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ROLAND 08-18-2012 07:31 PM

And Rangers top player a Brighton reject dancing

soi 2 08-18-2012 07:40 PM

Who's the Brighton reject ?

penetrator 08-18-2012 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 218663)
Who's the Brighton reject ?

The one who minces down the touchline ?

ROLAND 08-18-2012 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 218663)
Who's the Brighton reject ?

Frank Santana

soi 2 08-18-2012 08:51 PM

Oh right, Sandazza I didn't know he was rejected by Brighton. He'll do for this divison ! He's our top earner on 5 grand a week.

ROLAND 08-18-2012 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 218673)
Oh right, Sandazza I didn't know he was rejected by Brighton. He'll do for this divison ! He's our top earner on 5 grand a week.

We had him for one season, I rated him but we let him go back to Scotland

ROLAND 08-26-2012 12:58 PM

2 points dropped and lucky not to get beat today at Berwick, not as easy so far as everyone though

soi 2 08-26-2012 06:55 PM

The away games are going to be tough. Tight little parks and the teams are up for it. The home games are a different matter as these teams freeze in front of big crowds and the playing surface is a lot bigger. I can see Rangers losing an away game this year.

Remember Rangers have lost a few decent players. The rats like Naismith, Davis and Whittaker who didn't recognise the 'new club' and left for nothing despite having had lengthy spells out injured or big signing on bonuses in the case of Davis. Gotta laugh at Whittaker who left to win things and for European football.... then joined Norwich. At least guys like Edu had the decency to allow themselves to be moved on for a nominal fee for the club.

gonzo 08-26-2012 08:07 PM

I take it you don't have Naismith or Whittaker in your fantasy footy team then mate? :msn_wink:

ROLAND 08-26-2012 09:08 PM

I watched the game on ESPN today and all a bit surreal, good news for the smaller clubs though as they are making a fair bit of cash out of it and for some a difference between survival and going under.

soi 2 08-26-2012 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by gonzo (Post 218804)
I take it you don't have Naismith or Whittaker in your fantasy footy team then mate? :msn_wink:

No... lol. I always used to bung in an ex Rangers player for a laugh but not this year !

soi 2 08-26-2012 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by ROLAND (Post 218805)
I watched the game on ESPN today and all a bit surreal, good news for the smaller clubs though as they are making a fair bit of cash out of it and for some a difference between survival and going under.

Yeah good luck to the smaller clubs. If it keeps them going and makes life a bit easier for a year or two that's great.

There was some rumour going about that if Rangers drew an SPL club in one of the cups. Charles Green was going make the tickets £1 and the programme £14 and you had to buy a programme as well as the ticket. The SPL club they were playing only got a share of the ticket money... brilliant if possible. But I believe both clubs have to agree on the price of tickets.

ROLAND 08-30-2012 07:17 PM

Even worse news now Celtic have drawn Barcelona whilst Rangers are playing East Stirling, the financial gap between the 2 is going to be hard to ever get back on a level playing field

soi 2 08-30-2012 07:37 PM

Rangers will be back in five years or so. It'll take a couple of seasons in the SPL again to gather a team together and move forward.

Champions League group stage money is nice but it's not going to change everything in Scotland. Rangers and Celtic will still be in the shadow of the Premier League and even the big Championship teams when it comes to spending power. Champions League prize money is fuck all compared to Sky TV money.

ROLAND 08-30-2012 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 218844)
Rangers will be back in five years or so. It'll take a couple of seasons in the SPL again to gather a team together and move forward.

Champions League group stage money is nice but it's not going to change everything in Scotland. Rangers and Celtic will still be in the shadow of the Premier League and even the big Championship teams when it comes to spending power. Champions League prize money is fuck all compared to Sky TV money.

It will make the SPL the worse competition, if you can use that word , in football, Celtic first the rest nowhere for a few years, who is going to be interested in watching that ?

The only interest for us neutrals was watching Celtic & Rangers kick lumps out of each other 4 times a year for Sunday lunchtime entertainment.

soi 2 08-30-2012 08:39 PM

The SPL is shit already. I haven't watched one game this year, I'm not interested.

