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soi 2 08-26-2012 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by gonzo (Post 218804)
I take it you don't have Naismith or Whittaker in your fantasy footy team then mate? :msn_wink:

No... lol. I always used to bung in an ex Rangers player for a laugh but not this year !

soi 2 08-26-2012 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by ROLAND (Post 218805)
I watched the game on ESPN today and all a bit surreal, good news for the smaller clubs though as they are making a fair bit of cash out of it and for some a difference between survival and going under.

Yeah good luck to the smaller clubs. If it keeps them going and makes life a bit easier for a year or two that's great.

There was some rumour going about that if Rangers drew an SPL club in one of the cups. Charles Green was going make the tickets £1 and the programme £14 and you had to buy a programme as well as the ticket. The SPL club they were playing only got a share of the ticket money... brilliant if possible. But I believe both clubs have to agree on the price of tickets.

ROLAND 08-30-2012 07:17 PM

Even worse news now Celtic have drawn Barcelona whilst Rangers are playing East Stirling, the financial gap between the 2 is going to be hard to ever get back on a level playing field

soi 2 08-30-2012 07:37 PM

Rangers will be back in five years or so. It'll take a couple of seasons in the SPL again to gather a team together and move forward.

Champions League group stage money is nice but it's not going to change everything in Scotland. Rangers and Celtic will still be in the shadow of the Premier League and even the big Championship teams when it comes to spending power. Champions League prize money is fuck all compared to Sky TV money.

ROLAND 08-30-2012 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by soi 2 (Post 218844)
Rangers will be back in five years or so. It'll take a couple of seasons in the SPL again to gather a team together and move forward.

Champions League group stage money is nice but it's not going to change everything in Scotland. Rangers and Celtic will still be in the shadow of the Premier League and even the big Championship teams when it comes to spending power. Champions League prize money is fuck all compared to Sky TV money.

It will make the SPL the worse competition, if you can use that word , in football, Celtic first the rest nowhere for a few years, who is going to be interested in watching that ?

The only interest for us neutrals was watching Celtic & Rangers kick lumps out of each other 4 times a year for Sunday lunchtime entertainment.

soi 2 08-30-2012 08:39 PM

The SPL is shit already. I haven't watched one game this year, I'm not interested.

You're right though it's going to be even worse. So bad in fact that I'd think Celtic will suffer too in the next couple of seasons. When Celtic have the league won by the end of November, who's going to bother spending an afternoon shivering watching Celtic thrash Dundee etc. ? I can see Celtic playing in front of some low gates soon.

The SPL know this, they're not daft and are trying to restructure the leagues here. So there is an SPL 1 and SPL 2 of 16 teams each and this will cut Rangers journey back to the top flight by a year.

ROLAND 08-31-2012 03:59 PM

True, no competition, no fans so in the end Celtic may get a short term financial boost but in the end will suffer the same as every other team.

Trouble is what could they do ? Not punish Rangers ?

soi 2 08-31-2012 09:57 PM

The SPL really wanted Rangers to go into the First Division. Not have premier football for one year then come back. Unfortunately for them the other clubs in the SFA didn't see it that way and insisted a club joining them starts at the bottom. Shows the stupidity of a small country having multiple governing bodies.

One of the Italian teams, was it Juventus ? Got done for match fixing and they only went down one league. Something similar would have been an adequate punishment I'd have thought. Even though the problems with Rangers finances (which were signed off every year by the games governing bodies) do not in my opinion come close to the blatant cheating and dishonesty of match fixing.

Fork Handles 09-01-2012 05:18 AM

Speaking of which, Del Piero has just signed to play for Sydney.

Appropriate, really.

soi 2 09-08-2012 09:22 AM

Looking at facebook today and the Serbian flags and good luck Serbia messages are out in force on people's pages. This is different, really different for a Scotland game.


September 8, 2012 · by billmcmurdo · in Uncategorized
On the day of Scotland’s first World Cup qualifier of the new campaign, the country is divided over the issue of whether to support the team.

This is the legacy of recent bitter battles between the Scottish Football Association and The Rangers FC; however, it is the culmination of years of alienation of Rangers fans carried out by certain sections of the Scotland support.

The recent booing of Rangers player Ian Black summed up the rancid hostility felt by the Tartan Army toward Rangers and its players.

Of course, Rangers Football Club has a bigger active support base than the Tartan Army will ever have.

This is why Scotland is divided on this sad day.

Even Rangers fans who remained loyal in their support of Scotland over the past couple of decades have had enough.

And Rangers manager Ally McCoist’s noble, if misguided, attempt to point out to Rangers supporters that the SFA and the Scotland team are not the same entity has fallen on deaf ears.

For my part, I grew up supporting Rangers and Scotland. My dad would take me to Scotland games and it would be like he and I were the only ones singing the national anthem amid a wall of boos. This was when Scotland sang the real national anthem – the days before a Kenny Rogers look-alike in a kilt took to the field after singing a rebel song and shouting “Come On Scotland!” in what can only be described as a camp Braveheart takeoff.

I stopped supporting Scotland a long time ago. When I did, there were only a few, it seemed, felt like I did among my fellow bluenoses.

Now it’s an army of us.

For me, as for many others, there is only one team in Scotland. I am content to think that the team I support represents both Scotland and Great Britain. That is the great thing about Rangers – it is more than a club, more than a football team. It is the very expression of national pride and identity.

I confess to having a wee laugh at the rabid bunch of English-haters and mockers of the British Throne who infest the ranks of Scotland supporters. They are cheering on a team with the most ancient and venerable of Royal emblems on their shirts – the Lion Rampant, which is the Royal Flag of Scotland.

Those who have politicised Scottish football by targeting Rangers as a bastion of Unionism, thus creating the awful rift that divides, not only the football-supporting public in Scotland but the nation at large, have a lot to answer for.

Their attempts to polarise Scottish society are now clearly distinguished in footballing terms, with people supporting the nationalist team of Scotland or the British team of Rangers.

A divided land – exactly their aim.

Only Rangers fans are not buying it. Most do not see being Scottish and British as mutually exclusive but as a both/and concept.

I myself am fiercely Scottish and proudly British. Scottish by birth and British by choice.

I won’t be supporting Scotland today, nor will I feel any guilt about it.

My own preference now, very much bolstered by the recent Olympics, is for a Great Britain national side.

Great Britain is the nation I live in.

That is why I no longer refer to Scotland as the national side.

As the Tartan Army keep telling us when they belt out their anthem of hate – Scotland is not a nation.

For once, I agree with them.

Personally I'd like to see Scotland do well but I'm starting to hate the Tartan Army. :bigfinger

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