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tommiecoughlin 07-12-2010 11:19 AM

pretty come they needed the glove and you didn't?:detective:

ROLAND 07-12-2010 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by tommiecoughlin (Post 184531)
pretty come they needed the glove and you didn't?:detective:

They were hoping the hawk would rip his fucking head off

Mirkwood 07-12-2010 12:24 PM


pretty come they needed the glove and you didn't?
I did need it.
I didn't film myself nearly crying 2 minutes afterwards.:cursing:

ROLAND 07-12-2010 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 184533)
I did need it.
I didn't film myself nearly crying 2 minutes afterwards.:cursing:

Shame as that would have given me hours of fun watching it repeatedly

bouncer 07-13-2010 03:28 AM

more movies mirky........ it has to go wrong somtime.........

Mirkwood 07-14-2010 11:30 AM


more movies mirky........ it has to go wrong somtime.........
Oh it did mate. It really did.

2 days ago. Porno and I got up early. 6am to take Odin flying before work. We live next to a lovely lake and it was great non windy sunny day.

Walked miles then let him go in an area without too many trees. He was flying fantastic, way over the lake.

We decided it was time to go home and started blowing the whistle so he returned to the glove. At first he came back but flew up the top of a tree nearby. He does this sometimes. Doesn't always come back first time. We blow the whistle a few times then wave chicken in the air. That gets him back instantly.

Anyway, he suddenly shoots off like a bullet chasing after a bird. Next thing he's gone. Totally out of sight. Last we saw he was heading over Bangkok miles away. We were gutted and didn't know what to do. I'd been flying him without telemetry as he's so good at returning.

It just shows what you will do when family is involved. We ended up running through high grass, trees and jungle looking for him. Must be loads of snakes/scorpions but we both didn't care.

Found him up another tree but he wouldn't come back.

In the end it he flew off again. No sign. We walked round for a couple of hours then had to go home. It was so hot.

Rang our hawk teacher and he told us not to worry as he would come back when he was hungry.

We have spent the last 2 days getting up at 5am, walking in jungle blowing poxy whistles and waving chicken trying to find him. Once or twice he has seen us and flown past. It's been mental.

Porno has been there alone searching most of the day. I told her it was too dodgy as it's a lonely spot and some Thai cunt will probably rape her. She said don't worry I take care myself and produced a Rambo style knife :bravo:

Anyway, up at 5am this morning for yet another search.

Today had me worried. Not a sign of him. Nothing. I was worried he might have got tangled up in a tree. He wears leg jesses. No way could he survive on his own now. To lose him means he will die 100%. I thought he'd just flown off for good.

We were both gutted to the max. Fuck the money even though he's cost a fortune. Last week was a 15,000 baht shell out alone.
Not that. We've had him from a chic. We love him to bits. He's a bastard. Bites everyone, screeches us awake in the mornings and hisses when you go near him. Fierce but lovely. Couldn't imagine being without him. I love the lifestyle of having a falcon. It's fantastic.

I had a flight to Singapore to catch and was down in the dumps.

Porno went looking again. I rang her but she hadn't seen him. She has been near tears 24/7.

The bloke at hawk school turned up and helped her search. I thought that was good of him. Wouldn't take taxi money either. He promised me he would come back. He said people lose them for 5 days sometimes. I wasn't convinced.

As I was about to board the plane Porno rang and said she'd seen Odin again. She said he just looked a her and flew past. I was happy he was still in the area anyway. Knew there might be a chance. All the hawk school were coming tonight to help search for him. They have been great.

When I landed in Singapore my phone rang immediately. It was Porno.
She'd gone home but had returned after a shower and drink. Odin was in a coconut tree where we first let him off.

She blew the whistle and he flew straight to the glove. She said she cried her eyes out.

Honest to god I feel so relieved and happy he's back. She put the phone near him and I heard the familiar screech and hisses.

Fair play to the trainer. Fucking geezer is the bollocks.

Turns out we had made a big mistake.

You have to keep a hawk hungry. I don't like this part. Not just hungry in fact near starving to death. He shouldn't weigh over so much.

We had been giving him tit bits and not paying enough attention.

It's shit but he's going to have to be the correct weight otherwise this will happen again. It's worked out ok this time but might have gone bandy.

Happy in Singapore.

KeeNeow 07-14-2010 11:49 AM

Talking on a phone to a fucking bird, you have definitely lost it. I suppose Somchai's training consisted of not feeding him until he was hungry enough to hunt. I could have done that for 1000 baht.

ROLAND 07-14-2010 11:53 AM

It's time someone put Milkpot on the plane home

InCider 07-15-2010 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 184533)
I did need it.
I didn't film myself nearly crying 2 minutes afterwards.:cursing:

How is it you and your missus attended the inaugural flight without a glove between you? :detective:


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 184715)
Turns out we had made a big mistake. You have to keep a hawk hungry. I don't like this part. Not just hungry in fact near starving to death. He shouldn't weigh over so much.

Aye, much the same with Thai women - sometimes you have to treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen :thumbsup:

Mirkwood 07-30-2010 08:06 AM

I just found out.

Odin may be a transsexual. :ohno:

I've just come back from Hawk school. Odin's having his yearly moult. Changing colour like. Bloke said Odin is probably female.

I'm devastated. My Hawks like every other bastard thing in this country. Either gay, LB, both or confused :malletfight:

monkeyspanker 07-30-2010 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 185739)

I'm devastated. My Hawks like every other bastard thing in this country. Either gay, LB, both or confused :malletfight:

thats just in your apartment

whats the poor fucker going to think, your shacked up with your Aussie boyfriend Damien and Porno`s trying to shag any bird she can.

Good job theres no thai version of Oprah or you would be first to be interviewed

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