You're right though it's going to be even worse. So bad in fact that I'd think Celtic will suffer too in the next couple of seasons. When Celtic have the league won by the end of November, who's going to bother spending an afternoon shivering watching Celtic thrash Dundee etc. ? I can see Celtic playing in front of some low gates soon.

The SPL know this, they're not daft and are trying to restructure the leagues here. So there is an SPL 1 and SPL 2 of 16 teams each and this will cut Rangers journey back to the top flight by a year.

ROLAND 08-31-2012 03:59 PM

True, no competition, no fans so in the end Celtic may get a short term financial boost but in the end will suffer the same as every other team.

Trouble is what could they do ? Not punish Rangers ?

soi 2 08-31-2012 09:57 PM

The SPL really wanted Rangers to go into the First Division. Not have premier football for one year then come back. Unfortunately for them the other clubs in the SFA didn't see it that way and insisted a club joining them starts at the bottom. Shows the stupidity of a small country having multiple governing bodies.

One of the Italian teams, was it Juventus ? Got done for match fixing and they only went down one league. Something similar would have been an adequate punishment I'd have thought. Even though the problems with Rangers finances (which were signed off every year by the games governing bodies) do not in my opinion come close to the blatant cheating and dishonesty of match fixing.

Fork Handles 09-01-2012 05:18 AM

Speaking of which, Del Piero has just signed to play for Sydney.

Appropriate, really.

soi 2 09-08-2012 09:22 AM

Looking at facebook today and the Serbian flags and good luck Serbia messages are out in force on people's pages. This is different, really different for a Scotland game.


September 8, 2012 · by billmcmurdo · in Uncategorized
On the day of Scotland’s first World Cup qualifier of the new campaign, the country is divided over the issue of whether to support the team.

This is the legacy of recent bitter battles between the Scottish Football Association and The Rangers FC; however, it is the culmination of years of alienation of Rangers fans carried out by certain sections of the Scotland support.

The recent booing of Rangers player Ian Black summed up the rancid hostility felt by the Tartan Army toward Rangers and its players.

Of course, Rangers Football Club has a bigger active support base than the Tartan Army will ever have.

This is why Scotland is divided on this sad day.

Even Rangers fans who remained loyal in their support of Scotland over the past couple of decades have had enough.

And Rangers manager Ally McCoist’s noble, if misguided, attempt to point out to Rangers supporters that the SFA and the Scotland team are not the same entity has fallen on deaf ears.

For my part, I grew up supporting Rangers and Scotland. My dad would take me to Scotland games and it would be like he and I were the only ones singing the national anthem amid a wall of boos. This was when Scotland sang the real national anthem – the days before a Kenny Rogers look-alike in a kilt took to the field after singing a rebel song and shouting “Come On Scotland!” in what can only be described as a camp Braveheart takeoff.

I stopped supporting Scotland a long time ago. When I did, there were only a few, it seemed, felt like I did among my fellow bluenoses.

Now it’s an army of us.

For me, as for many others, there is only one team in Scotland. I am content to think that the team I support represents both Scotland and Great Britain. That is the great thing about Rangers – it is more than a club, more than a football team. It is the very expression of national pride and identity.

I confess to having a wee laugh at the rabid bunch of English-haters and mockers of the British Throne who infest the ranks of Scotland supporters. They are cheering on a team with the most ancient and venerable of Royal emblems on their shirts – the Lion Rampant, which is the Royal Flag of Scotland.

Those who have politicised Scottish football by targeting Rangers as a bastion of Unionism, thus creating the awful rift that divides, not only the football-supporting public in Scotland but the nation at large, have a lot to answer for.

Their attempts to polarise Scottish society are now clearly distinguished in footballing terms, with people supporting the nationalist team of Scotland or the British team of Rangers.

A divided land – exactly their aim.

Only Rangers fans are not buying it. Most do not see being Scottish and British as mutually exclusive but as a both/and concept.

I myself am fiercely Scottish and proudly British. Scottish by birth and British by choice.

I won’t be supporting Scotland today, nor will I feel any guilt about it.

My own preference now, very much bolstered by the recent Olympics, is for a Great Britain national side.

Great Britain is the nation I live in.

That is why I no longer refer to Scotland as the national side.

