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james100 09-10-2014 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 228980)
To a degree I think people are so intimidated by the YES baying mobs they are too scared to say publicly who they are voting for. This is not a nice time to live here. I wouldn't put a NO THANKS sticker on my car, house, etc.

Problem is that Adolf Salmond has lured the gullible into believing his promised land of increased spending with no tax raises. A socialist utopia. There are a lot of people living in poverty and this is what they want to hear. Factor in the Tims and anti English Tartan Army clowns and unfortunately that's a good 40% of the population up here. It will be close. Any big news story in the next week could tip the balance either way.

People with mortgages are starting to shit themselves though. As they have a loan in sterling to English based lenders and if there is a currency change they might be fucked. I've moved all cash savings out of Scotland already just in case there is some Cyprus style restriction on moving capital in the event of independence.

I'm scared, I'm British I don't want to wake up on the 19th and be a foreigner.

You're foreigner already just like me.

roamer 09-11-2014 10:13 AM

Both RBS & Lloyds have stated they will relocate to England in the event of a Yes vote.

Unfortunately whatever the outcome, a lot of damage has been done

gonzo 09-11-2014 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by roamer (Post 229005)
Both RBS & Lloyds have stated they will relocate to England in the event of a Yes vote.

Unfortunately whatever the outcome, a lot of damage has been done

Yeah, LBG were being cagey about it until it got out in the press the other week but internally it's been widely known since they announced the referendum. For all the claims about 'waiting until the people of Scotland decide' they're ready to start pulling out pretty much straight away. Keep a head office in Edinburgh that'll be treated as a foreign division like the offices in Australia but everything else that can be moved south will be within the first 12 months.

bigphill67 09-11-2014 04:50 PM

My understanding was that in the event of a yes vote things would be done gradually in stages and would not be completed until some time in march 2016!

soi 2 09-12-2014 11:30 AM

That's the plan Phil but the reality might be a little bit different.

Flight of capital being the big one. Savers will pull their cash out by the barrel load. No one wants a Cyprus scenario where you can't move cash.

There will be havoc if there is a Yes vote.

Frankie 09-12-2014 10:38 PM

I thought that when the 3 Stooges went to Scotland this week that would be enough to swing the vote to a YES. Maybe that was their intention?

Unbelievable the shite, or ignorance, some of the SNP spout on TV. On RBS relocating to England some idiot stated that it was nothing more than moving a brass name plate to another location. Scottish jobs would not be affected.

Except that RBS would be governed by the Bank of England not by whatever Scotland comes up with as a Central Bank which is unlikely to be of any significance.

Scottish pound devalued by 75%? Or could Scotland join the Euro? Why? Germany already has enough fledgling (basket) case economies to support.

Oil/Gas? As far as I am aware there are no natural oil/gas resources on mainland Scotland. Offshore on UK territorial waters there is. But Scotland could leave the UK therefore the rights to the oil/gas resources will be open to legal interpretation. Should take around 20 years of High Court cases, billions in legal fees. In the meanwhile BP ramp production and eventually its decided that the oil/gas fields are in Scotlands territorial waters. Except theres fuck all left.

Its plainly nationalistic Micro Economics flag waving bullshit versus Macro Economics where there is no sustainable economy or banking system.

penetrator 09-12-2014 11:02 PM

Even Nessy has decided to get oot noo to England while the goings good

KeeNeow 09-13-2014 06:33 AM

Fuck this minor issue Gaz. The Pattaya police are closing the Wat Chai market. Where will the Go-go girls and insomnia Chicks eat now. This is inhuman they will starve to death if they have to go to Naklua to eat.

soi 2 09-13-2014 08:47 AM

Thanks for the update Tom. Gutted, I know every fried chicken vendor, kebab-side car seller and larb moo stall in there. Looks like it will have to be a trek to soi buakhao market now.

soi 2 09-13-2014 08:51 AM

The SNP's spin is that the Tories big business chums have come out against independence, just scare mongering, will be alright on the night.

Aye right... the banks, supermarkets, mobile phone companies, oil industry are all part of a conspiracy against Adolf Salomond. Which bring us to this rant from Jim Sillars that sounds like something Robert Mugabe would come out with....

