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Fork Handles 07-13-2012 06:50 AM

Wouldn't that be a great windfall for the 3rd division clubs though?
Getting lockout crowds every time they played Rangers?

Assuming the Rangers fans left anything standing after their visit.....:bash:

gonzo 07-13-2012 01:33 PM

Division 3 it is then. Will Scottish football survive Sky pulling out?

soi 2 07-13-2012 02:33 PM

That's what BBC Live are saying - division three. No official statement yet. The SPL could still try and create a SPL 2 league and scupper it. Who knows what will happen, still up in the air...

Can Scottish football survive without Sky, in a word - no. It will be in meltdown.

soi 2 07-13-2012 02:35 PM

One positive... if Rangers do into Division Three we could become the only club in Scotland to have won every league ! There's a Challenge Cup thing for the shit teams too and we've never been in that before lol dancing

soi 2 07-13-2012 02:39 PM

The Rangers websites and forums are updating by the minute... apparently a league restructure is guaranteed to avoid this.

soi 2 07-26-2012 10:16 PM

The Rangers situation changes by the hour.. so I've not bored you guys with all the shit. But here is breaking news or at least a rumour from a credible source.

So far... Rangers have been offered a licence to play in the SFA, divison 3. Rangers need the SPL to agree to transfer their licence. The SPL want a cut of TV money... even when Rangers aren't in their league. That is up to the SFA/ SPL to agree on.

Anyway, Rangers have been threatened with having titles and cups stripped off them. They have apparently agreed to all terms and conditions to join SFA divison 3, apart from this.

From a Rangers facebook page -

Apparently the membership has been agreed and offered to us to sign, it's us that are refusing UNTIL they agree to drop this dual contract investigation.

I know that's maybe not so ground breaking, but it's a new wee twist on things in my opinion and I back our clubs stance on this 100% ... I appreciate it's a risk and we are playing Russian Roulette to an extent, but we can't give them carte blanche to remove titles from us, especially from a bunch of jealous and irrational SPL chairmen. They would like nothing more.

I could always accept the transfer embargo starting on Sept 1st, as that gives us time to get people in and I don't think it's a major issue for the 3rd division anyway - however the titles and honours is a massive thing and would be the final nail in the Scottish football coffin for me. I can and have accepted administration, liquidation, players leaving, 10 point deductions, no Europe for 3 years and relegation to the fourth tier of Scottish football - but not title stripping. Never.

Keep the poker face Rangers.

Now this rumour that is set for tomorrow....

Please guys, don't shoot the messenger - the guy Grant from STV has Tweeted that tomorrow the powers to be will confirm that there's no more Rangers in Scottish football. He says from 6pm tonight all trace of us has been removed at Hampden.

No idea if it's a joke or scare tactics or the truth or plain lies. Tomorrow by 4/5pm we will know one way or another it seems.

Again, just repeating what the STV guy said. I don't know if it's credible.

This is the best source of Ranger's information imho -

No more Rangers.... :unionflag:

soi 2 07-26-2012 10:29 PM

The tweet:

Grant Russell @STVGrant rangers will be informed in the morning its a no go and no show .no sanctions and time has ran out sfl/spl/sfa remove all trace of rangers out of hamden at 6pm tonight

Apparently removed from the SFL website now..


Please note the website is being updated at the present time. League tables fixtures etc are therefore not complete.

Fork Handles 07-27-2012 06:09 AM

Gaz, I wonder if you caught up with what happened to the Melbourne Storm in the Rugby League down here.
They are an expansion team in a League dominated by NSW and Queensland.

They won one title back in the nineties when they first started up, and that was fine.

Then after several years of just being a good team, they started winning everything. Probably had the best four or five players in the country on their books. Took the title in 2007 and 2009. Then in early 2010 they were found guilty of massively breaching the salary cap. Got stripped of those two titles, and the points they had to that time in the 2010 season...and were forced to play out the year in 'dead rubbers'. ie, Any team they were drawn against were awarded the two points, regardless of the result of the match.
But surprisingly they continued to win games, much to the embarrassment of the administration.
Officially now, all the players in those premiership squads are recorded as having never played in the champion side. The league records show no team won the comp. I believe it has been completely gutting for those guys.
To think all those great Rangers players ( even to a green and white lad like me) could have their history re-written is totally out of order. It reminds me of a Ray Bradbury or George Orwell story, power-brokers changing written history to suit their own version of political correctness.

I hope it's met with fiery torches and battleaxes, and blue painted faces. :kenshin2:

soi 2 07-27-2012 08:59 AM

Fork, I wasn't aware of the Melbourne Storm certainly some parallels between what happened to them and what some people would like to happen to Rangers here.

Jealous rival chairmen that run the game would like to strip Rangers of titles and cripple them forever. Ex Celt Jackie MacNamara gave an interview yesterday and he was saying if he was posted two Scottish Cup medals now, it would mean nothing to him, having lost two finals to Rangers. Others are less charitable like Neil Lennon. Saying that Rangers 'financial doping' cost managers jobs and rival players win bonuses etc.

One interesting story to come out of this is that the Rangers goalkeeper at the time, Stefan Klos was paid more than David Beckham was getting at Man U at the same time. Madness and no wonder Rangers are in crisis now.

It won't come to it, I don't think but I'd back Charles Green to fight this, even if it means no football next year.

soi 2 07-27-2012 12:15 PM

Daily Telegraph is a credible source, their link to the story. I'm off to work now... no doubt hear what happens there.

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