As the Tartan Army keep telling us when they belt out their anthem of hate – Scotland is not a nation.

For once, I agree with them.

Personally I'd like to see Scotland do well but I'm starting to hate the Tartan Army. :bigfinger

old crust 09-08-2012 02:36 PM

Thanks for that soi 2, a good read including the comments from others.
Geographically how many areas (I assume mainly in the west) would be 90% plus in favour of remaing in the Union? And, if the vote for independence was yes, would we see civil disturbances similar to those in Northern Ireland?

gonzo 09-08-2012 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by old crust (Post 218943)
if the vote for independence was yes, would we see civil disturbances similar to those in Northern Ireland?

There'll probably be a right dummy spit by that fucktard Salmond when we point out he can't have access to Trident and we won't be accepting Scottish bank notes anymore.

The new import duty on scotch eggs is what'll really fuck him up though.

old crust 09-08-2012 06:46 PM

Salmond thinks it will be okay to keep Sterling as the currency thus having the Bank of England as lender of last resort. You could'nt make it up.

gonzo 09-08-2012 07:07 PM

It'll never happen anyway, Buckfast is brewed in Devon, we stop that crossing the border and Salmond's head will be on top of the flagpole at Edinburgh castle.

soi 2 09-08-2012 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by old crust (Post 218943)
Thanks for that soi 2, a good read including the comments from others.
Geographically how many areas (I assume mainly in the west) would be 90% plus in favour of remaing in the Union? And, if the vote for independence was yes, would we see civil disturbances similar to those in Northern Ireland?

Thanks, just to put this article in a wider context. The author was the football agent responsible for bringing Mo Johnston to Rangers. Chat at the gym today, is he is a well known after dinner speaker at sportsman dinner events. Particularly popular with Rangers supporters clubs.

The thing is, this isn't about Rangers punishment. It's wider there's a lot going on. The independence referrendum is polarising society. Are you British or are you Scottish ? Are you both ? The national side support has been hijacked by an increasingly political Tartan Army. One of my mates is a Tartan Army diehard and here is an after match facebook post -

'Holy fuckin campaigns ruined on 1st day again! Theres absolutely no chance now (unless super rhodes is unleashed!) so lets look to a brighter, non orange, unionist-free and flourishing Scotland as an independant free state! Bring on the referendum 2014 and a fresh outlook to international fitba where we'll start fae scratch wae the worlds top goal scorer, shining in Euro 2016 with the hosts, our friends, (The Auld Alliance). Alba gu brath.'

What the fucks all that got to do with the national team ? This is why Rangers supporters are turning their back on it. It's not our team anymore.

I don't think the referendum will be for independence. I couldn't imagine Northern Ireland style trouble erupting if it went through. There isn't enough hatred !

soi 2 09-08-2012 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by gonzo (Post 218946)
It'll never happen anyway, Buckfast is brewed in Devon, we stop that crossing the border and Salmond's head will be on top of the flagpole at Edinburgh castle.

The crackpot Scottish Parliament had some bill lined up to ban alcoholic drinks with caffeine in them. It came to nothing but that would have killed Buckfast imports. I read somewhere there's the same amount of caffeine in a bottle of Buckfast as eight cans of coke. That was their sneaky plan to get rid of the scourge of the tonic wine !

soi 2 09-13-2012 07:11 PM

The quest to change history is gathering pace now. The Celtic propaganda machine and their puppet journalists are firing on all cylinders. This is the start of the Lord Nimmo Smith inquiry. Should Rangers be stripped of league titles and honours ?

Charles Green the Ranger's chairman's response -

The Rangers Football Club Limited will not attend tomorrow’s hearing (Tuesday, September 11) of the SPL-appointed Commission investigating the circumstances surrounding the use of Employee Benefit Trusts by previous owners of the Club. The Club cannot continue to participate in an SPL process that we believe is fundamentally misconceived.

Neither the SPL, nor its Commission, has any legal power or authority over the Club because it is not in the SPL. For that reason it has no legal basis on which to appoint its Commission. The Club ceased to be subject to the SPL’s rules when it was ejected from its league. Our lawyers have made that point repeatedly to the SPL in correspondence and yet our requests for an explanation from the SPL have been completely ignored. The SPL’s silence on these issues is deafening. The outcome of the SPL’s process will have no legal effect.

