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Frankie 08-18-2018 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by ferocious (Post 245001)
Stokes replacing Curran is another strange one nothing like knocking a young lad after the hard work he’s put in

Exactly. Thought Stokes had just been drafted back into the squad and would sit this one out after the Court case. Shocked to find young Curran dropped. Whats he got to do to get a place?

Rashid stands around all game at Lords with his thumb up his arse. Curran just about saves the game then is dropped, but Rashid is still selected. Weird.

kuranda_bagman 08-19-2018 01:49 AM

Read over here that Stokes was booed when he took the field - Seems to me alot of folk don't think justice was done?

Frankie 08-19-2018 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by kuranda_bagman (Post 245010)
Read over here that Stokes was booed when he took the field - Seems to me alot of folk don't think justice was done?

Never heard/read anything about Stokes being booed over here KB. Doesn't mean it didn't happen though. However would think it highly unlikely as Stokes is well liked by the cricketing public and hero worshipped by young kids.

The Court case was a complete and utter farce. It was completely pointless. From what I've read the bloke who Stokes belted (him and his mate were brandishing bottles and also went and got a metal pole) wouldn't press charges. IMO if you threaten somebody with a bottle etc and end up getting punched resulting in a damaged eye socket its your own fault.

kuranda_bagman 08-20-2018 10:51 PM

Knew I read it somewhere:

ferocious 08-21-2018 03:36 PM

Plenty of Indians in the crowd capable of booing stokes surprised if many or any England fans did
As frankie said it was a farce right from the start it was on video and the guy who shot the video sold his story to a disgusting daily “newspaper” how could it be a fair trial after a lot of the evidence the whole world had seen before it was seen by the jury

Frankie 08-24-2018 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by kuranda_bagman (Post 245018)

Never had you down as a Daily Fail reader KB. :utterbollox:

Liked this sentance from the article:

Stokes's waywardness meant he had to be replaced after just 39 overs.

Must have missed that record breaking spell and the Sky commentators never picked up on it. Safe to say whoever wrote that article knows fuck all about cricket. Or anything else for that matter.

bazzap 09-02-2018 09:31 PM

Well done to the Poms.

Surely they will never drop young Curran again. He could be something special


Frankie 09-07-2018 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by bazzap (Post 245071)
Well done to the Poms.

Surely they will never drop young Curran again. He could be something special


Bludger today Baz, so he could be dropped based on previous fuckwit decisions made by England selectors.

Cookies last Test started today. Hoped he would go on a bit further but its not to be. Proper Old School opener. Word on the Soi is he's got a start at his old mate Ferocious's place and he's off there. Was only a question of time really.:flashymotor:

bazzap 10-20-2018 05:08 AM

Mitch Marsh

Look at this useless clown.

He has played 30 Tests scored 2 centuries and 3 50s

His last 11 Test scores are 6, 4, 45, 5, 16, 4, 0, 12, 0, 13 & 5.

Not only does he keep getting picked but has been made joint vice caption. FFS. We are talking about the Australian Test cricket team here. To play for them is (was?) the highest honour in Australian team sport.

A call to the Australian PM is needed. That is what it took to get rid of Smith, Warner & co. He has to go!! And whoever keeps picking him should go as well


Frankie 10-20-2018 07:24 PM

Made Vice Captain and is averaging 26.08 after 51 digs? I thought the England selectors made some shit decisions but thats poor even by their standards.

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