A former deputy leader of the SNP has warned "scaremongering" business leaders they face a "day of reckoning" if Scotland votes for independence.

Jim Sillars accused some of "subverting Scotland's democratic process" and called for oil firm BP to be nationalised after independence.

A number of banks and retail figures have made high-profile interventions in recent days.

The pro-UK campaign claimed the 'Yes' campaign's "mask had slipped".

Mr Sillars appeared beside Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond and his deputy Nicola Sturgeon at a pro-independence event earlier this week.

The two men are said to have fallen out 20 years ago, with Mr Sillars recently describing Mr Salmond's plans for a currency union after independence as "stupidity on stilts".

'Lies and distortions'
Speaking on the campaign trail in Edinburgh's Wester Hailes area from his Margo Mobile, named in memory of his late wife, Margo MacDonald MSP, Mr Sillars said oil giant BP would face nationalisation in an independent Scotland.

He said: "This referendum is about power, and when we get a 'Yes' majority we will use that power for a day of reckoning with BP and the banks.

"The heads of these companies are rich men, in cahoots with a rich English Tory Prime Minister, to keep Scotland's poor poorer through lies and distortions. The power they have now to subvert our democracy will come to an end with a 'Yes'.

"BP, in an independent Scotland, will need to learn the meaning of nationalisation, in part or in whole, as it has in other countries who have not been as soft as we have been forced to be.

"As for the bankers: your casino days, rescued by socialisation of your liabilities while you waltz off with the profits, will be over."

Mr Sillars added: "What kind of people do these companies think we are? They will find out."

'Fear and intimidation'
His comments were seized on as "threats" by campaigners for a "No" vote.

Speaking on behalf of the Better Together campaign, Labour MP Ian Davidson said: "The 'Yes' campaign's mask slipped today as Jim Sillars revealed their message for the final week of this campaign - vote 'Yes' or else.

"His words are a clear threat to anyone who points out the true costs of separation to the people of Scotland.

"The 'Yes' campaign has been a campaign of fear and intimidation from the start. Many people have been silenced. Now those who put their head above the parapet get pot shots from desperate nationalists."

Mr Davidson added: "We have seen the 'Yes' campaign's thugs on the street - now we see their thugs with microphones and press releases.

"Sillars stood shoulder to shoulder with Alex Salmond this week claiming to be positive. Now we see the real face of nationalism in all its ugliness."

A spokesman for the pro-independence Yes Scotland campaign said: "Jim is a passionate campaigner who is carrying on the work of his late wife Margo MacDonald, who dedicated her political life to achieving an independent Scotland and a fairer society.

"The current Scottish government's proposals for an independent Scotland are set out in great detail in the White Paper - including the job-creating powers Scotland so badly needs - and that is what people are voting for.

"In each and every election to an independent parliament, parties and individuals can put forward a manifesto of their choosing and the people will decide."

old crust 09-13-2014 09:54 AM

Sillars was interviewed on Sky News earlier. He even turned his fire on Alison Joseph who questioned his view about the chief German economist saying a yes vote would bring economic depression, as scare mongering. What are the chances of us seeing him later mouthing off at the Orange parade in Edinburgh?

BigBadSi 09-13-2014 01:39 PM

The powers that be ain't gonna let this happen

WankingWodger 09-13-2014 05:32 PM

I hope they vote Yes purely as it will fuck up all the idiots like Cameron, Clegg and Miliband and our great chance to have a deeply socialist republic of Great Britain

Frankie 09-13-2014 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 229074)
This referendum is about power, and when we get a 'Yes' majority we will use that power for a day of reckoning with BP and the banks.

I thought BP's Head Office was in London. How could an Independant Scottish Government nationalise a Company that would not have to comply with any laws they introduce.

As for the Banks. Do they not mean "Bank" as in Clydesdale? Perhaps the Clydesdale will remain in Scotland. I cant see any other Banks being located there.

I cant believe anyone would be taken in by this bullshit. Threaten Companies/Banks now and they have until 2016 to pull out of Scotland.

The stockmarket has already got the jitters. A Yes Vote next week will create uncertainty, a thing the markets despise, and it will start a massive sell-off of all things Scotland linked.