Furthermore, we ask the question genuinely. Why did the football authorities do nothing to address an issue that was public knowledge for at least two years, and was reported in the Club’s accounts for several years, before the Club went into administration and was subsequently taken over by new owners? HMRC contacted the SPL regarding EBT matters in October 2010, they met to discuss what documentation the Club had lodged with the SPL. Did the SPL launch an investigation? Did they appoint a Commission? Did they ask to see EBT correspondence? Did they ask any questions at all? No. They did absolutely nothing.

Why is the SPL rushing to judgement now when it has been sitting on the matter for 2 years? Their haste is particularly difficult to understand when the tax tribunal judgement is imminent. The factual issues in both cases are identical. We have to ask why is the SPL so anxious to issue a judgement in this matter before the tax tribunal’s findings are made public. The position is even harder to understand when one of the reasons the SFA did not pursue any form of disciplinary charge on EBT matters following Lord Nimmo Smith’s April report was because it was felt unwise for the SFA to pursue the matter when the tax tribunal judgement had not been made public. Nothing has changed as the judgement still has not been made public. Why is the SPL rushing ahead when in April the SFA felt it unwise to do so?

Rangers was not the only club in Scotland to use EBTs yet nothing was done and little has been heard about it. Also, Rangers stands accused of achieving sporting advantage unfairly – yet there is little debate over the fact in all the years EBTs were in existence at Ibrox, the Club often failed to win either the league title, or the main cup competitions. Furthermore, the period concerned saw a significant downsizing of the playing squad both in money spent on transfers and players wages.

soi 2 09-13-2012 10:49 PM

This is a good article on Follow Follow... one of the best on the subject I've read.

Honours withdrawal would be legitimatized cheating.

On three consecutive days Scotland’s newspapers carried interviews with Andreas Hinkel, Tom Boyd and Neil Lennon that were thinly-veiled excuses to publicise demands Rangers should be stripped of all silverware accumulated over the past decade.The perennially boorish Lennon has gone as far as comparing Rangers’ use of Employee Benefit Trusts with drug-taking cyclists at the Tour de France. That Scottish football writers facilitated this shameful exercise should come as no surprise. However, there must be concern that pressure is being exerted on football authorities by forces which have already succeeded in making their influence tell.

In response to the torrent of cant and disinformation, it should be emphasised that the SPL inquiry is simply addressing whether Rangers made payments that were not declared in players’ registration forms. The ‘cheating’ angle is a red herring. Many clubs in England use tax avoidance schemes. Players, managers and senior officials of Celtic have used tax avoidance schemes too. Celtic used an EBT for Juninho and did not declare it in his registration form. While this alone demonstrates the brazen hypocrisy of Rangers’ antagonists, the argument related to ‘gaining a financial advantage’ is specious in any case. Were HMRC to have accepted Rangers’ use of EBTs as valid, then the club would have done nothing wrong. Alternatively, were HMRC to have clamped down on the use of EBTs at an earlier stage, then, due to punitive penalty charges and interest rates, Rangers would have faced a financial disadvantage far exceeding the money originally saved, although the club would have survived. However, action by HMRC seems only to have been launched belatedly and the mere threat of a forthcoming bill was sufficient to force the club into administration and, finally, liquidation. Most would accept that the club has paid the ultimate price and now faces years of relative penury.

The issue of whether Rangers consciously broke the relevant football rule governing remuneration is a moot point which cannot be ascertained until the outcome of the First Tier Tribunal is published. Rangers will have argued that these disbursements were discretionary loans while HMRC will have asserted that they are really contractual payments. Should Rangers have included the payments in SFA/SPL documentation the club would be admitting that tax was due, thus rendering EBTs pointless. There is really no way round this problem which every other club using EBTs will also have encountered.

While the club effectively admitted early last year that the EBTs related to Flo and de Boer were operated incorrectly and offered to settle with HMRC, the SFA only launched an inquiry (subsequently passed on to the SPL) a fortnight after the club entered administration. The pretext for doing so raises worrying questions. Ostensibly, Stewart Regan acted in response to a muddled newspaper interview with former director Hugh Adam which contained several wild allegations and contradictory claims; it was clear he knew very little about EBTs. In contrast, the SFA report into ‘corporate governance’ at Rangers casually dismissed as inadequate several public statements by former directors warning about Craig Whyte.

