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yusamile 04-05-2008 09:54 PM

I'm similar to Mirkwood. Some guys can put on a 6 inch thick condom and still blow their load. I used to have a GF who was a hooker before i met her, she had an old greek customer who used to put on 5 condoms and fuck her up the arse and blow his load.....But me i see condom and its over. If you can use them with no reduction in sensory pleasure then do so is my suggestion.

I did start to use Kamagra on this last trip for girls who would insist on a condom and i found this would keep me hard but i couldn't finish with it on. This is one of the reasons i like to spend at least 2 of my 3 month stay with a LT, someone i feel safe with. I have never had an STD and i bareback prob 90% of the time. I think the stats regarding HIV are unreliable and i think the number of girls working with STD's would be quite low.

I know someone who has been barebacking in LoS for about 20 years and has never caught anything. Except 1 STD......Sexually Transmitted Domestication ....Watch out for this one, can be fatal :angrywife::angrywife::angrywife:

bkp 04-05-2008 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by yusamile (Post 94691)
I know someone who has been barebacking in LoS for about 20 years and has never caught anything. Except 1 STD......Sexually Transmitted Domestication ....Watch out for this one, can be fatal :angrywife::angrywife::angrywife:

This Sam Kinison bit still hits the spot for me where Sexually Transmitted Domestication is concerned.

mack 04-06-2008 02:13 AM

I wonder if the guy in the audience followed Sam's advice not to get married?

nosehair 04-06-2008 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 94663)

In the history of message boards nobody has ever caught HIV from a girl. That includes Barrief from FLB who was shagging bareback with an infected girl for a couple of years.

Read story on

....barrief doesn't strike me as a pillar of a matter of fact...I choose not to put much credence in anything he claims.....

I remember watching the "Tequila" video on the FLB board.... barrief was thrusting his tounge down the throat of a could see it in her eyes she wanted out of that situation and she indeed quit soon after that episode.....that guys gives me the creeps.

routeman 04-06-2008 04:53 AM

Have to agree his latest best seller serialised on a couple of boards makes Soi 7's hospital drama impossible to put down!
However I do like his girlie blouses!

Mirkwood 04-06-2008 05:46 AM


Have you had any that insist on you wearing a condom? Would you talk them out of it, offer more baht or look for a different girl?
No, I'd never ask a girl to go BB.
I normally have a little shag when doing ST with one on but go for the finish in mouth ending.

If I go LT with a girl, I've found 99% of them ask you if you want to get a blood test together so you don't have to use them. To be fair though I only go LT with Soi 6 girls so maybe it's the norm down there.

I do happen to know if you ask for BB it aint gonna happen.

I think its something thet reserve for regulars.

Elvis 04-06-2008 12:08 PM

last time in pattaya went few nights same lady she no like bareback she good for you good for me .
then after 4 nights she said she never felt so good wanted me to do bareback .
i like it when a girl wants condom this to me means she is carefull

adamski69 04-06-2008 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Mirkwood (Post 94675)
I barebacked 3 birds in 1 day down Soi 6. That was up the arse as well.

Sabai Dee's.
Jade House.
I've done the lot me. :MyEmoticons-com__po

Lemmings ring a bell!!

:sheep shagger:

ruhorny 04-07-2008 04:33 AM

As much as I hate the FN things I would feel better if the chick insisted for the first couple of times at least it shows she is trying to take care of herself,after I had a chance to see her personal hygene habits I might risk a BB.I would rather be a live chicken than a dead duck.:dointhebizz:

Mirkwood 04-08-2008 04:22 AM

Here read this.

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