On a brighter note Weatherspoons CEO was optimistic, on BBC Breakfast, if there is a Yes Vote. So there will still be somewhere to go and get pissed.

old crust 09-13-2014 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie (Post 229094)
I thought BP's Head Office was in London. How could an Independant Scottish Government nationalise a Company that would not have to comply with any laws they introduce.

The thing is Frankie, these Yes people are so stupid, they think they are going to rule the world, not just Scotland. Thank goodness a No vote will win next week. I feel sorry for the majority of Scots who must be highly embarrassed to have these Yes idiots as fellow countrymen.

kuranda_bagman 09-13-2014 07:59 PM

I was surprised to read somewhere yesterday that Scotland lowered the voting age to 16 – What the fuck would any 16 old know about the implications of a yes vote FFS – At 16 they are still finding out about the real world!

Frankie 09-13-2014 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by old crust (Post 229099)
The thing is Frankie, these Yes people are so stupid, they think they are going to rule the world, not just Scotland. Thank goodness a No vote will win next week. I feel sorry for the majority of Scots who must be highly embarrassed to have these Yes idiots as fellow countrymen.

I know a few people who live in Scotland, some born there others are working there long term.

They will all vote NO as they cant see how an Independant Scotland can be economically viable. Plus the cost of funding this half baked idea would fall on them, the Taxpayers. But these type of people have to keep a low profile as a lot of the YES voters are intimidating. I think this Silent Majority will have their say next week and the whole idea can be put to bed.

I wonder how much all this bollocks has cost and who is going to fund it? Rhetorical question of course.:yes:

simie 09-13-2014 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by kuranda_bagman (Post 229100)
I was surprised to read somewhere yesterday that Scotland lowered the voting age to 16 – What the fuck would any 16 old know about the implications of a yes vote FFS – At 16 they are still finding out about the real world!

Exactly Bagman, it was another cynical ploy by Adolph Salmon as he knew most of the spotty faced little darlings would fall for his bullshit.
And that bright spark from Eton Cameron fell for it and allowed him to do it.

Fork Handles 09-14-2014 01:23 AM

And in a brilliant piece of timing, today's lunchtime movie is Bonnie Prince Charlie.

Starring that well-known Jock, David Niven.:dance-jiggy:

Jake 09-14-2014 11:03 AM

All the pollsters are predicting it to be very close but the bookies aren't

Yesterday in Corals the prices were YES @ 3/1 and NO @ 2/9

roamer 09-14-2014 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jake (Post 229120)
All the pollsters are predicting it to be very close but the bookies aren't

Yesterday in Corals the prices were YES @ 3/1 and NO @ 2/9

Interesting Thks.

Would you happen to know the total value of bets placed, either with Corals or better still with all bookies ?

WankingWodger 09-14-2014 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by roamer (Post 229128)
Interesting Thks.

Would you happen to know the total value of bets placed, either with Corals or better still with all bookies ?

A mate of mine has a fiver on at 5/1 for yes, bookies won't be taking much in the way of lumpy bets, a fiver here and a tenner there max

old crust 09-14-2014 07:06 PM

Just checked on Betfair and well over 8 million quid has been bet (matched). The figures for the other bookmakers are rarely revealed, but one firm has reported a bet of £ 800,000 to win £ 200,000 on the No vote winning.

WankingWodger 09-14-2014 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by old crust (Post 229132)
Just checked on Betfair and well over 8 million quid has been bet (matched). The figures for the other bookmakers are rarely revealed, but one firm has reported a bet of £ 800,000 to win £ 200,000 on the No vote winning.

Not a hope in hell any bookies would lay that kind of bet, bookies reps are even lower than Pattaya Bar Owners for telling the truth

old crust 09-14-2014 08:10 PM

WankingWodger 09-14-2014 09:06 PM

Seen so many of these bullshit stories over the years, so and so has had a million on Cheryl Coles baby being black or Ferocious next trainers being pink etc. Just bookmakers bullshit, was talking to the manager of Hills this morning and he said they have to ring up any punts on this for over a fiver as my mate wanted a tenner on at 3/1.

roamer 09-15-2014 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by old crust (Post 229132)
Just checked on Betfair and well over 8 million quid has been bet (matched). The figures for the other bookmakers are rarely revealed, but one firm has reported a bet of £ 800,000 to win £ 200,000 on the No vote winning.

