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gonzo 05-06-2010 10:18 AM

Daaaaaaaave Mirkwood. Can I getta reeeewind?

Mirkwood 05-08-2010 11:04 AM

Thai Hawk Master Training school.

Today was the first day at the falconry school for Porno and myself.

Took Odin our hawk along. Bloke was fantastic. Got a great shop with all the equipment, gloves, leg tackle and perch's.

Got fully kitted out for just over 2000 baht. Blokes hand making all the leg stuff and Porno's taking Odin back Tuesday for fitting.

First lesson was how to handle,feed and generally take care of the bird. Really pleased that we basically got it right anyway. He's already eating on our hands.
Happy as well that we have somewhere to treat the bird should he ever get sick.

Most enjoyable.

After we had finished he gave us an example of how it should be done.

Jesus, the blokes got a massive African Hawk Eagle. Must be nearly 3 foot tall. Looks like a leopard. He's got like a show warehouse with mirrors in the sides. Had the eagle and two Raven like birds flying back and forth to his glove.

Big black market here as you would expect with birds of prey. This is where to get a serious hawk should you want one. Deffo not for the beginner. Bastards look like they could take your eye out.

Top hobby though and I'm glad Porno's into it as much as me.

Fishing tonight at Bungsumrang. I'll try and catch a whopper for a photo shoot.

Hunting with Hawk/Fishing and shagging sluts.

This is heaven for me.

bigphill67 05-08-2010 12:01 PM

you'll be buying a pair of green hunter wellies a chocolate labrador and a big range rover next then :lol2: but know what you mean a couple of my mates have had hawks and been with them thery're an awsome sight and when they fly to hand its exhilerating i'm scared of any bird bigger than about 18" tall there just talons with muscle and wings and you can't tell what theyr'e thinking, but they put a lot of time into their birds and hunt with them, good luck mate and happy hunting :birdshit:

Chuck_Wao 05-08-2010 06:18 PM

Hope you have seen this site Mirky -

Its got some cracking pics and info...

Barred Eagle-owl takes a monkey

Oh and I saw a pic of the day of a Eurasian Eagle Owl on the BBC about to get a vaccination against avian flu IIRC - do you know anything about that yet - is it dear?

All the best and I have a bottle of this for you when I eventually decide to return..

ROLAND 05-08-2010 06:57 PM

Couldn't you just be normal like me and do a bit of flower arranging or brass rubbing ?
It's all about you showing off, me, me, me. Always have to be the centre of attention don't you ?
Shame you don't try ropeless bungee jumping :bigfinger

Mirkwood 05-09-2010 07:11 AM

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Couldn't you just be normal like me and do a bit of flower arranging or brass rubbing ?
It's all about you showing off, me, me, me. Always have to be the centre of attention don't you ?
Shame you don't try ropeless bungee jumping
Who is this buffoon?

You are in the Pattaya Revealed Sports , Leisure and Pastimes section.

Would you rather I posted Brighton lost 10-0 to Dartford Rangers or something?

Why don't you take up some form of extreme sport where you might get injured?

Attachment 14268

bigphill67 05-09-2010 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood;180212


now thats a funny picture pissedme i can't them to get the saddle on

Mirkwood 05-31-2010 11:05 AM

9 Attachment(s)
Mirkys Animal Kingdom.

May update.

Just as you probably thought things were quiet in Mirkys animal kingdom.:snigger:

May has been an interesting month.

Fishing first.

Did my Bungsumrang trip. Went all night with two friends. Had a really good time. It's better doing the night. Only problem is you use these floats with bright isotope lights. After looking at one for an hour in the dark all you can see is two red dots everytime you blink.

Blokes next to me caught one of the biggys. 100 kilo's. Kin ell it didn't half fight. I got lucky around 3am and whacked a 40 kilo catfish out.

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The birds.

Good and bad news on the bird front.

Bad news first.

Porno had this lovely Asian Fairy Bluebird.
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We bought him at Chatuchak for around 1000 baht. Anyway all was well until Porno decided she wanted to get a female to keep him company. We shoped around and found one. After a week or so quarentine period we put them together. Fucking bastard things fought day and night. We couldn't get a minutes peace. Trouble was, when you seperated them they screamed even more.
We knew we'd done a wrong un.

The novelty soon wore off as well. The birds of prey have personalities and are fun. You can teach them etc. Songbirds are boring.

We weren't going to get rid of them or anything. If I take something like that on I will take care of it.

The solution came about 2 weeks ago. While I was away, Porno seperated them as they were fighting. She put the female in a small cage outside. What she didn't know was that I'd removed one of the bars when we had the owls so he could get in and out.

Yes, you guessed it.

Female escaped.

We didn't mind as we live near woods and a lake. They are wild birds and I'm sure they will be fine.

Anyway, that was one down.

Week later and Porno's cleaning the cage out. Male one sitting all quietly on the perch. She goes to close the door and he bolted under her arm. He flew into the trees near the lake so that was another happy release.

We are still going to Falconry school every week. We decided to just keep Odin our Hawk and that was that.