At the root of this issue is the unmistakable whiff of humbug. The rule on the declaration of payments is in place primarily to safeguard players’ interests. Former Rangers players are hardly complaining and it is hard to see who has been disadvantaged. Moreover, senior football officials will have known all too well about the questions related to EBT use. The authorities did not raise these matters with Rangers until it was far too late for remedial action and the club’s hierarchy had been decapitated. The suspicion arises that the SFA and the SPL essentially tolerated EBT use in regard to player registrations and have performed a U-turn due to pressure from the media and vested interest groups.

There is nothing wrong in principle with insisting that Rangers are punished for genuine wrongdoing. However, in order to be credible, punishment must be in proportion to the crime and bear comparison with that imposed by other football authorities. It is therefore worth considering why it is being demanded that Rangers are penalised far more severely than clubs south of the border which found themselves in similar circumstances. The Rangers support has largely accepted the swingeing penalty of demotion by three divisions for setting up as a ‘newco’, although Leeds, Middlesbrough and several other English clubs were treated far more leniently. However, no reasonable person could possibly tolerate a situation in which Rangers were stripped of league titles and Scottish Cup wins in light of the fact that, quite rightly, no action whatsoever was taken in regard to Arsenal FC which achieved corresponding success when it operated EBTs or, indeed, any other English clubs in the same position. Furthermore, league titles have only been removed previously within UEFA as a result of grave offences involving bribery and match-fixing.

The sheer vindictiveness of the witch-hunt directed against Rangers has been astounding. Therefore, we cannot rule out attempts to rewrite history using the flimsiest of excuses. That Rangers FC is provisionally languishing in Division 3 with a devastated squad, facing a registration embargo and a succession of financial penalties is surely sufficient retribution for alleged ‘offences’. Rangers’ enemies, though, want far more than their pound of flesh.

Enough is enough. Any decision to withhold trophies on the basis of a technical legal debate surrounding paperwork would be tantamount to legitimatised cheating on a massive scale and lose Scottish football any remaining credibility.

Bilbobaggins 09-14-2012 07:27 PM

I despise that evil little toad Neil Lennon.
Have I mentioned that before?

Rangers 54 titles, Celtic 43 titles, wonder if that has anything to do with it!!

Bilbobaggins 09-14-2012 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 218942)
I'm starting to hate the Tartan Army. :bigfinger

Get with it mate, I have hated them for decades pissedme

foz 09-14-2012 10:54 PM

Going on the piss in annan tomorrow,and rangers are playing there

soi 2 09-25-2012 07:34 PM

Charles Green's statement today... interesting reading.

CHARLES GREEN, Rangers' Chief Executive, issued the following statement today:

He said: "Lord Nimmo Smith, chairman of the Commission set up by the SPL, has highlighted an extremely important issue in his recent judgement regarding the Commission.

"Lord Nimmo Smith has said that Rangers FC is a recognisable entity which continued in existence notwithstanding the change in ownership.

"He also stated that Rangers FC, the club, includes its owner and operator. The Commission has in effect ruled that Rangers and its history did not die on 14 June despite numerous reports to the contrary.

"This means that Rangers FC and its owner, i.e. me and my consortium, remained a member of the SPL even after the change of ownership.

"The bemusing part is that no-one at the SPL or SFA appeared to realise that. The SPL made the club (including its owner and operator) reapply to be a member of a league that the Commission says it was in already.

"If the Commission is right then the change of ownership was frankly irrelevant to SPL status. Nevertheless we duly applied and that application was rejected.

"We were also informed by the SFA that Rangers FC had never in its long existence been a member. That really left us scratching our heads because pride of place in the Boardroom at Ibrox is a framed and mounted certificate of membership signed by Jim Farry confirming that "Rangers FC is a full member of the Scottish Football Association".

"So taking the Commission's reasoning and our newly acquired framed membership certificate you would have thought, not unreasonably, that Rangers FC and its owners were in the Scottish Football family.
"You would have thought wrong. No we were told. We needed to apply for oldco's membership! The SFA didn't officially recognise Lord Nimmo Smith's recognisable entity.

