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ferocious 09-10-2011 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Figjam (Post 210714)
The trick is Gaz you have to want to give up, you can try patches,lozenges which are only nicotine replacement,you are still being feed nicotine but in small doses or Champix which has a good success rate with very little side affects.

Good luck :moonwalker:

Always handy having a nurse on board :doctor:

barney 09-10-2011 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 210703)
Trouble is you will scoff your head off.

Ah yes......... forgot to mention that I put 2 stone on when I gave up, but lost it eventually.
prepare to be a temporary fat cunt.

soi 2 09-10-2011 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by KeeNeow (Post 210666)
Good luck Gary.

Thanks Tom. Still smoking... but getting closer to stopping !


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 210703)
Maybe it's not now but one day YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOU WANT TO STOP. When that time comes it's easy.

Thanks for the advice Mirkwood. I love smoking, and blasted a fair bit of ganga in my time... I gave that up no problem. In all honesty I reckon I puffed half an ounce of hash/ black/ low grade every week. From 18 -30, and it was only going to Thailand. And not going near 'drugs' when I was there that got me off it. Thing is with that it was never a decision to stop. I just sort of lost interest in it for a variety of reasons to lengthy to list. If I was still smoking like that plus fags I'd be fucked now. Feel ten times better without that shite, (especially mentally) and no desire to even take a pass of joint now. Not my scene any more. That's over.

But... I still love my fags. Just the cough/ wheeze factor is making me think now. I do want to stop. I'm just putting off the battle. I know I'll need to do it. Like the Bomb had his goal for his training/ boxing. I need a goal to aim for that stopping smoking will help. I'm thinking some sort of sport related goal will help and I'll be able to get into that. Just need to make a decision, when to stop and go for it.

Thanks again everyone for the encouragement. Good to think so many people have stopped smoking and I'm coming closer to the day when I'll have a crack at it.

ferocious 09-18-2011 08:42 AM

I stopped yesterday , only 24 hours gone but not had the urge to go and buy a pack yet :smoke:

gkp 09-24-2011 08:17 PM

how are you boys getting on with the fags ??

soi 2 09-24-2011 08:29 PM

I'm still smoking. Not really made any progress on stopping or had a crack at it. I want to, just laziness and comfortable routine keeping me going.

Been thinking about electronic cigarettes to help stop. So I could 'smoke' but not get all the tar/ bad crap.

These electric fags look alright.

Brand called Green Smoke sound like one of the best. 70 quid for a starter pack. I've smoked for 18 years and think this would help me keep the smoking routine but minimise harm.

Speaking to a guy in the gym who stopped in four days using Champix. Said it made him feel ill when he was smoking so had to chuck the fags away. It's electric fags or Champix. Just need to pick one. Champix is free. No prescription charges in Scotland so that might swing it.

At the end of the day, I have to do it. It's just hard picking a date and saying that's it all over.

gkp 09-24-2011 09:37 PM

I have never smoked in my life so find it really hard to understand how hard it is to give up ?? Is it that hard ??

ferocious 09-24-2011 09:50 PM

i'm 7 days in & not touched one also just spent my first full night in the pub , no problem really if i want to do it i will it's not about the cigarettes it's down to me :smoke:

KeeNeow 09-25-2011 01:15 AM

Try the free stuff first if it works then you don't need to to pay for the other stuff.

soi 2 09-25-2011 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by KeeNeow (Post 211039)
Try the free stuff first if it works then you don't need to to pay for the other stuff.

That's what I was thinking, if it saves 70 quid got to be worth a bash first.


Originally Posted by Figjam (Post 211054)
Champix works Gaz, You will feel nauseated for a few days but it will go.

OK thanks, will get back on the case this week and try get the focus back on why I want to stop.


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