Thanks OC, I can well believe those numbers.

Only slightly related but it is making the UK FTSE index tricky to trade.

In the event of a No vote, logic would suggest a rise in that index, a sort of relief rally.

If so, opening a " long " buy position on the index before the outcome would be profitable, however a Yes vote would be a massive problem.

From what I am seeing a lot of indecision.

soi 2 09-15-2014 09:37 AM

The YES crowds/mobs are mobilised and been out in force over the weekend. Laid siege to the BBC for biased reporting and big demo in Glasgow. Surprised at the bookies odds, very close to call.

I was just looking at the exchange rate and it's 52.5 on and Kasikorn Bank doing 52.1 on a bank transfer. It's never really gone over 55 recently ? So I'm thinking this might be as good a time as any to send some more money across.

WankingWodger 09-15-2014 12:09 PM

It's going right down to the wire, I would like a Yes vote purely for the chaos that it will cause the establishment

roamer 09-15-2014 01:02 PM

Hate making predictions but I think it will be a No vote.

It will be havoc if it is a Yes vote.

On a personal basis I`d rather the Union stays together.

As compensation just in case it is a Yes win, that would virtually scupper Labour`s chances in the next general election.

WankingWodger 09-15-2014 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by roamer (Post 229158)
Hate making predictions but I think it will be a No vote.

It will be havoc if it is a Yes vote.

On a personal basis I`d rather the Union stays together.

As compensation just in case it is a Yes win, that would virtually scupper Labour`s chances in the next general election.

Another scare tactic about Labour from the press, another red herring as Labour are quite capable of a majority with English and Welsh seats as a fair few Tories will be going to the job centre next May.

gonzo 09-15-2014 04:31 PM

If it's a yes vote I'm giving up scotch. Fuck 'em. Prefer bourbon anyway.

old crust 09-15-2014 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by roamer (Post 229143)
Thanks OC, I can well believe those numbers.

Only slightly related but it is making the UK FTSE index tricky to trade.

In the event of a No vote, logic would suggest a rise in that index, a sort of relief rally.

If so, opening a " long " buy position on the index before the outcome would be profitable, however a Yes vote would be a massive problem.

From what I am seeing a lot of indecision.

It does make an interesting market. I sports trade and only have a basic grasp of the financial trading. It could well be a case of traders playing the betfair market against wider financial index markets. People will always sniff out a favourable margin.

soi 2 09-16-2014 10:34 PM

Had a walk round Saltcoats this morning. A run down town up the coast from me. Heart warming to see so many union jacks out. Streets patrolled by scowling skin heads with Rangers tops on. Although that could be any day in Saltcoats not just the run up to the referendum. One guy had printed on the back of his - UNITED KINGDOM, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT. Inspired me to stick a union jack flag in the back window of my car when I went home. (To be removed when parked in case a brick goes through the window.) Getting into this now.

woodman2 09-17-2014 02:53 PM

As an outsider looking in I have noticed an absence of that Salmond fella on the news this week. Just once or twice instead of all the time. The yes campaign seem to be fronting up with that bird that looks like Rab C Nesbitts missus.

Have they finally sussed Salmond as the smarmy, oily, opportunist, second rater that he comes across as on TV.

WankingWodger 09-17-2014 03:59 PM

Having been watching this all the last week or so and I can't find anyone who is 100% sure what the result will be, it is going to be a tight one and of course that means nothing will be settled.

bigphill67 09-17-2014 06:29 PM

Its like Christmas eve waiting to open your presents unfortunately only half the Scots will get what they deserve and probably non what they want.

old crust 09-17-2014 06:33 PM

Betfair sportsbook have paid out already. Good publicity if nothing else.

Sancho 09-18-2014 04:12 AM

I hope its No Vote today, for the long term good of the Scots! Obviously the Scots should enjoy more representation in Westminster & failure to recognise this will have furthered the anti English sentiment for which, the Politicans are largely to blame...

Even better for all if Salmond fucked off to the Orkneys and started his cult up there instead.

WankingWodger 09-18-2014 08:56 AM

Personally I hope it is a Yes vote so we can get rid of the idiots like Cameron, Clegg and Miliband ruining the country and get a decent socialist government instead of ones that suck up to the banks and businesses instead of looking after the people they govern

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