"That recognisable entity, Rangers FC, then re-appeared suddenly when the SFA demanded that we pay oldco's debts despite there being no legal obligation to do so.

"The SPL then wanted Rangers FC and its new owners to admit guilt in relation to EBT breaches that had never been framed and accept five stripped titles.

"Rangers FC suddenly vanished again when UEFA informed the SFA that Rangers FC were due in excess of 300,000 euros for player participation in the Euro 2012 qualifiers, the SFA have refused to confirm that the monies are due to Rangers FC despite obligations placed on them from UEFA that these monies should be distributed to member clubs.

"If the Commission is correct about this recognisable entity then the SPL and SFA must be wrong in making that entity apply to join bodies it was already in.

"Maybe they should both appoint Lord Nimmo Smith to form a Commission to investigate and tell them who their member is.
"In our view the Commission chaired by Lord Nimmo Smith has been placed in an invidious position by the SPL.

"The establishment of the Commission is the most striking example of the chaotic way the fate of Rangers has been handled by the football authorities.

"As we stated previously, it is impossible for us as a club to participate in a process we firmly believe is fundamentally misconceived.

"We believe that most people would not think it right that a football authority that was willing to horse-trade league titles and cups for league status, should then embark on the course of action it has chosen in setting up a Commission. There is no clearer case of moving the goalposts."

This is the proceedings he's commenting on.

Meanwhile, Rangers v Montrose in the Scottish Third Divison pulled in 45,081 punters. Slightly more than Liverpool v Man Utd 44,263. Which I think makes it the highest attendance in the UK last week. Down a bit from the 49,118 that turned out for East Stirling though. :thumbsup: The novelty is going to wear off though...

soi 2 09-28-2012 05:54 PM

Charles Green's tour of Northern Ireland... meeting the First Minister, Ulster Unionists and talk of the return of the orange away top lol

Key Points

1: Charles Green stated quite categorically that although it was not ALL Clubs in the S.P.L that he had a problem with, his main problem was with The Leadership and running of the S.P.L.

He said the Agenda from the S.P.L against Rangers F.C and their fans and their constant attacks upon our Club will not be forgotten.

He then stated that whilst things are the way they are, the onslaught continues AND as long as he is C.E.O of Rangers F.C, Rangers will NEVER play in the S.P.L again.

This was met with a round of applause from the Audience.

2: Charles then brought up the question of Rangers Shares.

He explained that Rangers Shares will ONLY be available direct from Rangers F.C.

They will be sold at first to Rangers Fans and Rangers Fans only, as in Season Ticket Holders registered Supporters Clubs and Members of the Rangers Family.

No other option for buying shares will be available.

A shortened Q&A then took place and was as follows.

Q1: What is happening about the money that is owed to Rangers by the S.P.L etc ?

C.G: "The S.P.L are refusing to hand what is due to Rangers and the fight against these disgraceful decisions was still ongoing"

Q2: Would Rangers Consider putting a Team back into the N.I Milk Cup ?

C.G: "This had already been raised by the Youth Team Coach and would definitely be looked at in the future"

Q3: Would Rangers consider bringing out an Orange Top?

C.G: "Yes, they have a number of designs and are coming near agreement with Adidas"

Q4: Will you continue with the fight against all Rangers enemies out there as you have been doing ?

C.G: "Absolutely and with everything in my body, I wasn't a Rangers Supporter when I came here but I am now"

Q5: Would Rangers Consider flying the 4 Home Nations Flags alongside the flags already above Ibrox ?

C.G "I dont see why Not as the contribution and dedication of Rangers Fans throughout the U.K and the world is second to none and should be recognised"

He know's how to work a crowd, I'll give him that.

Bilbobaggins 10-17-2012 10:16 PM

Had a discussion with a jock at work today:

Me: did you see Kompanys goal last night? What a finish!

Him: ah get fucked will ye, we were unlucky

Me: did you actually watch the game? You got hammered!

Him: get tee fuck did we

Me: whatever mate, you should know you are shite by now, just accept it and move on, I'm a Manchester City fan, we were nearly as bad as Scotland once

Him: I don't follow the national team any more anyway, too many protestants

Me: are you a fenian twat then?

