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gonzo 09-18-2014 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by WankingWodger (Post 229260)
Personally I hope it is a Yes vote so we can get rid of the idiots like Cameron, Clegg and Miliband ruining the country and get a decent socialist government instead of ones that suck up to the banks and businesses instead of looking after the people they govern

That won't even happen in Scotland, how the hell do you think the Scots voting yes would make that happen in rUK?

kuranda_bagman 09-18-2014 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by WankingWodger (Post 229260)
Personally I hope it is a Yes vote so we can get rid of the idiots like Cameron, Clegg and Miliband ruining the country and get a decent socialist government instead of ones that suck up to the banks and businesses instead of looking after the people they govern

I thought that if the vote is yes the Scottish seats in the UK Parliament would no longer exist and as the majority of these seats are held by labor MP’s it would weaken the chances of a socialist government ever being elected?

WankingWodger 09-18-2014 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by kuranda_bagman (Post 229280)
I thought that if the vote is yes the Scottish seats in the UK Parliament would no longer exist and as the majority of these seats are held by labor MP’s it would weaken the chances of a socialist government ever being elected?

More scare tactics , Labour didn't need the Scottish Labour votes/seats in their last 3 wins

soi 2 09-18-2014 10:04 PM

If Labour have 30 or 40 less MP's they might not be finished but it's going to make life a hell of a lot harder for them.

soi 2 09-18-2014 10:21 PM

Well the polls are shut now. Need to wait and see if I wake up in the morning and live in a foreign country. Here's some images of the campaign that has ripped this country apart. Alex Salmond's legacy will be one of hate and division. Sectarian divides that have diminished since Northern Ireland calmed down have exploded into life.

I was talking to a senior policeman at the gym today. Riot police are on stand by in Glasgow. He reckons if it's a NO there will be 'a bomb in a populated area within the next two years.'

At the start of this I never thought this might descend into a Northern Ireland but that's looking ever more likely.

All of a sudden Scotland is not such a nice place to live. Stay tuned for the news tomorrow night and see what happens.

Ireland and Palestinian flags out for the yessers...

The Unionist backlash. 20,000 Orangemen march through Edinburgh . It took two and a half hours for the last band to leave the Meadows after the first one left.

Kilwinning Lodge


Party planned...

Are you surprised at what you see ? Did you think it would be like this ? I didn't. But this has taken on a life of it's own. Salmond has unleashed this force and it's not going to go away quietly.

soi 2 09-18-2014 10:49 PM

Great article from Archie Macpherson in todays Daily Record

Independence referendum: Don't let Salmond's loudmouths bully their way to a Yes vote, says Archie Macpherson

THE veteran TV football commentator says change can be brought without erecting needless borders and, by instead respecting the aspirations which emerge from different environments and mutual understandings.

AS a veteran of countless Old Firm games I am not unacquainted with abuse .

Indeed, until recently I thought I had developed an immunity from anything thrown at me. Then something penetrated the armour.

It was in Shettleston Road last week beside the tenement close of my birth.

We were doing a group walkabout for the No campaign with cameras, to illustrate my association with the east end of Glasgow.

For the latest news on polling day you can follow our blog by clicking here

Suddenly a head popped out from a window above us, clocked our identity then roared at me, ‘F*** off, you English *****.’

Off the top of the head I couldn’t think of a genial reply as the ‘English’ bit kind of threw me.

Seen too often sitting in a studio with the likes of Jeremy Paxman and Frank Bough and David Coleman?

No. This was simply fever, red-necked, red-faced raw hatred that has been induced by those in the Yes camp who are ceaselly affronted by contradictions to their own views.

Is there any real difference between that gut response from a tenement window and of the more sophisticated response to the views of Lady Louise Richardson the Principal of St Andrews university.

She was confronted by the Salmond administration and by an adviser who wanted to put words in her mouth in token acceptance of Scottish Government policy on research council funding for universities.

There is no difference. One might be loud and abusive, the other quietly sinister in its implications but they marry at the point of refusal to accept there is another view of the world.

Indeed what we are seeing calamitously is the birth of a new breed we might call Little Scotlanders.

They relish borders, truncate identity, and stamp on the phrase that Scots gave real meaning to, ‘We’re a’ Jock Tamson’s bairns.’

The crudity of their responses in the streets to the walkabouts which are becoming more scary for the No campaign than were they to try it in downtown Baghdad is symptomatic of the Yes squad’s simple lust for power, of being told the promised land is now within their grasp although they dare not tell us the real consequences of such a prospect.