Falconry school has been fantastic. One of the best hobbys I've ever had. Met loads of nice Thai's who really help. They actually have money and the difference is amazing.

At the club there are beginners like us. At the other end of the scale are the serious hunters. As usual things in LOS are mental.
Completly OTT with no laws or restrictions(Well there are but nobody worries about it). They use bastard great, and I mean bastard great Serpent Eagles etc for hunting monkeys in the jungle.

The eagles are so vicious. As soon as they release them they just rip anything moving to pieces. Snakes also get mullered. If anyone wants to see what Eagles are like hunting look on Youtube. Put in Eagle hunting wolf.

It really is amazing what they do with them. It's a little bit hush hush so I'll leave it at that.

We have both been training Odin to fly to the glove. It's easy teaching a Hawk really. You have to control his weight and reward him with food. Porno is a natural. I'm a bit pissed off about it as now MY Hawk does anything she wants. He flies to her glove on the whistle and we are flying him free first time in the next few weeks.

It's great to see.

I'm still a Chatuchak market addict.

I love going down there just to see what mental pets are for sale. Really it's like going to London zoo and having for sale signs on the cages.

In the last few weeks I've seen 2 kangeroo's, wallabys, crocodiles,snakes,spiders (large not nice), 2 serpent eagles and loads of owls and birds of prey.

I'm always on the look-out for something special. Loads of the members in the hawk club look for adult birds of prey and buy them.


They are too old to be trained and make horrific pets. Nobody who buys them down there can take care of them properly. Poor things end up dead within a week.

If we see a bird like that we buy it and release it.

Two weeks ago I was walking round and saw a lovely Goshawk.

He looked in a bad way. I didn't mess about and gave the woman 1500 baht for him. Got him home and he was really in a mess. I think he was nearly dead from dehidration. We took him to the school and fed him up with day old chics.

Kept him with us in the condo for another week. He was a nasty piece of work. Really funny. We called him Satan. Used to bite bad.

Once he was back to his fighting weight we released him into the forest. He looked lovely flew up the tallest tree. Felt happy.

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The big bird avery we bought for 5000 baht was sitting empty.

Not for long. Porno got talking to this woman who had these two lovely looking birds for sale. Treepies they are called. Lying bitch said they sang lovely.

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Next thing you know, we had two new birds at home. They got on great. Lovely to look at etc. Spent all their time kissing. Dawn corus was horrific. I found out later Treepies are members of the crow family. They just screech. :snigger: We didn't mind really.

Things were going too well.

Since getting the bird hobby we have made major changes to the condo. The balcony has been astro turfed including the hand rail. All 15-20 feet of it. We let Odin and Satan perch outside during the daytime. We have leg jesses and leashes on their legs so they are restricted.

Anyway, one sunny day the two bastards decide to do a commando attack on the Treepie cage. On a signal the pair of them squawk and fly onto the outside of the cage and go mental trying to kill the birds.


One of the poor bastard Treepies drops stone dead. We reckon he had a heart attack.

Porno couldn't believe it had happened.

Now we had aggro. The one left starts calling out day and night for her mate to come back. We couldn't sleep until she went and bought another one. She couldn't get a male so we have 2 females together. As you know that sort of thing goes in this house. :lol2: Still, at least they are quiet again.


Porno went to get the Treepie. While she's there she saw 2 special birds of prey. OK, one was a baby Serpent Eagle. I'm not scared of having one but that's a big bird.
Why she rang me was to tell me she'd seen a special hawk. Really lovely. We knew the lady selling it and she said they hardly ever come for sale. It was a baby as well so perfect.

I was in Pattaya at the time.

When I caught the bus back I went straight to the market. I was hoping it would be quiet and the bird hadn't sold.

My luck was in. Poor Eagle looked in distress. There was also a massive adult Brahminy Kite for sale. Trouble is you can't do anything with an adult bird like that. He was in bad shape but had a lovely personality. Not at all vicious. I told the seller to put him out of the sun as he was suffering. At least she did that.

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I knew where I was going and found the lady seller.

Saw a beautiful little black bird of prey on her stall. As usual the poor thing was being poked and mucked about with. No water or anything as well.
I asked how much?

Rare bird for Thailand. 5500 baht.

I smiled and walked away.

I wasn't sure what the bird actually was but I can say I'd never seen one at Chatuchak. I had the money on me.

I had a walk round and next time I passed her husband grabbed me.

' We know you. You love bird. You can have for small money. 4000 baht'

I knew that was as good as it was going to get. Porno had fallen in love with him and I knew she'd be gutted if I didn't take him home. She'd already named him Charlie. :lol2:

He's a bit small for what I wanted but we love him to bits.

Found out he's a Black Baza.

Porno's taking him to Hawk school in the morning to get him deloused etc.

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Apart from that pretty quiet on the animal front.

Hope you enjoyed reading that. I know it's not shagging whores but it's what I do here when I'm not in Pattaya.

ruhorny 05-31-2010 12:00 PM

=.After watching what the eagle did to the wolf,me thinks Rolly better start being nice to Mirky.:rubhands:

ROLAND 05-31-2010 01:38 PM

I will never be nice to that fucking idiot

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