Him: raging bright red face and stomped off to the sound of my laughter

soi 2 10-17-2012 10:22 PM

Pretty one sided game. As might be expected I suppose. The Belgians have some great players just now. No shame in losing away to them and they certainly did look like winning the game all the way through.

I don't want Scotland to do badly, I just hate the football association and the fancy dress clowns that go to the games.

Wonder what the odds are of Scotland coming last in that group ? This is as dismal a bunch as I can ever remember.

Bilbobaggins 10-17-2012 10:29 PM

mate Belgium have a GREAT crop of youngsters coming thru. Kompany is only 25ish for fucks sake.
De Bruyne
Miralles (sp?)

with the right coaching, they could become a very useful side indeed.

Bilbobaggins 10-17-2012 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 219342)
Pretty one sided game. As might be expected I suppose. The Belgians have some great players just now. No shame in losing away to them and they certainly did look like winning the game all the way through.

I don't want Scotland to do badly, I just hate the football association and the fancy dress clowns that go to the games.

Wonder what the odds are of Scotland coming last in that group ? This is as dismal a bunch as I can ever remember.

agree totally there. more of a case of 'Look at me in my skirt' than supporting the team, sadly.

btw Gaz... easy to get tickets for home games now, you fancy doing one this season? I'd come up for a game if you do mate

soi 2 10-17-2012 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Bilbobaggins (Post 219344)
btw Gaz... easy to get tickets for home games now, you fancy doing one this season? I'd come up for a game if you do mate

Hi Bill, I'd be up for it but I work every weekend.. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday are my main work days, that's my week. The gym like their pound of flesh for giving me a few months off. It would take a bit of planning for me to get a weekend off. Nice idea though.

Queens Park v Rangers at Hampden for the original Glasgow derby this weekend. 4,000 tickets left at Hampden. Going to be another busy one.

Let's hope Ally McCoist can get it right this time.......

soi 2 11-20-2012 03:44 PM

Rangers win the tax case
Breaking news... Rangers won the Big Tax Case.

The former Rangers Football Club has won an appeal against a tax bill over its use of Employee Benefit Trusts.

The club, which is now in liquidation, used the scheme from 2001 to 2010 to make £47.65m in payments to players and staff in the form of tax-free loans.

HM Revenue and Customs had challenged the payments, arguing that they were illegal.

Rangers disputed the bill and a First Tier Tax Tribunal (FTT) has ruled the payments were loans that can be repaid.

In its ruling, which two judges endorsed, with one dissenting, the FTT concluded: "This was a lengthy appeal, heard over 29 days and set down over an extended period.

"The majority view reflects the argument that the controversial monies received by the employees were not paid to them as their absolute entitlement.

"The legal effect of the trust/loan structure is sufficient to preclude this. Thus the payments are loans, not earnings, and so are recoverable from the employee or his estate.

"The dissenting opinion adopts the approach set down by the decision of the House of Lords in Ramsay in 1981.

"By giving regard to the intentions of the parties entering the arrangements, and in the absence of commercial reality for the loan structure, the monies received by the employees via the trust constitute earnings for income tax purposes.

"At the request of parties, the tribunal agreed to anonymise the published form of the decision."

Old Rangers was under the control of Sir David Murray when it began using EBTs.

He sold the club for £1 to Scottish businessman Craig Whyte in 2011, while the tax liability was in dispute.

The FTT, before a judge, concluded in February, the same month as the old Rangers, now under the control of Mr Whyte, was forced into administration by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) over non-payment of tax totalling about £14m.

HMRC subsequently rejected proposals for a creditors agreement that would have allowed the old club to continue.

Administrators Duff and Phelps then negotiated a sale of assets to a consortium led by Charles Green for £5.5m.

He has since formed a new club, now playing in the Scottish Football League Third Division.

So Rangers did nothing wrong... forget stripping league titles and honours. :hugehug:

old crust 11-20-2012 04:51 PM

Celtic dummies will be out of their prams when they hear this. Let's hope they get them back in time so they can chuck them out again after a stuffing in their beloved Lisbon.

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