in the big leagues and who's core arguments aren't even directly related to independence as much as they are an attack against the current coalition policies.

old crust 09-07-2014 01:38 PM

Agree, it is the poorest campaign ever run, I still think on the day it will be a No vote. Todays poll is a bit of a red herring, no undecided voters are included.

WankingWodger 09-07-2014 05:04 PM

The guy mainly to blame is Cameron, 4 years of Tory rule has led a lot of Scots to think whatever happens with independence is better than having a government full of Toff twats like Cameron, Osborne and the No.1 cunt Farage. Everytime they go north of the border that is another few thousand votes for the Yes boys.

I hear if there is a Yes vote Carlisle is opting to move North under Scottish rule.

simie 09-07-2014 05:54 PM

Don't think we'd have had 1,400 girls abused (just the ones we know about so far that is?!) by Paki cunts if Farage or someone like him had been PM last 15 or 20 years. All the others Cameron, Milliband etc inc every Chief Constable in the country so shit scared of being called racist and so tied up in PC bullshit they'd let ethnic minorities do what they want. And of course the biggest criminal of the lot Blair who totally fucked this country up good and proper. 3,000 new laws, allowed the new EU countries to flood the country with workers that suppressed wages and worsened the housing crisis and that's before we get onto the death of tens of thousands of Iraq civilians to massage his ego. And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

ferocious 09-07-2014 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by WankingWodger (Post 228829)
The guy mainly to blame is Cameron, 4 years of Tory rule has led a lot of Scots to think whatever happens with independence is better than having a government full of Toff twats like Cameron, Osborne and the No.1 cunt Farage. Everytime they go north of the border that is another few thousand votes for the Yes boys.

I hear if there is a Yes vote Carlisle is opting to move North under Scottish rule.

Funnily enough it was a Scotsman who. Played a huge part in ruining my country as chancellor and then PM and sure a Scottish bank was also culpable , as my supervisor said to the jock lads who work with me if it's that good why don't you fuck off back there ?? They won't cos they can't earn the same dosh up there

ferocious 09-07-2014 06:46 PM

And the 3 blokes I work with have worked with me for last 3/4 year outside Scotland so shouldn't really qualify for a vote

simie 09-07-2014 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by ferocious (Post 228837)
And the 3 blokes I work with have worked with me for last 3/4 year outside Scotland so shouldn't really qualify for a vote

You can be a German of a Pole or a spotty faced 16 yr old without a clue and you can vote if your living in Scotland and registered. But if your a real Scot but live outside Scotland you can't.
Just the way fish face wanted it of course!

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