There is another world for all of us, that does not erect needless borders but respects the aspirations which emerge from different environments and the mutual understandings which can still be reached to work towards eliminating some of the worst social problems in any part of the UK.

People on the left who think they can turn their backs on the unity which gave us so much benefit through the decades just because everything has not worked out to their satisfaction through Westminster are missing a vital point.

Social change is an on-going process. Affairs are not set in stone because there is a Tory/Coalition goverment.

I cannot desert those in the south who could be thrown to the mercy of right-wing Little Englanders as a result of independence.

Such withdrawal into parochialism offends every value I was brought up with.

We are being asked to contemplate a plunge into the unkown with scant explanation of the consequences.

That vacuum is being masked by emotional appeals to nationhood, the obverse side of which is the abuse which so many are now receiving and which makes the display of a No sign seem like the act of a masochism.

No doubt that view will hardly sit well with those placard-waving people trying to bully the BBC into doing,....... well what exactly?

Their incoherence ought to be matched by the calm response of the Corporation to carry on the John Reith tradition established when he stood up to Churchill in 1922 during the General Strike and refused to let his beloved BBC be a mouthpiece for the government.

In the hours that are left it is difficult to see how the toxic nature of the campaign can be buried like nuclear waste for all time.

When Jim Sillars spoke movingly at the funeral of his greatly respected wife Margo Macdonald he uttered her wish that by midnight of the 18th we can forget the tussle and live with one another in respect.

Then Jim not that long ago ups and warns the banks that there would be a reckoning on them for their attitude to independence.

Doesn’t sound promsing, does it Jim?

However, he and I will and others will somehow have to call on that universal trait of common-sense to realise that one way or other it will be over.

It won’t be easy. But otherwise Scotland will be a spiritual desert, in or out of the Union.

simie 09-19-2014 12:41 AM

Fish face has got a lot to answer for all this. He should be investigated as to the way the yes campaign was run. Bare faced lies and intimidation through out. The bloke should really be in prison.

soi 2 09-19-2014 07:10 AM


It's over. Common sense prevails.

Sancho 09-19-2014 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 229303)

It's over. Common sense prevails.

Glasgow was fairly strongly saying Yes....

Pleased with the result & hopefully a wake up call for Westminster to treat the Scots a lot fairer

gonzo 09-19-2014 08:26 AM

Just as I was on the verge of binning the scotch eggs in the fridge too.

WankingWodger 09-19-2014 10:55 AM

Some tosser on the TV just now saying wait till we have the next referendum, I don't think so. That was it , there has enough strife been caused throughout GB by the SNP and now it's time for them to shut the fuck up.

penetrator 09-19-2014 11:04 AM

One good thing come out of all this, another reason to hate that cunt andy murray after he showed his true colours.

simie 09-19-2014 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by penetrator (Post 229316)
One good thing come out of all this, another reason to hate that cunt andy murray after he showed his true colours.

I think we knew that all along Pen?! Never liked the long streak of piss myself:bigfinger

Sancho 09-19-2014 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by simie (Post 229317)
I think we knew that all along Pen?! Never liked the long streak of piss myself:bigfinger

Some mates of mine in BKK all wear Swiss football shirts & suppport Federer whenever they are in a major head to head, just to wind up the Anti - English brigade. ..

Frankie 09-19-2014 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by penetrator (Post 229316)
One good thing come out of all this, another reason to hate that cunt andy murray after he showed his true colours.

Once that sour faced, dim twat nailed his colours to the YES mast the outcome was obviously going to be a NO vote. Anybody but Murray.:pokey:

old crust 09-19-2014 06:38 PM

Stand off tonight in George Square, Yes rabble have been confronted by what looks like a load of Rangers lads.

WankingWodger 09-19-2014 07:41 PM

Salmond done the decent thing and quit

soi 2 09-20-2014 08:42 AM

Some trouble in George Square...

Edit - worth pointing out, only 6 arrests. Maybe the media trying to make it look a bit more dramatic than it actually was.

bigphill67 09-20-2014 04:18 PM

Salmon should be made to stay and clean up his mess
And England are playing football there in a few weeks bound to be a few kick offs then as well

soi 2 09-22-2014 07:57 AM

ALEX Salmond has raised the prospect of Scotland becoming independent without going through another referendum.

The First Minister, who is due to step down in November, said that a vote like last week’s is “only one of a number of routes” that could be taken.

