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fearules 05-24-2011 12:41 PM

It seems to me many BMs want to believe all Thai girls are bad.

Its a little like the comments about Stephen Leathers 'Private Dancer'
To many mongers it supports the idea that all Thai girls are bad and only after money etc.
But if you read it and understand it if there is a message in the book at all (and I am nots sure there is in any novel) its that those men who monger are all arseholes particularly the expats and some men are sad buggers who dont know when they are on to a good thing and Thai girls can be misunderstood.
In fact the character 'Joy' in the book far from being bad is unable to do anything right for any man and with her background of abuse its understandable.
How mongers even turn this into a 'Good Monger' vs 'Bad Bar Girl' story is hard to understand. Its the other way round.

Bilbobaggins 05-24-2011 06:10 PM

I don't think it is the case at all that most people on this board WANT to believe all Thai girls are bad, how many have agreed with everything Mirkwood said about that?

I certainly wouldn't, and just about every response I have read have said the same thing.

It's certainly very interesting reading, I am quite enjoying some of the replies, keep going!

fearules 05-24-2011 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Bilbobaggins (Post 206062)
I don't think it is the case at all that most people on this board WANT to believe all Thai girls are bad, how many have agreed with everything Mirkwood said about that?

I certainly wouldn't, and just about every response I have read have said the same thing.

It's certainly very interesting reading, I am quite enjoying some of the replies, keep going!

Well thats true but Mirkwood is impossible to agree with. He is always wrong.
Perhaps my opinion has been influenced too much by those on other boards. I must say its quite refreshing on this one.

Bilbobaggins 05-24-2011 06:19 PM

fear, Mirky could also say he thinks YOU are wrong in every post, they are his views and he is entitled to them, regardless of how much you disagree with them.

I think it is a very interesting subject, some very good information being given and points of view made but I think it is quite arrogant of you to say Mirkwoods opinion counts for fuck all.

mack 05-25-2011 03:55 AM

Very interesting thread, although I get the impression :whistling: fearules and Mirkwood move in different circles and have had very different experiences in LOS, which of course shaped their attitudes of the people and country.

Anytime someone says or writes, "All (insert whatever you want: bar girls, Thais, blacks, whites, moto-drivers, Mormons, Hells Angles :booo: etc.) are no-good, dirty...blah blah..." I figure they don't know what they're talking about or are taking the easy road of generalizing to the extreme (or maybe just having a rough day.) It destroys their argument at the get-go in my mind. Nice, though, to see a difference of opinion without people losing their heads :crazy: or being reduced to tears. :crybaby:


Originally Posted by tom (Post 203562)
I can honestly say that I can't recall having had a negative experience in my bank - exactly the opposite.

I don't beleeb the issue with the bank, where tom sails through :boat: but Mirkwood often has problems :outdo:, is one of attitude or approach, though. It's more basic than that. If you're going to conduct business in LOS, dress appropriately.

Many of us have seen both tom and Mirkwood out and about in :patters: ...
tom is professional-looking in slacks and a collared shirt. Mirkwood dresses solely for comfort. But my tip for you, Mr. Mirk, is this: you'll get better service if you dress up a bit more. :thumbsup:

Case in point, here's a picture I took of Mirkwood :photo: leaving his bank a couple of years ago (not sure what the problem was this time, but whatever it was, it spilled to the outside.):

Mirkwood 05-25-2011 07:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)

tom is professional-looking in slacks and a collared shirt. Mirkwood dresses solely for comfort. But my tip for you, Mr. Mirk, is this: you'll get better service if you dress up a bit more.
What a fkn cheek. :ignore:

Actually, I work in Bangkok and changed my image a while back.

Attachment 17738

fearules 05-28-2011 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Bilbobaggins (Post 206066)
fear, Mirky could also say he thinks YOU are wrong in every post, they are his views and he is entitled to them, regardless of how much you disagree with them.

I think it is a very interesting subject, some very good information being given and points of view made but I think it is quite arrogant of you to say Mirkwoods opinion counts for fuck all.

I don't accept any of that as some views are so unreasonable they just have to be opposed. opinions based on prejudice and ignorance can be rejected. That's what I do.

I don't feel arrogant, I feel obliged to confront such ignorance.
Its what I get paid for.
Also condescending to such crap is not acceptable to me.
I wont do it.
I will tell it how I see it based on evidence I have experienced.
I see it as honesty.
You call it arrogant to be honest.
Think again.

Mirkwoods opinion does count for fuck all just like Hitlers did. He is wrong and deserves to be told so.

KeeNeow 05-29-2011 02:12 AM

Well I know who's opinion I trust more and it is Mirkwoods as he has been living the dream and posting here for a lot longer than you. Your opinion counts for shit here until we see some decent posts and not just following Mirky around and contradicting everything he posts. It's almost like the Monty Python Sketch about the argument.

Mirkwood 05-29-2011 02:43 PM


Mirkwoods opinion does count for fuck all just like Hitlers did. He is wrong and deserves to be told so.
No need to get all silly fella. I actually like your posts.

In your opinion my posts count for nothing. Fair enough.

At the end of the day if you have found paradise in LOS I take my hat off to you. Plenty of fellas have chased the dream and ended up on the scrapheap.

We are not in competition on here. We just post our views for a laugh and a bit of banter.

We are poles apart. Your life would probably bore me to be honest and you wouldnt want mne.

jimmycricket 10-03-2011 12:42 PM

To all the noobs who where thinking of going to Pattaya but instead found this heated verbal battle on the heart of Thailand and the true nature of Thai women. Take it all with a grain of salt.

Come to Thailand and have fun. Just like anywhere in the world don't let your heart cloud your judgement and don't let your cock do all the thinking either. Just go and have fun, don't get wrapped up in "love" go get wrapped up in lust instead. Have a blast, fuck untill your dicks sore, make out with more girls then a national kissing contest, bang more hos then a swiss cheese grater. Just dont break yourself in the process or do stupid things to permanently effect your life in a negative way.

As with anywhere on the planet some people are good hearted and will give you the shirt off their backs, others are out to take you for your shirt your shoes and that last 33 cents in your pocket. So why would Thailand differ? Well... It doesn't.

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