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timanonymous 04-17-2010 08:31 AM

I have to let her go. This is what she emailed me:


I miss you so much and never forget our time we had together and hope we will see each other again and have a good time together.

if you come next time around holiday. Might can not come to see you. cause I have to spend time with my family.

Do your friend know that you have a buffalo in Thailand? Did you show our picture to them? and what they say?

This sunday i will go home for 2 days off on mon-tue. don't give me a call not comfortable for me to pick up. when i'm back on wednesday i will call you later.

everytime when I'm talk to you. my little son always snatch the fone from me.

I will love and miss you as always.

Talk to you later.
I think she said

if you come next time around holiday. Might can not come to see you. cause I have to spend time with my family.
because I had come during the Thai New Year but maybe she meant holiday in general.

I wont email her or call her anymore. I will only reply but not initiate.

Thank you all.

Isee 04-17-2010 09:08 AM

Very strange for a thai bird to refer to herself as a buffalo...almost unheard of.

bigphill67 04-17-2010 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by foz (Post 178362)
Bin the bear

drink the beer its should be illegal to throw away good beer

timanonymous 04-17-2010 10:45 AM

Yea the buffalo thing is an inside joke. We are both buffalos. I actually had a whole bar on Soi 4 doing the special buffalo dance one evening.

Isee 04-17-2010 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by timanonymous (Post 178408)
I actually had a whole bar on Soi 4 doing the special buffalo dance one evening.

Got any video of that, never heard of it.

timanonymous 04-17-2010 12:05 PM

Well, basically it's a dance that we made up together as a joke. I asked her, what animal do you want to be because we were thinking about going to the zoo. She said "Cat, no wait, I think buffalo". We started laughing.

After the zoo we went drinking at the bar that she works and I asked her how a buffalo can dance. She said she didn't know, so I took two fingers and put them on my head like horns and danced a little. Then a few of the other bar girls laughed and started doing it. Then some farangs started doing it. Basically several tequila shots later the whole bar was making little horns dancing and nobody knew why they were doing it.

I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath.

One of the million reasons why I need to go back to Bangkok.

ROLAND 04-17-2010 01:55 PM

Give her the flick, if you don't you'll end up like Mirkwood

simie 04-17-2010 07:47 PM

Tim, yes Bangkok is a great place but one thing to remember as well as the other things previous posters have said is that how ever long you stay in Bangkok you are a foreigner as far as the Thais are concerned and always will be. Even if you are mistaken for a Thai at first sight they will know you are farang as soon as you open your mouth and it is very unlikley you will ever be able to speak Thai well enough to fool them otherwise.

KeeNeow 04-17-2010 09:45 PM

I think it is already too late for you Tim. Throw your phone away now and you may still have chance if not you we will talking about you as the new Mirkwood for years too come.

Mirkwood 04-18-2010 02:38 AM


I now have a lump of concrete for a heart and a peanut for a brain when I go on my hols. That way I don't think too much or get carried away with stupid ideas
I must admit to being surprised at this quote.

I always thought Roland had a lobotomy :bigfinger

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