He said that although a referendum was his preferred option, achieving a majority at the Scottish Parliament was another way of reaching his party’s goal.

Mr Salmond’s comments came as another senior party member, former deputy leader Jim Sillars, said on Twitter that a majority for the SNP in the 2016 Holyrood election would be enough to declare independence.

Mr Sillars tweeted: “Let Yes assert new indy rule – no more ref – majority votes and seats at Holyrood 2016 enough.” He later added: “What’s this about a waiting a generation – indy remains on agenda now”.

In a broadcast interview yesterday, Mr Salmond said that for most of the SNP’s history, a referendum had not been the preferred route to independence and warned that the “writing is on the wall for Westminster” after last week’s No vote.

He said: “The referendum route was one of my choosing, it was my policy. I thought that was the right way to proceed but, of course, there are a whole range of ways Scotland can improve its position in pursuit of Scottish independence.

“There is a parliamentary route where people can make their voice heard as well, so a referendum is only one of a number of routes.”
Mr Salmond said: “This is a real thing, this generational change of opinion in Scotland, and I think the writing is on the wall for Westminster. It’s a question of how fast and how far we get.”
He also ruled out taking a seat in the House of Lords after he steps down as First Minister.

“My policy is to abolish the House of Lords,” Mr Salmond said, adding that “rocks would melt with the sun” before he would “ever set foot in the House of Lords”.

Pro-Union parties accused the First Minister of wanting to “stage a coup” to achieve independence. Opponents said Mr Salmond was being “undemocratic” and wanted to ignore the will of the Scottish people expressed in last week’s referendum.

Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont said: “Having decisively lost a democratic referendum on independence, Alex Salmond is now suggesting the Nationalists can ignore the sovereign will of the Scottish people.

“His words are fundamentally undemocratic and an insult to the people of Scotland.

“Salmond may regret the result but this reaction is dangerous and wrong. Alex Salmond lost. It is not for him to try to overthrow the will of the Scottish people in some sort of coup.”

Ms Lamont called on his likely successor Nicola Sturgeon to “distance herself from these disgraceful remarks”.

She added: “While the rest of us seek reconciliation, Alex Salmond seeks more division. Scotland will not have it.”

Scottish Conservative deputy leader Jackson Carlaw said: “The First Minister’s grace in defeat barely lasted a day.

“He claimed on Friday that he accepted the outcome of what was the largest democratic vote in Scottish political history yet, going by today’s extraordinary outburst, there is anything but acceptance in the Salmond household. Instead, there is petulance, bravado and a crass finger cocked at the majority of Scots. Scotland spoke very clearly and quite decisively: the majority made clear that the ‘sovereign will’ of the people of Scotland is to remain in a UK in which further responsibilities are devolved to Holyrood.

“Mr Salmond misunderstood the will of the majority during the campaign and now he seeks to misrepresent it in defeat.”

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie urged Mr Salmond to “calm down and take a bit of a breather”.

He said: “On Friday, the First Minister said he would work constructively with other parties. By the time he recorded his interview on Saturday, he had changed his mind. Within hours of a result he said he accepted he showed that he just can’t help himself.
“The Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the leader of the opposition, former prime minister Gordon Brown and senior political figures across the parties have been clear that a No vote at the referendum will not mean no to positive change.

“The First Minister still has a real role to play in the process on more powers that is already under way, as promised. I hope that he will take some time for reflection and embrace the positive agenda for change rather than scrabbling round for a new grievance to nurse.”
Labour MSP James Kelly said: “Alex Salmond has created divisions in Scotland where there was none. Now when the nation should be healing, the retired Salmond seeks to divide Scotland further.

“He should be true to his word and accept the result. Let Scotland move on without him, rather than allow him to ferment division. Rather than speculate on how individuals voted, he should accept Scotland’s settled will. Instead of talking about tricks, he must accept that Scotland refused to be tricked into separation.”

“Scotland has spoken. Scotland will move on. The silent majority has spoken and it befits Salmond now to fall silent if he has any regard for his country at all.”

old crust 09-22-2014 05:38 PM

Good result for this bloke.

WankingWodger 09-22-2014 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by old crust (Post 229434)

I read that, wondered how he got it all on as bookies don't take that kind of bets. Seemed he has a team working for him as he did the same on Obama's election and sent them round every bookies in London putting cash bets on, said it took weeks to collect !!!

penetrator 10-26-2014 05:17 PM

Never realised this was up for grabs in the independence palava!

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